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    posted a message on Any Modded Servers?

    That sounds right. But what did you mean by saying the pack is highly customized in its forum thread? Does the server have a lot of new things to learn that have nothing to do with none of the mods? Like complicated plugins, etc?

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Any Modded Servers?

    Modded 1.10.2 is usually very buggy. Even a team as big and experienced as DeVco couldn't avoid bugs, tps drops and initialization stalling on their 1.10.2 servers (while their 1.7.10 ones ran smoothly)

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Any Modded Servers?

    i've been testing modded servers lately and they are all very bad. I tested 2 whitelist servers, one with extremely unfriendly players, the other where half the population are operators and can do whatever they want while the other half don't even have /home. Also tested some of those on server lists, and most have too many weird features added by plugins and some have over powered stuff you can buy with money or votes. Not one decent modded server so far.

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Wawla - What Are We Looking At

    Is it possible to see for example entity reproduction cooldowns without having the mod on the server side? The owner of the server is trying to keep the modpack as light as possible, because some of the players have old machines.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Mojang is adding too much to minecraft
    Quote from Chameleonred5»

    I'd take a look myself, but I don't see anything to look at. The loudest voices are the ones I see, and they're all shouting different things with a sense of superiority. What should I be looking at? The hundred pages of people complaining for reasons that are purely emotional? FPS info which varies for everyone, even two people with the exact same computer, for no discernible reason? Mojang, who made the updates? The Optifine guys, who complain about it? Perhaps I should look at the code itself... except oh wait, I'm not a programmer. I could understand the context of Minecraft's code, but no one's giving it.

    There's a reason I'm asking for proof: I don't know. I cannot say one way or another what's going on. Given my own personal experience, I do not think what you are saying is true. However, given that, and I quote myself, "info varies for everyone, even two people with the exact same computer, for no discernible reason," I am more than willing to believe that I am holding onto a false point of view based on limited data, if you can prove what you're saying.

    I don't care what proof you want to give. Just give more than none and stop tossing unsupported assertions into an echo chamber. If you are so confident in what you are saying, then prove it. Where are you getting your info? "Seeing for yourself?" What are you seeing? How? How can you know that you are right? Anecdotal evidence that's worthless? Emotional arguments based on interpretation? At the very least please make it so that I don't have to read your mind to know what you're talking about. If you have enough reason for me to believe you, then I will.

    I talked about my own empirical experience. I've seen friends try to change to the newest versions and realize they were way heavier than the old ones. I have people with whom I'm close where I could see those issues manifest first-hand. I'm not a professional coder either, but I have classes in school so I know just enough to be able to recognize an elegant design as opposed to a complicated one. Minecraft code is becoming more and more complicated, and without any real advantage. The whole JSON thing, for example, is kind of weird. JSON is meant mainly for data transmission, not as config/database format. Minecraft was never a master piece of coding, and what they are doing now is to build on top of what was a very simple engine, adding implementation of modern coding patterns to it.

    This is what I see. I have no way (and nobody does) of providing you with proof. You don't want to believe me, that's 100% fine, I salute you, and we go our separate ways. Don't try to discredit my words by claiming I don't support them with statistics, because it makes you look like a person who just recently discovered critical thinking and wants to show off to the world.

    But for your benefit, I'll be testing Minecraft version performances in the near future, and I'll present the results I obtain here, just to be told my testing strategy was wrong.

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Star Wars The Dark Side Awoken

    Not sure many people will want to "join to see" the content. We don't even know the Minecraft version you use.

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Mojang is adding too much to minecraft
    Quote from Chameleonred5»

    Do you have statistics to prove anything you're saying?

    I don't think so, do you want me to provide you the statistics or would you rather go take a look for yourself, cause I don't think any peer-reviewed studies have ever been made on this. So If I went to all the trouble to compile a bunch of statistics, would you then believe me? I could use a flawed methodology to skew the result to prove my hypothesis, right? So if you don't believe me now, I assume any statistics I can gather myself would also be of little help to the credibility of what I'm saying... right? So, unless you find an independent study on this, which, I'm not gonna raise your hopes, I don't believe even Mojang has the statistics you're demanding. You know, it's cool and all to be objective and to look for hard proof (or, in your case, statistical proof, which is considered to be the same as nothing by many), but sometimes, specially in a thread about Minecraft, you have to admit asking for statistics just sound pedantic, pseudo-intellectual and extremely silly. Do like I did, and go see for yourself.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Trying MCP and ModLoader

    Thank you for your reply, very informative. But in case I do want to minimize compatibility issues (more concerned about other mods of my own that I might make), then is changing local variables and parameters names any problem? Will mcp be able to recompile minecraft back exactly to what it was?

    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Trying MCP and ModLoader

    Not exactly. Just mcp for now. Can I change minecraft client code? What I want to is get rid of all the "flag1", "flag2" names and put in stuff to make the code clearer. Will mcp still be able to recompile and reobfuscate the code later back into the same minecraft jar?

    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Are Mojang servers experiencing technical difficulties?

    It never happened again since that day. It was so weird, only Minecraft related stuff would not go through. I could even watch youtube videos without a problem, but minecraft would display "Play Offline", these forums would take forever to load and then only display a extremely light version in a sort of hierarchy of links, no images or anything. And the Mojang website wouldn't load at all. I tried several websites, all of them would load ok. Such a weird coincidence.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Are Mojang servers experiencing technical difficulties?

    Having a hard time authenticating Minecraft, accessing Mojang website, accessing the Minecraft forums and the gamepedia. Is Mojang under attack or something?

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Xaero's Minimap 1.21.4 (+ 1.20.x | 1.19.4 | 1.18.2 | 1.17.1 | 1.16.5 | 1.12.2 and more)

    Will try this. Journeymap lags way too much.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Which mod change forge initialization screen into the one in the picture?

    Thank you, great answer.

    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Which mod change forge initialization screen into the one in the picture?

    Which is the culprit for my screen becoming like this? Instead of showing the normal Forge screen with the initialization steps etc. I don't like these client side mods that think they're helping when they're actually not. And could modpack developers please stop putting client side mods in their packs? How about a list of links like "client side mods we thing you might like". Cause they ALL SUCK in my opinion and make my Minecraft perform horribly.

    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Looking for more players for my new server

    I'm interested, even though your profile picture scares the bejesus out of me.

    Posted in: PC Servers
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