Yes please!
Every animal should drop food + something unique (except pigs they will just drop more pork chops).
So what if we have a lot of food types its a good thing it makes things more interesting.
It would be awesome but unfair and can easily destroy huge structers u spent a lot of time building.
I think it should attack vilages, So if the dragon spawns (which will be rare i hope) he will search for the closes vilage he can find and then he will start attacking the buildings and vilagers (And you as well of course).
I dont see why not, it will give people more options to play the game in the way they want which is a good thing.
Why would you say no for this option? if you dont want it you dont use it, which is funny because thats what they (the people who want potions, dragons etc...) say to those who complain about new items.
beside it doesnt have to be picky on the checklist just simple stuff like:
No potions
No hunger
Im fine with "nerfing" the sword but now the bow, its pretty hard to get arrows as it is (i dont know why but i can barely find any chickens and when i do they useually just drop meat).
It takes 2 shots to kill every mob, and its fine because you have to charge it up so in close range a swarm of enemies is still a problem, but when the enemies are far away it doesnt matter if it takes 3 arrows or 2 its just a "waste" of time and arrows in my opinion. :dry.gif:
I want a crocodile or any other hostile ocean mob so bad, oceans are pretty boring as for now and there are a lot of huge oceans latley a huge crocodile that can sneak up on you and damage your boat until it breaks would be really fun (at least in my opinion).
On topic, i hope dragons will be rare and hard to kill, and when they spot you they will circle around you while attacking.
I think it would be interesting if when they die they will drop a chest and in the chest there will be random loot (like in dungens).
Or how about you just - don't - use - potions!. dont go to the ender (or however the new place is called) and just stick to old minecraft gameplay except for the hunger bar a few mobs and the new combat system (Which is way better then the old one if you ask me).
Getting potions requirs (as for now) to go to the nether which is only possible after a while of gameplay when you get dimanods, so when you start a new world you still need to do all things you would do before.
And just because potions exist in RPG games it doesnt mean minecraft is an RPG game.
Every animal should drop food + something unique (except pigs they will just drop more pork chops).
So what if we have a lot of food types its a good thing it makes things more interesting.
I think it should attack vilages, So if the dragon spawns (which will be rare i hope) he will search for the closes vilage he can find and then he will start attacking the buildings and vilagers (And you as well of course).
Why would you say no for this option? if you dont want it you dont use it, which is funny because thats what they (the people who want potions, dragons etc...) say to those who complain about new items.
beside it doesnt have to be picky on the checklist just simple stuff like:
No potions
No hunger
It takes 2 shots to kill every mob, and its fine because you have to charge it up so in close range a swarm of enemies is still a problem, but when the enemies are far away it doesnt matter if it takes 3 arrows or 2 its just a "waste" of time and arrows in my opinion. :dry.gif:
I want a crocodile or any other hostile ocean mob so bad, oceans are pretty boring as for now and there are a lot of huge oceans latley a huge crocodile that can sneak up on you and damage your boat until it breaks would be really fun (at least in my opinion).
On topic, i hope dragons will be rare and hard to kill, and when they spot you they will circle around you while attacking.
I think it would be interesting if when they die they will drop a chest and in the chest there will be random loot (like in dungens).
Getting potions requirs (as for now) to go to the nether which is only possible after a while of gameplay when you get dimanods, so when you start a new world you still need to do all things you would do before.
And just because potions exist in RPG games it doesnt mean minecraft is an RPG game.