Name?: Spencer IGN?: Inwardlawyer29 Skype?: Unfortunately, I am unable to get skype. I am so sorry for this. I could probably get a mic to use in game if you wanted that. Age?: 15 Admin experiance?: I used to admin on my friend's server. However, this server shut down last summer because he was unable to run it anymore. What can you do to help the server?: I can do many things to help this server. I am a nice and responsible person. I am able to enforce the rules and like to help new players if they need help. I will also be able to be on 1-3 (except holidays) hours a day so I will be able to help with any questions or problems that need to be taken care of. Also, if there is anything at all that needs an admin's attention, I will gladly help. I will also be sure to help make the server an enjoyable experience for the players so that the server can have a better reputation and get more players. Lastly, I will whitelist players if you need help with that. Other?: This looks like a great server and you sound very nice. I would like to help be part of this server by being an admin. I hope to do this and am excited about it. Also, if the admins need to download mods, I am able to do that.
Hey guys i am looking for someone to host a server. All you have to do is host it you need to have 2 gb dedicated to it.I can provide all the plugins we will need for the server.I will have all the staff you may invite 2 friends 1 to be admin 1o be mod.I will have someone to help you with everything you need like permissions.
I would love to but i do not have the software to host a server. However, I would love to come help co-own or admin if you need that help. :biggrin.gif:
Plox ignor my grose typos and misspellings :3
its late, my computer has no spell checker, and im lazy.
Its a shame, you used to be... wait... nobody liked you in the first place. <3
Raptor is one of the best wardens, along with P0T who is not only the best at wadeninginging, but events. when p0t has event its like an atual event, bloc partys where floor is set to 50% iron, unlike noakiis which is 1% iron and 99% silverfish. and noakiis drop partys.. where he drops.... dirt...
You gain alpha through trust. saying ppl dont deserve a rank like you always do is lik saying we cant trust anybody, and nobody sould be ranked up. this sever, like all severs are here for fun, this is not an ACTUAL job. if you rank up, good for you. But ppl who rank up shuld not have to dal with a raging bronie about how they dont deserve it. p0t, bee, and faptor are great wardens, they earned out trust, and they earned the rank. weather or not you dont like it, this is how its happening. ppk will rank up weather you think they have earned it or not. because its up to the hight ranks of the sever, and how well they trust the person ranking up.
This is something im getting tired of. players going into no-pvp after fighting for a long time because they know they will die, but dont want to lose there items. players running into no-pvp because they would rather sit 10min then lose diamond armour. Also, a big anoyance, players running into no-pvp to BANK all of there swords/valuables/armour quickly before us guards can count down to 1. also players CONTINUSLY running into no-pvp to eat food,ead gold apples, or potions, or maybe just to heal so they wont die, then running out when we are typing for them to get out. I feal that for Repeat offenders or ppl that KNOW the rule but STILL choose to abuse it houldhave more than a 15 minute jail.
1st off, this pvp abuse happens SO MUCH because NO WARDEN WILL LIST THIS RULE AT C-SPAWN this rule along with the rule of using warps to escape pvp are NOT listed anywhere. it would help GREATLY if a warden cound take the 10seconds out of there time to list this rule at C-Spawn. or even reboot it, due to the large problem guards have with it.
Im not trying to complain about a problem, im trying to point out hoe easy it would be to fix it. a LOT of ppl might not pvp abuse if we just added more detailed rules at spawn. (IE the no running into no-pvp rule if hit by a guard rule)
4realz, if ur a warden readin this, next time u log on go to c-spawn and put a signs saying the rules. if u do ill lob u forever.
to all the ragers, this videos is win
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Jist so you know inwardlawyer people do believe what I say, but not you because you're gifted.
Yeah I'm totally gifted. I'm not the one who can't spell just right. "Jist" fail. Oh and I'm not the one lying to people who post guard apps. Yeah fail.
Your not really one to talk. You spam the forums a lot......
Thank you! Sounds like it will be a great server. Keep up the great work. Just message me when you decide. :smile.gif:
IGN?: Inwardlawyer29
Skype?: Unfortunately, I am unable to get skype. I am so sorry for this. I could probably get a mic to use in game if you wanted that.
Age?: 15
Admin experiance?: I used to admin on my friend's server. However, this server shut down last summer because he was unable to run it anymore.
What can you do to help the server?: I can do many things to help this server. I am a nice and responsible person. I am able to enforce the rules and like to help new players if they need help. I will also be able to be on 1-3 (except holidays) hours a day so I will be able to help with any questions or problems that need to be taken care of. Also, if there is anything at all that needs an admin's attention, I will gladly help. I will also be sure to help make the server an enjoyable experience for the players so that the server can have a better reputation and get more players. Lastly, I will whitelist players if you need help with that.
Other?: This looks like a great server and you sound very nice. I would like to help be part of this server by being an admin. I hope to do this and am excited about it. Also, if the admins need to download mods, I am able to do that.
I would love to but i do not have the software to host a server. However, I would love to come help co-own or admin if you need that help. :biggrin.gif:
Thank you it's my new sig.
How do i use it as a sig. I really want to.
This made my day.
EDIT: Sorry I don't know how to snip posts.
Yeah I'm totally gifted. I'm not the one who can't spell just right. "Jist" fail. Oh and I'm not the one lying to people who post guard apps. Yeah fail.
Just so you know Aschweitzer, no one believes a word you say. Especially since you deny or accept applications when you are not a warden.
For your information Viper is the best server owner and currently holds a great server.