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    posted a message on AoA--25 New Dimensions• 330 Mobs• 27 Bosses• Skills• Quests• 600+Items [LARGE Bugfix Update, May 2018]
    Quote from AugiteSoul»

    One of the rules when you make stuff:
    Never. Say. A. Release day.

    +1 can relate. I was very tempted to put an EDD on Taoism. Now I'm glad I didn't—it's been 3 months since the last release and there are 2000 more errors. When someone asks you a question, there is only one legitimate answer anyways.
    "When it's ready."
    -Blizzard Studios
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on AoA--25 New Dimensions• 330 Mobs• 27 Bosses• Skills• Quests• 600+Items [LARGE Bugfix Update, May 2018]
    Quote from shadowdragon25»

    How's that AoA improvement addon going?

    Taking a break because my texturer in my other mod (shameless plug) is growing impatient. Some pics from development:

    Quote from _Fleega_»

    What does IEEP even mean? Integrated something something something?

    Also, I'm sure I posted something here yesterday but it seems to be missing, weird.


    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from KingEdward9830»

    Only on servers that allow that kind of thing though, honestly doing this on a friendly/no PVP server is idiotic IMO for more reasons than one. And you better watch the Flux levels around the block while doing it as well, the thing is unstable after all. If you're not careful you'll wind up Tainting your own base by accident while doing this kind of thing. Not to mention the operation costs... The whole balancing mechanic for this block is that it is expensive and dangerous to use. And trolling isn't the only application, either: remember, you can spawn any non-boss mob with a spawn egg in the vanilla/Thaumcraft creative inventory by using this block. Some mobs that fall into that category are quite rare normally. And summoning isn't the only thing this block can do, it can also do most enchants up to a higher level than those enchants would normally come in(at the cost of giving the equipment Warping), and move landmasses(similar to /clone but can't duplicate the blocks, only move them from one place to another). I'm also open to other suggestions for abilities, as it needs at least a few more things before the real command block will stop saying: "You're not even good enough to be my fake!" ( :Diamond: This is for whoever figures out what game I just quoted :P )

    I personally feel like resources as a balance mechanic is pretty cheap. I mean, there are a thousand ways to gain said resources in Minecraft. XP? Grinder. Some rare mineral? Quarries. Something that actually requires player activation? Fake players. If it exists, I'm sure there's a way to automate it. Except, of course, real experience on the player's end. Thomas Hobbes, in Leviathan, notes that experience is the most fair in the world, for anyone who dedicates time to it will acquire it proportional to the effort they have put in. Everything else is, at most, a gate, and those get boring in the blink of an eye.
    English class is getting to me.

    On an unrelated side note, a mod I'm making includes meditation mechanics to increase level. What would be the best way to prevent people AFKing overnight to level to infinity? I'm currently thinking of a bottleneck mechanic at every 1/3 increase of the xp gauge, requiring you to find inspiration in fighting and alchemy to continue, and a divine punishment per increase of level, involving lighting, monsters, and fighting yourself. The thing is, the bottleneck can be automated by macros, and the divine punishment can be easily disposed of by golems or automated mob killers. Is there another way to make leveling an actual effort? Also, the end-game player would have to be very powerful, having experienced the wrath of heaven 8 times and defined by lore to be immortal as far as age to be concerned, and each level is already a great increase in power in and of itself. How do I prevent end-game players steamrolling lower-level players or people who went down other paths, like thaumaturgists and botanists? Also, P2W players should have as much of a chance of winning any given match as an F2P, because Chinese servers would sell OP stuff for real money and the players will report to me instead. And I literally get angry just looking at the complaints. Nobody reads the licence in China; I need to limit it by code.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from Evil_Dylan»

    No, it means a boss that can kill admins with an immunity to harmful commands.

    Sounds like DE.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on AoA--25 New Dimensions• 330 Mobs• 27 Bosses• Skills• Quests• 600+Items [LARGE Bugfix Update, May 2018]
    Quote from shadowdragon25»

    I think that for maximum efficiency Xolova should just make the models/textures/dimension generation code - everything else can be done by the community, other coders, etc. without removing the feel of the mod. (Remember, code doesn't "feel" different if someone else does it). It'd probably be better that way because it clearly doesn't work if he does everything (see how long it's been?)

    If anything, someone should just decompile the code, ask Xolova for permission to modify it, and have the community make some tweaks. Not sure if it has been done yet but there really is no other route to go at this point.

    So here's a short list of tweaks/changes that would REALLY help out the mod. Several of them can be done by changing a couple lines of code, though others require a better knowledge of the Forge API.

    Dimension improvement:

    -Add coal and redstone ore to all non-structure AoA dimensions
    -condense them all into a few block ids just to save space
    -Add iron/gold/diamond to iromine and the deeplands.
    -If anyone else has other suggestions like this, make them

    -Add more food, crops, NPCs, structures, blocks, resources to dimensions, make there be more of a point to actually go to said dimension (besides weapons)

    -Oredict all planks, stones

    -All dimensional foods don't really do much, let's fix that (lunarade is cool until you realize it lasts for three seconds)

    -Make portals actually teleport most/all entities, not just players
    -Make portals periodically spawn mobs from the dimension instead of zombie pigmen. No rare mobs, structure mobs, or flying projectile shooters
    -Equal chance between all remaining mobs
    -Creeponia portals should spawn only creepirds
    -Make Creeponia portal frame obsidian, not gravel

    -Fix that portal bug (you know, where it drops you in the void sometimes). That's really nasty


    -EVENT MOB SPAWN CHECK (if dimensionID != 0 don't spawn, most important for fullmoon and lunar mobs but do it for all of them anyways)

    -honestly sick of scrubbies in TF and Mystcraft ages
    -Make all mobs pathfind properly. Someone complained about this once and to be honest it's true, they just walk straight so getting them into lava pits is trivial. Once the AI is created it's just a matter of copying/pasting it into every mob's code

    -Nerf mobs like scrubbies, seriously this kind of fake difficulty needs to go
    -Add a solution to mobs spawning everywhere, like a mini-magnum torch
    -Nerf anemias, chompers
    -Make sphinxes take damage from auxiliary non-melee sources (i.e. lava, fall damage)
    -They take fall damage but I've tested them with gravity guns and it takes a LOT to kill them
    -Give more mobs drops
    -Add text for full moon event


    -Add more GUIs

    -Boss Clear function (triggered if boss is suffocating) currently uses loops to remove all blocks in the area. Should check if block at i, j, k
    is a boss altar or an indestructible block before setting it to air
    -Add creative-only items to raise skills by 1 level, lower skills by 1 level, and max out skills (i.e. set skill value to 100)

    It's been 13 months and counting now and I've lost hope for this, but the community can probably do some/most of the work if the creator has lost so much interest.

    Should be pretty simple to do. I have the source code, so I might fix some of these (AG put some of these up as AoT ideas). Not before Chinese New Year, though. If anyone would like to help, please PM me.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on MineFantasy2 - Alpha

    I remember they worked awhile back. what does the "RegenIvyRecipe" do?

    there's no adjective for describing materials?

    Also would just putting the material string in brackets within the name not do?)

    "RegenIvyRecipe" is likely Botania's timeless ivy recipe, whereby the timeless ivy is placed in the grid with the tool's repair material to make it able to repair via mana. Somehow, MC's functions to get ToolMaterial throw IOBE when they hit 52. Did you, perhaps, init the stone tools after recipe registration? Seems to be the usual problem.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Taoist mod?

    I've been fascinated by the Taoist monks of China for a long time, and find a conspicuous absence of general Eastern magic mods on the forums. I also want to try out my modding skills more. In fact, even before the two in my sig, I had plans for this Taoist mod, a mix between exploration, magic, and fighting. In time, I also hope to encompass the Onmyouji, Southeastern Asia black magic, Buddhist miracles, and maybe—just maybe—Haitian voodoo in the mod, creating magical factions you can be in. As well, NPCs and enemies that follow that line of lore, such as jiangshi, ghosts and even fellow practitioners. I have some of the groundwork laid out (weapon proficiency and god worshipping system), but it still lacks polishing due to time being put on other mods. For now, here is the comprehensive list of ideas:

    Qi: at first it's like a rage bar that builds up, but as you learn to channel it you gain powers of attack, defense and even control of items/mobs

    Lingli: Soul power. You gain more through meditation/using it and it is critical for spells and rituals. Split into three types: neutral Lingqi, bright yangqi and dark yinqi. All are needed some way or another.

    Fu: talismans. You can seal the powers of rituals into one piece of paper that can be right-clicked to use in different fashions. They come in variants that are meant to be burnt (cleansing), burnt, mixed with water and drunk (curing), pasted onto areas (warding), pasted onto mobs (attacking), and one that needs to be thrown into the air and pierced with a sword (sealing). They can be written on paper, wood or animal remains like bones, and the quality of the medium increases its power. Requires an altar to write. You can store them in a belt bauble that can be brought up with a key or just right-clicking, after which you can choose the talisman to use. On that note, some rites, such as exorcising a spirit or blessing an artifact, are more complex and need a ritual to supplement your soul power.

    Ghostkeeping: You can trap ghosts of mobs and villagers into jars or idols, which function as a tamed mob. They are capable of disorienting attacks on the enemy that do not necessarily deal damage, but confuses and slows it. At higher levels they can possess other mobs or a receptive physical body to aid you. Destroying the idol liberates the ghost, so you can catch it again. Ghosts level up slowly when killing or doing similar things for their masters, and if their yin becomes too powerful for you to control they can reverse-kill you, so beware. Weak to spirit attacks, fu, and completely immune to physical attacks in spirit form. A derivative is the making of jiangshi, which are made in a specific way and aged to become stronger and stronger.

    Gu: genetically engineered bugs of the Miao tribe. The original process involves collection of poisonous arthropods and letting them fight to death in front of a shrine, leaving one that is the strongest. They can be found in the world from tombs, but they are likely very strong and require a well-prepared taoist to defeat. Can be kept in jars like ghosts, but specializes in physical attacks and poisoning the enemy. Higher levels allow a soul bind to you, making them less likely to be killed (more resistance and health) but also killing you if they are killed by anything. Like a ghost, they can reverse-kill you if bound incorrectly or left hungry for too long. Soul binds here, however, will not attempt to kill you in any way. More resistant to physical attacks than normal mobs, but is prone to rejuvenating spells and... anything that kills normal bugs, really, unless its level is high enough to shrug off the attack.

    Reincarnation:A way for hardcore players to respawn. Mechanics pending, but something along the lines of a maze with the pool of reincarnation at the center, guarded by small fry, then ghosts, then yinchai (spirit agents that take away your soul when you are about to die), and finally Ox-face and Horse-head/Heibai Wuchang (both duos that are known for guarding Diyu some way or another). Kind of like a challenge dungeon in this state, could be improved.

    Ascetic training: any mob or plant can train to become a miniboss that drops some materials good for talismans. Alternatively, you can bind one to you before it is made (such as by making an effigy or defeating it, then forming a pact) to make something similar to ghosts, but more oriented towards nature and less sinful. Anything can train by being exposed to divine power, through methods such as staying near analtar or killing humans. As such, zombies may amass large amounts of evil energy in a short time

    Needlework: Usually reserved for sewing, but in China there are silver needles used for acupuncture. As you start out, you're probably not going to succeed poking around on your own body and would end up quite hurt, but you can train on mobs at the cost of being more offense-oriented. Multiple needles can be used with a needle kit to heal yourself up in a pinch or overload your nerves for more power. Alternatively, you can throw them at your enemies. Hitting them at certain pressure points (dictated by hitbox) would do different things to them, which you can find out through one way only...

    Swordmaking: Taoists use wooden swords that may not seem to be very strong, but can be crafted from a variety of different woods (e.g. cherry wood, being more yang-oriented, is better at dispelling ghosts, while the yin of willow trees allows the making of effigies and spirit-calling blades). The more charred by lightning the sword is, the better, until it vaporizes at the 10th strike. You, however, cannot make them until you are of a certain level in taoistry, and need them early on, so you will need to find or cure a taoist villager/NPC to make you one first. You can skip ahead if you manage to crystallize a soul with black magic early on, but as expected that is bad for your karma.

    Worldgen: There are trees in the world to make the swords, of course, and each has a different affinity. They can be struck by lightning as they gain sentience, and if they endure all nine they can transform into dryads or trents. As well, fossilized mobs and gems of power will spawn underground, and can be extracted as a whole to form into some useful item with your powers.

    Shrines: You can worship a god here. The bigger a shrine is, the more followers a god can have. It is also the orthodox way of ascetic training for passive mobs, and the more intelligent ones would take residence somewhere inconspicuous here. Worshipping a deity as dictated by the Investiture of the Gods will bolster the god's power and they will bless you with more power, too.

    Altars: The only way make talismans for yourself, and needed for more complex rituals. You must be "clean" when working here, or it won't work. Putting one in front of a shrine would increase its power.

    Mechanics for writing talismans, what they will do, karma mechanics, onmyouji-do mechanics and the like pending.

    My question is, how many would like to see this mod made? I can code, texture (badly) and model, but I don't want to do it unless a lot of people would like the idea, too (playing a mod by yourself is awkward).

    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on AoA--25 New Dimensions• 330 Mobs• 27 Bosses• Skills• Quests• 600+Items [LARGE Bugfix Update, May 2018]
    Quote from blackytok»

    Guy i am having some trouble with the mod, there are way too many mob spawns, everywhere i look in my starting zone its packed with enemies. Anyway to modify dificulty/spawn rate?

    i am only running this mod. Any good seeds you might recommend, and whhere is this bonus chest they talk about in the wiki?.

    Thanks everybody.

    and devs GREAT MOD.

    Bonus chest is part of the spawn settings. Mob spawns can be edited with mods like Advanced Spawn Control.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on MineFantasy2 - Alpha
    Quote from basiliskboy»

    So I've gotten back into modelling and I thought of making some boss mobs for this mod, some extra strong ones with special models and a specific name that only spawn after you do a certain thing.does this seem like a good idea?

    Yes. So much yes. I rate this 50/10.
    You can't put greatswords into M&B slots because greatswords are two-handed weapons. Try the katana or the normal ones. Stone swords probably don't fit in on purpose, because they are intended to be as trashy as possible.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on AoA--25 New Dimensions• 330 Mobs• 27 Bosses• Skills• Quests• 600+Items [LARGE Bugfix Update, May 2018]

    You can make list of actual mods for this challenge?
    it's kinda interessing.

    Don't quite remember, my list of mods change on a nearly daily basis, but it was something like this:
    FSP (because why not), hunger overhaul, spice of life, Lycanite's mobs, AoA, TiC, Iguana's tinker tweaks, difficult life (the real "fun"), and a bunch others. I only remember these, because I died trying to get myself some ores outside and a zephyr jumped me on the side of my house on lowish hunger. You shouldn't be far off if you put all the masochistic difficult mods together, because man, that combination was "fun".
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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