Everyone is having this problem, and there is no real way to fix it. Just wait for Notch to fix it.
Nope. I went over to my friend's house, installed Minecraft on his PC, and logged in with my account to show him Minecraft. There was no issue on his computer.
Ever since 1.8, I've been getting weird lighting glitches on all new/modified blocks (Chests, new stairs, etc.). At first I just decided to live with it. But now, it's making my buildings look bad.
Examples: -note!-There are some more blocks, but I can't remember which ones and I don't feel like looking at every block right now.
Ok, a couple questions for those more knowledgeable then I. Does anyone know if there is away to make a bigger world then the game gives you? Like a custom world editing program or something...I want to create an epic world for a server but I'm not sure how...There must be a way since a lot of servers have worlds that are quite large, and some servers (like lord of the craft) expand there world every so often....any thoughts on how this is done?
Just keep exploring and the world will keep generating chunks...
Hello, I just started a new single player world(In survival mode) and I keep hearing the sound that it makes when your mining cobble or stone, but it happens when I'm not mining. Just wondering if this is a bug. And NO, I'm not trying to make this into a "Herobrine is real!" thing, I'm just askin'.
Definitely getting it seeing as I play Minecraft on a laptop that's meant for business stuff and not gaming. So, MC on the Xbox will be beneficial to me. Don't care much about having mod support on Xbox, however it would be quite nice.
I can give you 2 links if you want 'em but virus test them first because I haven't checked them yet.
Lol sorry, forgot to post that I agree with pretty much everyone else. Quality over quantity.
If you lost it, force updating MC by going to "Options" in the launcher and clicking on "Force Update".
Livestream LinkEDIT:
Yeah, nevermind... getting 4-5 FPS :sad.gif:
Anyone have any good livestreaming setups they want to share with me?
Nope. I went over to my friend's house, installed Minecraft on his PC, and logged in with my account to show him Minecraft. There was no issue on his computer.
-note!- There are some more blocks, but I can't remember which ones and I don't feel like looking at every block right now.
Just keep exploring and the world will keep generating chunks...
Don't forget the *Headdesk*!
Nope. Just wiped my .minecraft folder a day ago so I could switch between my modded worlds and my vanilla worlds easier...