Download mods, problem solved.
Thats like if i dont like creepers red mushrooms and.. i dont know gravel, should there be an option for it?
Just because someone doesnt like a game mechanic doesnt mean there should be an offical way to dsiable this you cant please everyone and thats why there are mods, you can customize the game the way you want.
I dont have problem with challange but they feel kinda cheap at the moment, but i understand that some people are more aware of their sorrundings then others
I think they should, at least at their currenct state.
Not a big nerf just something small right now they can take you out in 1 explosion even if they arent at your face they are silent common and they dont die after the sun rises.
This combination makes them a pain sometimes, you are fighting a zombie and then out of no where are creeper even if you are with full health you dont have enough time to respond (most of the time) and you will die. there are a lot more examples of this kind of situation (sometimes its the players fault sometime it isnt).
Also in multiplayer servers (even in my own server where i have 20-50 ping) they are extreamly hard to fight because of the lag if you hit them even once without sprinting they will explode and will probably kill you as well.
A lot of people are saying: Wear armor if you dont want to die from 1 explosion.
Well i dont think you need to wear armor against a basic mob, its not like they are more rare like the enderman or harder to fight like the pigmen they are common and you shouldnt always waste all your metal to protect yourself from a basic and common agressive mob.
I think that the creeper explosion when he is really close should be no more then 8 hearts, that way 1 lucky creeper wont be able to kill you, but they will still be a great threat when they are coming with a group of creepers or any other mobs.
But those are just my opinions, what do you think?
Only one, in about a year of minecraft survival gameplay...
Also i found slimes only 2 times (in the same place)... i wish i could find more of them, they are probably the coolest agressive mob (maybe because its rare)
This can also be said when the nethar was released:
So now notch is adding a alter dimansion that has ghosts... yes ghosts and zombie pigmen.
You get there by mining diamond to get obsidian and light it to create a magic portal to a hellish world this update goes to far.
I think you just need to get used to it, its a change yes but it doesnt mean that everything new and different is automaticly bad it adds more options more variety and more stuff to do dragons are a good adition and they look really good.
Stop getting scared from changes the game isnt fully released yet and people want the alpha back.
I had something simir happen for a while, here's what I did that seemed to correct it:
go to the .minecraft folder (on vista and 7 hit the windows key and r at the same time, type %appdata% and hit enter) and copy any saves you want to keep to a seperate folder. Once you've done this, delete your .minecraft folder.
This will give you a clean install when you next login, which is what solved the issue for me.
If this doesn't work for you, someone on the server I go to was crashing every time he tried to join the server. He downloaded the spoutcraft client and was able to join without issue on it.
Ok i tried the first suggestion and it didnt work so i tried downloading that spoutcraft thing, i downloaded the exe file opened it but nothing happend (but it showed the computer is loading something) after that i logged into a server and it worked (it still had lags but it worked) i explored a little but then the server had to restart and as soon as i logged back in the problem returned :sad.gif:
Edit: I got the Exe file to work and i launched minecraft but there is still the same problem, also it cant find any public server and the status said: an error has eccourd :dry.gif:
I had something simir happen for a while, here's what I did that seemed to correct it:
go to the .minecraft folder (on vista and 7 hit the windows key and r at the same time, type %appdata% and hit enter) and copy any saves you want to keep to a seperate folder. Once you've done this, delete your .minecraft folder.
This will give you a clean install when you next login, which is what solved the issue for me.
If this doesn't work for you, someone on the server I go to was crashing every time he tried to join the server. He downloaded the spoutcraft client and was able to join without issue on it.
I will try both of them thanks for the info :smile.gif:
Everytime i join into any server First, the ping is extreamly high and only in minecraft and in every server (unless its a local server).
If i actually manage to get into the server without getting timed out, the map will useually wont load and i will fall endlessly into the void until i get this message read timed out
Sometimes the world will load only a small area of the map, like an island but then after a minute read timed out again
I have no idea why this is happening i dont have this problem in any other game and im getting bored playing in single player or only with my brother.
Its even more painfull to see all the other people joining servers with 40+ people and not having problems at all. :dry.gif:
This also happens in the browser version in minecraft website.
Also a note:Im not playing on servers from my country because there arent any offical servers, so im looking for servers from countries that i useually play on with other games that have decent ping - but in minecraft the ping is 300+ (when in other games its useually 100-).
Is there any way to fix this? or at least an explanation on why this is happening?
Thanks for reading
No, you can't play without these elements. Why? It limits what you can do. Very skilled at Minecraft combat? Too bad, some guy grinded and now has better skills, despite being a newbie. Sick of RPGs and want some other game style? Well you can't if Minecraft becomes an RPG.
Want a suggestion? Don't make comments like these, or you may get flammed. Just continue playing, since you like RPG, afterall what matters if you have fun! :wink.gif:
Ammm since when does minecraft combat skills effect the game? Does it really hurt your ego so much that some new player is better then you because he doesnt have problem with potions? will it change minecraft for you if someone somewhere sometime is using a potion and kill more mobs then you?
No it doesnt minecraft is about cooperation between players to build and survive if you dont like potions dont use them im sure the other players wont kick you from the server because you dont kill a lot of mobs.
Minecraft can be a sandbox with RPG elements even if notch will add a boss battles and quests from Npcs (not something that involves a story), you still have the freedom to choose what you want to do, build a house fight monsters mine or go to the nether - and thats what sandbox games are about.
Make it have end forts, they will be castles on islands scattered in the end (but not connected to the main island).
Inside there will be agressive mobs and a ender chest, if you open it there will be some valuable loot, but you will also spawn the dragon that way he will be like a boss and you will have a fighting arena.
(The castles wont be to big and maze-like, they will be simple and once the dragon has spawned you can get out quickly and not get stuck inside)
Also make a way to get out of course cause i dont think anyone will go in there more then once just for the "achievement" of getting there in a legit way
Dont make the bow have durability, instead make the pack of arrows enchantable and the ability to choose a pack of arrows when you use the bow, earning arrows can be hard enough (skeletons drop only 2 arrows and sometimes chickens are no where to be found) adding a bow durability will be a pain espacially when it takes 3 fully charged arrow to kill any normal agressive mod rather then 2 :dry.gif:
I agree with the the passive mobs spawning in light, i can barely find any.
When i go to a new island i see like maximum of 10 animals (from all kinds) and after a while they are all gone and i find them in an ocean when i have to leave my home cause i cant get food.
Totally agree with that.
I dont see problem with the agressive mobs i see a lot of them at times, but not like before this does make exploring in the dark a lot more easy (which shouldnt be like that, exploring in the dark should be risky and dangerous).
Thats like if i dont like creepers red mushrooms and.. i dont know gravel, should there be an option for it?
Just because someone doesnt like a game mechanic doesnt mean there should be an offical way to dsiable this you cant please everyone and thats why there are mods, you can customize the game the way you want.
I dont have problem with challange but they feel kinda cheap at the moment, but i understand that some people are more aware of their sorrundings then others
Not a big nerf just something small right now they can take you out in 1 explosion even if they arent at your face they are silent common and they dont die after the sun rises.
This combination makes them a pain sometimes, you are fighting a zombie and then out of no where are creeper even if you are with full health you dont have enough time to respond (most of the time) and you will die. there are a lot more examples of this kind of situation (sometimes its the players fault sometime it isnt).
Also in multiplayer servers (even in my own server where i have 20-50 ping) they are extreamly hard to fight because of the lag if you hit them even once without sprinting they will explode and will probably kill you as well.
A lot of people are saying: Wear armor if you dont want to die from 1 explosion.
Well i dont think you need to wear armor against a basic mob, its not like they are more rare like the enderman or harder to fight like the pigmen they are common and you shouldnt always waste all your metal to protect yourself from a basic and common agressive mob.
I think that the creeper explosion when he is really close should be no more then 8 hearts, that way 1 lucky creeper wont be able to kill you, but they will still be a great threat when they are coming with a group of creepers or any other mobs.
But those are just my opinions, what do you think?
Also i found slimes only 2 times (in the same place)... i wish i could find more of them, they are probably the coolest agressive mob (maybe because its rare)
So now notch is adding a alter dimansion that has ghosts... yes ghosts and zombie pigmen.
You get there by mining diamond to get obsidian and light it to create a magic portal to a hellish world this update goes to far.
I think you just need to get used to it, its a change yes but it doesnt mean that everything new and different is automaticly bad it adds more options more variety and more stuff to do dragons are a good adition and they look really good.
Stop getting scared from changes the game isnt fully released yet and people want the alpha back.
Ok i tried the first suggestion and it didnt work so i tried downloading that spoutcraft thing, i downloaded the exe file opened it but nothing happend (but it showed the computer is loading something) after that i logged into a server and it worked (it still had lags but it worked) i explored a little but then the server had to restart and as soon as i logged back in the problem returned :sad.gif:
Edit: I got the Exe file to work and i launched minecraft but there is still the same problem, also it cant find any public server and the status said: an error has eccourd :dry.gif:
I will try both of them thanks for the info :smile.gif:
If i actually manage to get into the server without getting timed out, the map will useually wont load and i will fall endlessly into the void until i get this message read timed out
Sometimes the world will load only a small area of the map, like an island but then after a minute read timed out again
I have no idea why this is happening i dont have this problem in any other game and im getting bored playing in single player or only with my brother.
Its even more painfull to see all the other people joining servers with 40+ people and not having problems at all. :dry.gif:
This also happens in the browser version in minecraft website.
Also a note:Im not playing on servers from my country because there arent any offical servers, so im looking for servers from countries that i useually play on with other games that have decent ping - but in minecraft the ping is 300+ (when in other games its useually 100-).
Is there any way to fix this? or at least an explanation on why this is happening?
Thanks for reading
Ammm since when does minecraft combat skills effect the game? Does it really hurt your ego so much that some new player is better then you because he doesnt have problem with potions? will it change minecraft for you if someone somewhere sometime is using a potion and kill more mobs then you?
No it doesnt minecraft is about cooperation between players to build and survive if you dont like potions dont use them im sure the other players wont kick you from the server because you dont kill a lot of mobs.
Minecraft can be a sandbox with RPG elements even if notch will add a boss battles and quests from Npcs (not something that involves a story), you still have the freedom to choose what you want to do, build a house fight monsters mine or go to the nether - and thats what sandbox games are about.
Inside there will be agressive mobs and a ender chest, if you open it there will be some valuable loot, but you will also spawn the dragon that way he will be like a boss and you will have a fighting arena.
(The castles wont be to big and maze-like, they will be simple and once the dragon has spawned you can get out quickly and not get stuck inside)
Also make a way to get out of course cause i dont think anyone will go in there more then once just for the "achievement" of getting there in a legit way
When i go to a new island i see like maximum of 10 animals (from all kinds) and after a while they are all gone and i find them in an ocean when i have to leave my home cause i cant get food.
Totally agree with that.
I dont see problem with the agressive mobs i see a lot of them at times, but not like before this does make exploring in the dark a lot more easy (which shouldnt be like that, exploring in the dark should be risky and dangerous).