Things actually have finally calmed down! I haven't had a migraine in about a week and a half either which is quite good (mine aren't as bad as a lot of peoples thankfully pain wise (my sister has extremely painful migraines) mine however make me disoriented and makes it hard to think clearly which lasts for about three days after them.
So yesterday I started up again.
Looks great! Glad to hear things are going better for you Bal. I too suffer from migraines, the painful kind like your sisters, so I know how it is buddy.
I have noticed pistons breaking gravel and sand on the xbox 360 version when the pistons move too rapidly. Haven't tested it on the xbox one yet. Has been happening since the 1.8 (adventure update) on the xbox 360.
I vote to call it a bug, probably introduced when they were trying to fix sand/gravel generators.
No no no. When you created the map before, it immediately began to fill in for the section you are standing on. Now, it creates an "empty" map, which you click the left trigger to activate. It prevents making an accidental copy when you create the map.
A long time ago, i remember Notch saying that he will make the game free after a certain amount of copies have been sold. and release the source code for the game. But now Microsoft have bought minecraft. Are you going to still do that? I really hope you do.
From Matthew
Edit: I did not ask for your opinions, i just wanted to know if it will ever become free
Yes I will post a question in a public forum ,and then get mad at people who give their opinions! Since you don't want opinions, you get a simple fact: No. Perhaps if you really want an answer from Microsoft, send a message to them, not post an open thread on a forum own by a different company, representing a game Microsoft bought yesterday.
1) How old are you?
2) What is your in-game name?
3) How did you find out about Jackals Den?
Found you while browsing the server listings here on MCF.
4) Have you read the rules and agree to follow them?
Yes I do, nice standard set of "don't be a douche" rules
5) Tell us a little about yourself.
I've been playing Minecraft since beta 1.6.6 and prefer to build large, elaborate redstone powered farms. I specialize in combining farms to make them more efficient. I'm a father of two and work full time, and therefor do most of my crafting during the weeknights and weekends. That's about it, thanks for reading and I hope to be on soon!
No, you can't do either of those as they are against the EULA. They explicitly state that you can't sell in-game currency for real world dollars, and you can't give any perks to donators that aren't purely cosmetic. So you can sell them colored names, but not /fly or things like that.
Yeah its just a more realistic looking swamp. The missing chunk you mentioned is another issue apart from the swamp update. You should be able to use a world editor to fix it...when they update.
Oh see that's what I was talking about, with different gui's there will have to be two different packs for sure, not a 1.7.x-1.8.x pack. Is that it, are the other textures usable in both versions? If so then basically we need to finish the missing stuff in the 1.7 pack anyways, so why not finish it, then pickup on the new 1.8 stuff. For me, who plays mostly multiplayer, I'm not moving off of 1.7 for a while(thx Mojang/Bukkit/Curse/whoever :P) So, I may or may not be biased
I vote get the missing textures done first, then move forward with 1.8, but Idk exactly what that means for you. I do know that there have been some changes made to the way resource packs are handled(again XD), so my decision would depend on a few things. First, the current wip 1.7 we have, is it compatible to use in 1.8? Is there another way to do resource packs for 1.8 and higher that is more efficient? If the 1.7 pack has to stay in 1.7, I say move forward with 1.8 and try and get it completed, if not, then I would say finish it out as best as you can and then move onto a 1.8 update.
Good. Its just too bad Mojang doesn't restrict this type of monetizing even further. For years its been ruining the community, too little, too late imo.
Oh hell no. The last thing we need is crappy Curse getting their hands deeper into Minecraft. Everything works just fine as it is.Talk about poaching off of others successes. The end is nigh Hopefully, Mojang will get off of their butts and make the dang Mod API and we can end this nonsense.
1.7.4!!?! MCP hasn't even updated yet! Mojang, please test your versions before you release them so they don't have hilarious bugs that are quite obvious, and so that mods have a chance to update You aren't even doing anything on the mod API. I want a refund
Dafuq 1.7.4 already???? Wtf Mojang!!! Still no MCP! I guess Mojang do that by purpose so modders can't update their mods because of constant MC updates.. And bukkit is still on 1.7.2 (Its backwards compat, phew!) but still.. PS: Those ssssssty zergnet is really useless. Good thing I've hid them.
So because Mcp hasnt updated their project yet, Mojang should just sit on their hands? You two are out of your minds. "I want a refund" "Mojang updates on purpose to stop modders" Yup, the crazy train has arrived.
I would like to see servers spotlighted, but it needs to be done in a certain way. Mainly, which servers get spotlighted needs to be decided in an impartial way. Making sure the spotlighted server offers something unique that can't be found many other places will help alot. It would lose all credibility if all we saw was same rehashed stuff(Mindcrack Style!, Factions!, OMG!!!WE HAZ SPLEEF!!!), or just a bunch of servers run by people looking to get rich or famous. Much like you do a great job of spotlighting awesome videos, mods, and maps, the same type of discretion would serve well here.
P.S. Cheers to you for taking what can be a very delicate and volatile subject in the community, server advertising, and finding an excellent way of finding out what the majority community wants to do, and how to do it.
Out of the blue, decided to pop back in and see how you guys are doing
Glad to see all is well, keep on keeping on guys
Looks great! Glad to hear things are going better for you Bal. I too suffer from migraines, the painful kind like your sisters, so I know how it is buddy.
I vote to call it a bug, probably introduced when they were trying to fix sand/gravel generators.
Good to hear. I'm about to start on my compact afk auto farm, The Omnifarm, and it uses about a 1000 pistons
What isn't working?
Yes I will post a question in a public forum ,and then get mad at people who give their opinions! Since you don't want opinions, you get a simple fact: No. Perhaps if you really want an answer from Microsoft, send a message to them, not post an open thread on a forum own by a different company, representing a game Microsoft bought yesterday.
Found this from Creator409
Fixed the acacia log, should tile better now:
Last edited by Creator409
1) How old are you?
2) What is your in-game name?
3) How did you find out about Jackals Den?
Found you while browsing the server listings here on MCF.
4) Have you read the rules and agree to follow them?
Yes I do, nice standard set of "don't be a douche" rules
5) Tell us a little about yourself.
I've been playing Minecraft since beta 1.6.6 and prefer to build large, elaborate redstone powered farms. I specialize in combining farms to make them more efficient. I'm a father of two and work full time, and therefor do most of my crafting during the weeknights and weekends. That's about it, thanks for reading and I hope to be on soon!
Go to that forum post and read whats there. It should explain everything for you.
Either way, thanks a ton Bal, you're awesome.