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    posted a message on Asgard Shield: Sword -n- Board Action: *Next Upate 1.8 Release [V2.0.4 upd: MAY 26]
    Well well well... Looks like Forge has an early 1.8 version in testings ^_^

    Its been a long while @_@, but first lets do the good and Bad news.

    Good News:

    Forge is catching up to 1.8, and with it I can start Updating my mods. Yay!!

    Bad News:

    I lost my HD to a fatal crash last month.... meaning I have lost all my Scr. Code.. T_T along with any mods I had in the works.

    What does this mean?:

    Means I need to sorta start fresh on the coding (Which isn't really all that bad), have to refind/install all my Mod making programs, and lastly see what Forge looks like with the new Changes.

    I have made a Promise to many fellow Minecrafters to updates this Mod... I shall do my best and get to work ^_-
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Harken Scythe: Reap -What- You Sow *Biomass Blocks and Adjustments*[V2.1.6 UPD: MAY 14]
    Sadly we are all in the same boat now with Microsoft at the helm. Wither this ship sinks or sails... or how many people jump the plank. Only time will tell.

    Forge is still currently updating for 1.8, seems Lex lost a few helping hands meaning he has a lot more work load now.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Harken Scythe: Reap -What- You Sow *Biomass Blocks and Adjustments*[V2.1.6 UPD: MAY 14]
    Don't worry guys, I am actively checking Forge everyday for an 1.8 Update :) Soon as that is complete, its go time!!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Asgard Shield: Sword -n- Board Action: *Next Upate 1.8 Release [V2.0.4 upd: MAY 26]
    Vanguard will gain new bonuses with the Gemstone Socketing. Being able to do an AOE that sets things on fire (via Nether Quartz Sockets) or a Holy Blast with the new Prismarine Crystals from the fishes.
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    posted a message on Asgard Shield: Sword -n- Board Action: *Next Upate 1.8 Release [V2.0.4 upd: MAY 26]
    Sounds pretty much summed up Void.
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    posted a message on Asgard Shield: Sword -n- Board Action: *Next Upate 1.8 Release [V2.0.4 upd: MAY 26]
    Onslaught will have its own version of the Vanguard Gauge, this "O-gauge" will house the gui to let the player know when its ready (off cooldown / activate-able).

    V-gauge will only be usable while a shield is equipped like normal, but will be override by O-Gauge when a giant sword is in the players hand. As for the possibility of both O and V-gauge being on cooldown after O-gauge is used (to prevent odd giant sword switch to shield ability abuse) is easily done.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Asgard Shield: Sword -n- Board Action: *Next Upate 1.8 Release [V2.0.4 upd: MAY 26]
    mob kill ...I would reject that,it will be harder to trigger onslaught when in nether or the end(or other harder realm from other mods)

    I'm thinking if the onslaught can be not a heavy strike,but a effect more like enraged

    player get a strength(1-2) and small resistent for short time(~5-10sec)

    but can't use any block(neither shields or giant sowrd) in the period

    so the onslaught will be like increas your attack power,but give up defence

    it will be great for 1v1,and also increase risk of sneak attack during team fights

    the gauge is filled up by damage block by the giant sword,to trigger,click crouch key

    of course,still have cooldown

    Interesting idea... once the new code is shown for 1.8, have to see how it works out :)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Asgard Shield: Sword -n- Board Action: *Next Upate 1.8 Release [V2.0.4 upd: MAY 26]
    lil'suggestion,after using the onslaught hit(which should be a high damage hit,right?)

    give the player a fatique effect for 1-2 sec,as a compensation-loss

    it would be too opin pvp as some server may be able to let player have haste,faster swing

    or you can also give a cool down to the onsluaght

    for example ~20 sec

    Aye, Onslaught will have to be watched carefully when its added. One of the main reasons the Giant Swords never had a special ability was because of their additional attack power. However seems to be many people requesting a "Vanguard" Type ability for them... so lets see what happens XD.

    Another possibility would to only allow the Onslaught to charge up by hostile mob kills rather then Hits.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Asgard Shield: Sword -n- Board Action: *Next Upate 1.8 Release [V2.0.4 upd: MAY 26]
    1.8 Is just around the corner so those who are looking for an update just hang on a bit longer :)

    Below is a sneak peak at a few additional features that will be added in the 1.8 update. (Long as coding allows for it after all the internal changes)

    1.8 New Features:
    Shield and Giant Sword Gem Socketing:

    -Allows Shields to be Enhanced with Offensive Enchants, Which are only applied during the Vanguard AOE Knockback ability.

    -Allows Giant Swords to be Enhanced with Defensive Enchants. These effects are always present.

    -Sockets are crafted with 4 gold nuggets and a Gem Stone.


    Gemstone types and effects: Shield / Gemstone / Giant Sword Effect
    Sharpness / Diamond / Protection
    Bane of Arthopods / Emerald / Blast Protection
    Smite / Prismarine Crystal / Projectile Protection
    Flame / Nether Quartz / Fire Protection

    -Socket Ranks and limits

    *Each Socket Yields 1 Rank of Gemstone's Effect to equipment
    *Multiple Types of Sockets may not be added to a equipment, each new stock overrides the old socket
    *Sockets are consumed during the attachment to equipment

    *Max Ranks: Shield Max / Gemstone / Giant Sword Max

    V / Diamond / IV
    V / Emerald / IV
    V / Prismarine Crystal / IV
    II / Nether Quartz / IV

    Socketing Tool: A special tool that allows sockets to be embedded into Shields and Giant Swords.

    Crafted by: Stick, Lapis Lazuli x2, Slimeball

    *The Socketing tool crafts in a non-charged state*
    *The Socketing tool must be charged with exp from the player by right clicking while the item is in hand. Cost 2 Levels.

    Adding Sockets to Shields and Giant Swords. Shapeless Recipe
    Gemstone(s) (of the same type) + Shield or Giant Sword + Socketing Tool (Charged).

    *The newly Uncharged Socketing Tool will be placed back into the player inventory*

    Giant Sword Onslaught Ability:

    These New feature allows Giant Swords the ability to unleash a powerful attack much like the Vanguard Shield ability. However this gauge fills up each time the player combos attacks together (5), then is usable as a combo finisher.

    Onslaught Gauge will slowly deplete if not used after a combo is preformed.


    Q: Will these new features be included into the Core aspect of Asgard Shield Mod?
    A: I believe I will create this as an Addon for now, that way the Core Mod is faithful to Vanilla 100%.
    *However this could change if everyone enjoys the Socketing and Onslaught Ability*

    Q: Will there ever be Left Hand Rendering of Shields?
    A: I have to see what the new rendering code looks like first. I myself would like to see this happen, however I firmly Believe Functionality first then... Cosmetics.

    Ask any questions you wish to ask :)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Asgard Shield: Sword -n- Board Action: *Next Upate 1.8 Release [V2.0.4 upd: MAY 26]
    Quote from dizzysoul

    Welcome back!

    Forge just released an update for 1.7.10, which is great news! However, I think an official 1.8 release from Mojang is going to be very buggy, and while forge will probably also release an update to 1.8, they will be very buggy as well. It's going to be a rocky road.

    Maybe I'm biased, but I think releasing an update for 1.7.10 is more realistic than waiting for an update to a stable version of 1.8, which might be far off in the future.

    Fair enough point and I do understand where your coming from :)

    However (Yeah I know, blah), Mojang has stated that many code changes have been done for 1.8 Such as...

    Models for all Blocks and Items
    New Rendering code
    New Block states (not sure if it replaces old Meta Data)
    and a few others.

    I have a feeling I am going need to do alot of changes to my old code, since I guess now Forge is compatible with MCPC now (Prob butchered the name >.<) so I don't even know what that coding looks like yet XD

    Going to spend some time researching
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Asgard Shield: Sword -n- Board Action: *Next Upate 1.8 Release [V2.0.4 upd: MAY 26]
    Sorry VoidShadowWolf19c T_T
    Its been on heck of a year and finally I am at a spot where I have some free time again.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Harken Scythe: Reap -What- You Sow *Biomass Blocks and Adjustments*[V2.1.6 UPD: MAY 14]
    Wow such craziness has gone on *reading through the thread* @_@

    I figured there are some really neat mods out there that sorta replaced them mod... Blood magic, to name one XD

    If you guys really want an update to this i'll see what I can do (Nothing will be updated till 1.8 tho).

    Going to continue to read the past, and maybe think of some fresh content / changes.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Asgard Shield: Sword -n- Board Action: *Next Upate 1.8 Release [V2.0.4 upd: MAY 26]
    *Steps back from the shadows*

    Hello all, I took a long break working on many other projects for other games // Playing other games (ESO, Streaming, ect).

    After reading through many of these posts, its safe to say Asgard Shield will be updated to 1.8 when its released. (Providing that a Forge Update is ready)

    I personally want to thank you all for you continuing support even after the year that has gone by while I was away.

    It seems this thread needs some photo updates, a photo service, and over all clean up. Seems I got quite a bit of work ahead of me @_@
    -Thank you
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Harken Scythe: Reap -What- You Sow *Biomass Blocks and Adjustments*[V2.1.6 UPD: MAY 14]
    Make sure a soul(s) are close by while chanting from the Necronomicon.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Asgard Shield: Sword -n- Board Action: *Next Upate 1.8 Release [V2.0.4 upd: MAY 26]
    Honestly I have no a clue, Knowing Mojang there will be many more 1.6 versions poping out quickly. I havn't even begun seeing how mods work now =/

    Yes 1.6 has bought so neat things to Minecraft, but man.... how cruel Mojang is on the lack of thinking about modders (Which I firmly believe keeps Minecraft popular).
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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