Welcome. Ever wanted a superflat world where it's of your favorite block and then you can go and explode villages? Or do you want a 1 layer world with villages with no roads? Well, I am going to teach you how to make your own superflat world without MODS!
Okay, create a new world.
In the world options, switch the world type to Superflat and click Customize. There, click Presets. Now delete the text in the box at the top and I'll show you what you can do with the basics.
Do NOT go over layer 255. Or Minecraft will crash.
The order of layers is from layer 0 to layer 255(left to right).
The last statement does not need a semicolon at the end.
Block ID list: http://www.minecraft...alues#Block_IDs
Now let's get started!
Type in the box to start 2;. This is the version number, so if this gets updated, you can still use this code.
Next, after the ;, type an id (Ex. 7(Bedrock)). Don't type a semicolon this time; instead, add a comma for an extra layer.
Now here is how to make a block in multiple layers. Let's say you want to make 2 layers of dirt. Type axb,. a is the amount of layers the block will have, and b is the block id(0 - 255). We're done with that.
We're going to top it off with a grass block layer(yes, we're making Classic Superflat). This time type 2 and close it with a semicolon. It should look like "2;7,2x3,2;".
After that code, type a biome ID then end it off with a semicolon.
Biome IDs (as said by netrun64:)
0- Ocean
1- Plains
2- Desert
3- Extreme Hills
4- Forest
5- Taiga
6- Swampland
7- River
8- Hell(this is REALLY hard XD)
9- Sky
10- FrozenOcean
11- FrozenRiver
12- Ice Plains
13- Ice Mountains
14- MushroomIsland
15- MushroomIslandShore
16- Beach
17- DesertHills
18- ForestHills
19- TaigaHills
20- Extreme Hills Edge
21- Jungle
22- JungleHills
Then add your decorators.
Here is a list of some of the fun ones:
biome_1: Ores spawn! (Note: Stone must be in the preset.)
village: Villages will spawn in your world.
stronghold: Strongholds will spawn in your world.
mineshaft: Mineshafts will spawn in your world.
lake: Water lakes will spawn in your world. Try adding the prefix lava_ for lava lakes.
decoration: Biome decoration will spawn(Ex. Trees, tall grass, etc.)
dungeon: Dungeons will spawn in your world.
Also, thanks to 15,000 views, I will help you with using my mod's blocks.
200: Sky Gem Ore
201: Block Of Sky Gems
202: Sky Stone
203: Bacontite Ore
204: Block of Bacontite

26th: I did, thank god I didn't get any infraction points though.
Also provide the link to this thread
He did most of the work, making a WHOLE DAMN GAME ENGINE FROM SCRATCH.
He also didn't complicate everything... now that he is gone, all the lighting systems and stuff are so complex they don't know how to fix it.
Can we get an answer for this? I can't figure it out. I'm running Mac OSX 10.10.1 (Yosemite) aswell.
Click here if your on mac/linux: https://s3.amazonaws.com/Minecraft.Download/versions/1.8/minecraft_server.1.8.jar
^ Not viruses, ripped right out of the minecraft.net page.
Put these into a folder, for mac you need to make an extra file called "start.command" with textedit and inside put
java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui
If you already know how to setup a server, just replace the old minecraft_server.jar or .exe with the new one and run it once/
Name: :costume:
This is my first proper animated gif, please don't judge me :c.
The fill clock causes no lag, you can keep block drops on, and it doesn't look at cool but it is better.
Then where is the personality? Where's the creativity? Where's the message saying that there is a person who likes ponies or that there is someone on the other side? There would be no soul without the things.
Will you choose just one, two, or how many? Choose mine pweez!
I would of animated it, but you know.