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    posted a message on Minecraft 1.0 is released!
    I must say its a pretty epic way to release a game (for those who watched the livestream)
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Isn't it too soon for Feature-freeze?
    What are those pigmen everyone are talking about?
    You mean like real pigmen that are shown on the minecraft wiki? (a pig that stands like a man?) if so why would anyone want this? they look ugly what sense does that make? if i had to choose between the pigmen and the squidmen i would totally pick squidmen, at least they look a bit like humans.
    Unless thats not what pigmens are :dry.gif:
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on 12 More days untill "But its betaa" argument goes away.

    Notch has 12 days to:
    *Code dragons so they spawn in The End
    Dragons are already in the game, adding them to the end shouldnt be a problem and is probably already done.
    *Make some sort of way to return to overworld without dying in the end
    Maybe by defeating the ender dragon maybe some other way, again just because all the information isnt released doesnt mean they didnt do it yet.
    *Add "Beat the dragon/boss/whatever" achivement
    Already in the game, do you even check pre-releases?
    *Give NPCs a use
    Npcs use is to feed the players who were begging for "human" npcs and just because they dont have any use now doesnt mean they have to
    *Fix village and mineshaft spawn (Villages intersect with shitload of stuff, most of them have roads full of holes, mineshafts are too common)
    Vilages are fine, just because they are a bit ruined doesnt mean they are broken think of that as if the town was attacked by creepers before you found the vilage, mineshafts arent to common i only saw a 2 and i explore a lot
    *Give new items a crafting purpose (Blaze rods, powders etc.)
    Again, do you even check the pre-releases? blaze rods are used make magma cream which is used for potions AND to make ender eyes out of ender pearls, if by powder you mean gun powder then i have nothing to say
    *Give us the reason to use potions (Boss fight?)
    Thats like saying "Give us a reason to use diamond tools" they help in combat (Splash potions... WHATS THAT?) they can be used for instant heals going faster getting stronger and to damage mobs
    *Fix bugs, polish the game
    Thats why notch said he is stopping adding new fetures (about 20 days before the 1.9 release i think).
    Even if he wont fix all the bugs in time it doesnt mean he will stop updating after the full game is released.

    At least he tried.

    Why do you even play minecraft with this attitude?
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Has Notch/mojang gone too far?
    This can also be said when the nethar was released:
    So now notch is adding a alter dimansion that has ghosts... yes ghosts and zombie pigmen.
    You get there by mining diamond to get obsidian and light it to create a magic portal to a hellish world this update goes to far.

    I think you just need to get used to it, its a change yes but it doesnt mean that everything new and different is automaticly bad it adds more options more variety and more stuff to do dragons are a good adition and they look really good.
    Stop getting scared from changes the game isnt fully released yet and people want the alpha back.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Bows and enchantment table...
    Make it enchanted arrows, and add a feture that you can choose the pack of arrows that u want. that way the arrows will eventually end and there is no balance problem.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Mutton from Sheep?
    Yes please!
    Every animal should drop food + something unique (except pigs they will just drop more pork chops).
    So what if we have a lot of food types its a good thing it makes things more interesting.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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