Homecoming - A Demon Within 2is an experiment in horror and the conclusion to the Yok sagaof custom experiences. Using mechanics from popular horror games like Outlast, The Joy of Creation, and Alien Isolation, it attempts to reinvent the horror experience, and ultimately make the player suffer.
Michael Pearsons is an investigative reporter who is willing to dig deep into the stories nobody else would dare touch. After receiving an anonymous tip about a factory near the edge of the Mojave desert, he goes to investigate, and discovers beings too strong to fight back against and a corruption so profound, going insane may be the only thing to do...
The advantage with your method, though, is that you can use full NBT on the items, whereas on the website, you can only change the name of the result item.
V1.4 (The Halloween Update that has nothing to do with Halloween):
-There is now a seperate download for the 1.9 Beta.
-Changed the way that Boosting works.
-Changed the title banners.
-Fixed a bug involving boosting when your meter is lower than 15.
-Created a mystery as to where I put Bacon Man and Pancake Pal.
-Added Iron Boost Pads, which refill your boost completely, but take longer to recharge.
-Changed the fill clock to 20hz, making mechanics run faster.
-Fixed a (very small) typo in the terms of use.
-Added the option to make the bar on top move or not.
-Added more color to the items.
-Changed the sound that plays when a goal is scored.
-Made the arena floor Prismarine by default.
-Got rid of a few banners, as they were a bit of an eyesore.
-Added a visual effect that shows when a boost pad is recharging.
-Removed the in-game Changelog. It was pointless.
-Added fans that now watch the games.
-Replaced some signs with holograms.
Resource Pack Changes:
-The ball is now round.
-Changed the way the grass looks. It's now more of an artifical turf field.
Version 1.3 (The CurseForge Release):
-The Map is now available on CurseForge!
-Decorated the walls of the arena.
-Moved Bacon Man and Pancake Pal.
-Changed the way the Title is displayed.
-Added the "Hall of Aquaintences".
-Added "Terms of Use".
-Added Boost Pads.
-Added the ability to change the arena floor.
-Put the changelog in the map. (Have fun finding it!)
Yes, the ball's supposed to float. I decided to do that to show how big the ball's hitbox is. The next update will make the arena larger and make it so that the ball is being slightly rocketed into the air.
Homecoming - A Demon Within 2 is an experiment in horror and the conclusion to the Yok saga of custom experiences. Using mechanics from popular horror games like Outlast, The Joy of Creation, and Alien Isolation, it attempts to reinvent the horror experience, and ultimately make the player suffer.
Michael Pearsons is an investigative reporter who is willing to dig deep into the stories nobody else would dare touch. After receiving an anonymous tip about a factory near the edge of the Mojave desert, he goes to investigate, and discovers beings too strong to fight back against and a corruption so profound, going insane may be the only thing to do...
This is merely a demo used to gather feedback for the full map.
All textures used with permission from RedXuchilbara's Silent Hill Resource Pack
Does anyone have any certain requests? I've been running low on ideas lately.
I was referring to actual items, instead of using a method involving Villagers or something.
First, you'll wanna add 2 scoreboard objectives :
/scoreboard objectives add hasArrow dummy
/scoreboard objectives add useGun stat.useItem.minecraft.carrot_on_a_stick
Next, you'll have to set up a vertical fill clock, then put these commands in (Command 1 is at the bottom of the clock, and Command 5 at the top):
1:/scoreboard players set @a hasArrow 0
2:/scoreboard players set @a hasArrow 1 {Inventory:[{id:"minecraft:arrow"}]}
That'll set your hasArrow score to 1 if you have arrows in your inventory.
3:/clear @a[score_useGun_min=1] arrow 0 1
4:/scoreboard players set @a[score_useGun_min=1] useGun 0
5:/clear @a[score_hasArrow=0] carrot_on_a_stick
hope I helped
The only item that can be used to detect right-clicking anywhere, anytime, is a Carrot on a Stick.
As such, you'll need to use this scoreboard objective:
/scoreboard objectives add carrotUse stat.useItem.minecraft.carrot_on_a_stick
Next, hook these two commands up to a fill clock:
1:/execute @a[score_carrotUse_min=1] ~ ~ ~ /summon PrimedTnt ~ ~ ~
2:/scoreboard players set @a[score_carrotUse_min=1] carrotUse 0
Make sure that the second command is activated after the first command.
MCLabs15 made a website that allows you to make colored text for /give, /say, and /summon!
Refer to this page on the Minecraft Wiki to find out what the formatting codes are. (Just replace § with &.)
...or you could use this handy little website by MrGarretto.
The advantage with your method, though, is that you can use full NBT on the items, whereas on the website, you can only change the name of the result item.
(Sorry it took so long)
You asked for Tesla Towers, you got more than what you bargained for!
I present to you - Electric Weapons in One Command!
This has Tesla Towers, like you asked, as well as Lightning Bolt Launchers and Sentries that spread bolts around them!
EDIT: Updated the link for the form.
This post was created for people to suggest Concepts in One Command.
There are 2 ways to suggest.
1: Click here for an easy form.
2: Leave the name of your idea in a reply to this thread, along with a quick explanation of the idea.
Finished Creations:
-Electric Weapons (Suggested by Merpp)
Click here to see my previous creations.
This is the largest update I have ever made.
V1.4 (The Halloween Update that has nothing to do with Halloween):
-There is now a seperate download for the 1.9 Beta.
-Changed the way that Boosting works.
-Changed the title banners.
-Fixed a bug involving boosting when your meter is lower than 15.
-Created a mystery as to where I put Bacon Man and Pancake Pal.
-Added Iron Boost Pads, which refill your boost completely, but take longer to recharge.
-Changed the fill clock to 20hz, making mechanics run faster.
-Fixed a (very small) typo in the terms of use.
-Added the option to make the bar on top move or not.
-Added more color to the items.
-Changed the sound that plays when a goal is scored.
-Made the arena floor Prismarine by default.
-Got rid of a few banners, as they were a bit of an eyesore.
-Added a visual effect that shows when a boost pad is recharging.
-Removed the in-game Changelog. It was pointless.
-Added fans that now watch the games.
-Replaced some signs with holograms.
Resource Pack Changes:
-The ball is now round.
-Changed the way the grass looks. It's now more of an artifical turf field.
ikr so many
Version 1.3 (The CurseForge Release):
-The Map is now available on CurseForge!
-Decorated the walls of the arena.
-Moved Bacon Man and Pancake Pal.
-Changed the way the Title is displayed.
-Added the "Hall of Aquaintences".
-Added "Terms of Use".
-Added Boost Pads.
-Added the ability to change the arena floor.
-Put the changelog in the map. (Have fun finding it!)
2 updates in 1 day? cool cool. This one is small though.
Version 1.2:
-Added a debug room, used to reset things and change the floor of the arena.
-Implemented a boost mechanic. The amount of boost you have is shown above your XP bar.
Updated to Version 1.1:
-Made things more aesthetically pleasing.
-Made the map a little bit bigger.
-Made the ball bigger, and made it rocket-propelled into the air.
Yes, the ball's supposed to float. I decided to do that to show how big the ball's hitbox is. The next update will make the arena larger and make it so that the ball is being slightly rocketed into the air.