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    Black market is open. Go to the C work room and under the water is a warp. Check it out! And read the rules at the Black Market.

    Oh an reminder there is rule about no bumping respect this rule plese. Don't just put "bump"'
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    Quote from DeltaDude101

    Inward I liked your other profile pic better

    Delta your back so excited!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Trapped Prison | PVP | First 1.3.1 Prison | Transfers Open |
    Quote from LegendDenier

    Great server JOIN JOIN JOIN JOIN JOIN!!!!! Lets hit full capacity tomorrow!

    Yes the more people the better!
    Quote from Jak3star

    Just My Input On Trapped Prison

    Why The Server Doesn't Need Haters;

    This question could probably be answered by anyone on the staff of trapped prison and the answer would simply be that your "smart-ass" or "immature" attitude towards the server is no needed as you do nothing to help us improve such as; Report players that are abusing, make a ban appeal or simply just tell us what you don't like about the server.

    Now I don't understand why a lot of people even try to hate the server though you guys can't even show the exact reason for your hate but I thought that I would put this part first to show you why things happen and what they happen for.

    Trapped Prisons Current State;

    Now a lot of players may call abuse when a moderator or player of trapped is banned or sudo'd by Odarkstar or Killer804. What you don't realize is that if you look at the players that it happens to they are actually a selective amount and it is never done to players of a normal stature. If you bothered to look closely enough to see the players you would see;

    1. Jak3star (me)
    2. Pikawars
    3. LegendDenier
    4. Awsome_Goalie
    5. xGunning

    This has never happened to any other player and if you would bother even visiting the Trapped Prison teamspeak server you would instantly see that we are non-stop on the teamspeak ready to support our players if they needed help. Which is why your comments of "ABOOOSE" or "ABUSE!" are not always needed.

    Addressing The Tonopia Issue;

    Now I know most people would probably say I don't get a say in this but you would be wrong. I am a player willing to stand for what Trapped Prison really is of which consists of;

    1. Help When Needed
    2. Answers of why things have gone wrong.
    3. Second chances for those whom do the wrong things.
    4. A way for people to get where they want to go on trapped prison.

    Now back to the main discussion. Players that think that ex-warden and player of Trapped Prison Tonopia is right about most things of this server he isn't. He use to be fine of what was happening even if that consists of odarkstar killing people with a godly like bow HOWEVER it is due to the fact of that he was demoted via a Rollback on the servers and also due to the fact that he went power hungry for Warden that this was decided that he would not receive it back.

    This is all I will say towards the issues of trapped prison as there is simple is not all that much needed to be said about other issues.

    Proud [Warden] of Trapped Prison

    Awesome post. This is really good input.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Trapped Prison | PVP | First 1.3.1 Prison | Transfers Open |
    Quote from MineEngineer

    Just a suggestion when posting Guard Applications.

    Try and make your application look eye-catching and large in the quantity of text. But remember large/strange/coloured font doesn't always make it look better, in most cases it ruins it.

    Here is the application you will be filling out to apply;

    1) IGN:
    2) Your age:
    3) Your current rank:
    4) How long have you been playing Trapped? (Minimum of 3 days)
    5) Have you read the Server, Prison, and Guard Rules?
    6) Any experience with the prison genre?
    7) What is your time zone?
    8) Why are you the best choice for guard?

    For the above questions:

    1-5, These questions don't require such a large response/answer. You could probably answer them with 1-3 words.

    6, This question can be answered with a very minimal answer, or a large answer. With this you could state; what experience you have with this server and prison servers, explain how they run, anything extra you can put in here is good, but remember to keep it on topic and not trail off.

    7, Pretty simple question, post your time-zone.

    8, Now this is the one that can guarantee you a spot as a guard, or ruin your chances. With this question, try and make it as detailed as you can make it. Something that would be good, is if you state a situation with you as a guard, state how you would deal/respond with the situation and any other details. Remember the question is asking what makes you the best choice for guard, not why you want to be a guard.

    Saying what you would report to an Warden + isn't really what should go in here, you should say what you would do in the situation. Going over the rules in this answer is also a good thing to do, it shows that you fully understand the rules and that you actually read them.

    Try and aim for 2-3 paragraphs in as your answer to this question, but don't trail on about irrelevant stuff. The more is better as long as you are on topic.

    This is the guidelines that I follow when accepting application, I'm not sure about the other Warden's but I suspect they are along the same lines. Try using this guide when making your application and it will help your chances at getting accepted.

    Thankyou for reading,


    This is right on target. We should put this is in the thread it is very good. Go Daniel.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Trapped Prison | PVP | First 1.3.1 Prison | Transfers Open |
    Quote from maxbeniuk02


    Ty accepted.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    New Server Feature Coming Soon!

    The Black Market

    This feature was going to be on the old server before it shut down. Now the server is back up and better than ever. So the Black Market will be opening soon with 48 shops That players can occupy. They will be 10k. If a player pbuys a plot they have it forever unless they go inactive. This will be opened soon. That is all. And I missed this server and it's back!

    -Inwardlawyer29 (Warden) :D
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Trapped Prison | PVP | First 1.3.1 Prison | Transfers Open |
    Quote from maxbeniuk02

    2)Your age: 14

    3)Your current rank: B

    4)How long have you been playing Trapped?(Minimum of 3 days) Been playing for 5 days, Since the 8th of July

    5)Have you read the Server,Prison,and Guard Rules? Yes, i have, and i fully Understand them, and agree they are Reasonable.

    6)Any experience with the prison genre? Yes, i have been Guard on a couple, but resigned, because they were going Downhill.

    7)What is your time zone? Alberta Canada, GMT

    8)Why are you the best choice for guard? Im the best choice for guard because i know how to deal with matters. Im also experienced with these servers. And also i only speak the truth, i never lie. I think Trapped needs someone like me
    I love to make people follow the rules,
    I also never break rules. Being Guard on Trapped would be awesome!
    And also, im Really Active! Trapped is my Fav Jail server, and always will be :)
    And, when im dedicated to a server, im always on!
    Im definetly dedicated to Trapped
    As i said before, I love Trapped, Best jail ever guys good job :)

    Good app. IGN?
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Trapped Prison | PVP | First 1.3.1 Prison | Transfers Open |
    Quote from hakunbmw

    MY (2nd) Ban Appeal
    My other has not been looked at so...

    IGN: hakunbmw
    Rank: A-Block
    Reason: "Spam"
    Warden: I do not know, no info/warning was given
    Why I should be unbanned: I am 100% dedicated to the server, ranking up the ol' fashioned way; with hard work, no help from hacks. It was a one-time thing, i had never been banned nor kicked before on the server. I believe i deserve a second chance, as i will not spam the chat again. I don't know what i was thinking when i spammed, i just got mad at a player who was spamming. I just love the server so much, i made many friends (and a few enemies). I've been on the server since Danielsun was in charge, so i believe i proved my dedication to the server.
    Additional Info: Another player was spamming the chat, i just got mad spammed "ban" a few times. No warning was issued, i was banned on the spot.

    PS: my timezonee is Eastern US Standerd

    I think you truly want to be back and I am glad you notice that you should of been a little more careful. I am going to talk to the other wardens about this to make sure.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Trapped Prison | PVP | First 1.3.1 Prison | Transfers Open |
    Quote from Mrthatoneguy

    1) IGN:Bwolf999
    2) Your age:15
    3) Your current rank:B
    4) How long have you been playing Trapped? 1 1/2 weeks
    5) Have you read the Server, Prison, and Guard Rules? yes and i understand them fully
    6) Any experience with the prison genre? yes i have played on doomcraft
    7) What is your time zone? West coast, and i can play from about 10am to 12pm maybe later on some nights.
    8) Why are you the best choice for guard? Because i kick ass in pvp. I want to be the one guard who does not abuse his powers. The people who put this sever together they are just so amazing. I have become addicted to this sever. I would be able to play alot more than can over summer vacation. I have become addicted to this sever. I feel that this sever needs me help protect its innocent bystanders from being slain by rioters.

    Do not spam your app. And if denied which it was today re apply in three days.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Trapped Prison | PVP | First 1.3.1 Prison | Transfers Open |
    Awesome server! we have a great community join today!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Trapped Prison | PVP | First 1.3.1 Prison | Transfers Open |
    New interenet router I will be on today!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Trapped Prison | PVP | First 1.3.1 Prison | Transfers Open |
    Well my interenet router broke. My parents said they will get one on Friday so I will be back then.

    Yes I am posting from a phone.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Trapped Prison | PVP | First 1.3.1 Prison | Transfers Open |
    Quote from sargeigotyou

    Long Spam

    Stop with the spam.......
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on My Mega City Project
    BIG city. Looks very nice. Your 3 months of hard work has turned into a great masterpiece. Congrats.
    Posted in: Screenshots
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