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    posted a message on Convicted [Classic Prison Server] [Non-OP]
    Quote from InwardLawyer29

    I was banned from the server earlier this week for no reason. Then I got unbanned because I was banned for no reason. I was okay with this. I thought, okay they must of just been joking around. And then someone asked why I was unbanned and i was about to say because I didn't do anything wrong. Then I was banned. "The BanHammer Has Spoken. Then I tried tog et back on and I was unbanned. Then I came back on and was kicked from the server. I was a little confused why someone was doing this for no purpose. And now every time I try to get on it says, "You Have Been Kicked From The Server!" What did I do. Please fix this because I want to play on this server.

    I hope someone reads this.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [WIP] Death Island! [RankUp] [Unquie Gameplay] [Need Builders and Indians] [Suggestions needed]
    Indian App

    IGN: Inwardlawyer29
    AGE: 15
    Why do you want to be an Indian?: I really would like to help players and enforce the rules. This seems like it would be a fun position. It kind of sounds like a guard on a prison server. I have been a guard on Convicted so I have experience if it is kind of like that.
    How would you help the server?: I would like to help by making sure everyone on the server is enjoying the server while they are following the rules.
    Do you have any suggestion to be in the Indian Section?: No, the Indian section seems to be really good. This server has some really good ideas I have never seen before. It seems like it will be a fun server.

    Thank you,
    Inwardlawyer29 :biggrin.gif:

    *Top Page Get* :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Starting Up / Looking For Server
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    posted a message on Convicted [Classic Prison Server] [Non-OP]
    Quote from Beexichan

    The 'lier'.

    cough *liar cough

    And your app is denied. Don't copy other apps and then deny it.

    Bee can you unban me? I got banned for no reason. :sad.gif: :sad.gif: :sad.gif: :sad.gif: :sad.gif:
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Convicted [Classic Prison Server] [Non-OP]
    The bottom three apps say it all but read all of the apps if you want to. 97823 copied.

    Quote from 97283


    2)Your age:16

    3) How long have you been playing the server? (2 weeks now)

    4) Have you read the Server, Prison, and Guard Rules?Yes i have i READ them MANY times to make sher i can remember them all and know how to use them WISELY.

    5) Any experience with the prison genre?Yes i have experince on two prison srver genres and i was GUARD ON BOLTH and i was about to be a ALHPAGUARD BUT I HEARD about this server and my freind told me it was better so that is why i joned you GUYS

    6) What is your general location? (USA)

    7) Why are you the best choice for guard? because i have experince on two servers of being a guard and on that server i got the highest pvp combat reward from two wardens SO that is why i belive i should have the prevligous of being a guard on this server


    Quote from NoRegretzzx

    1) IGN: zXxNoXregretzzx
    2) Your age: 14
    3) How long have you been playing the server? (Minimum of 3 days) 5 days
    4) Have you read the Server, Prison, and Guard Rules? Yes
    5) Any experience with the prison genre? it is the majority of what I play!
    6) What is your general location? (USA, Europe, Asia, etc.) USA
    7) Why are you the best choice for guard? Because I love this server and have shown it by donating 50$ and have been on nonstop! I also have a lot of experience on prison servers and would love to make an impression :smile.gif: also I would like to be the one asking for people's swords because I don't see that happening very often.
    I hope you chose this application Viper :smile.gif: thanks!

    By the way, I have passed the guard test. Just to prove I'm a good pvp'er

    Noakii Noakii Noakii Noakii NOAKII

    Quote from 97283

    1) IGN:97283

    2) Your age: i am 15 years old SORRY MY BROTHER LIED :angry.gif:

    3) How long have you been playing the server? ( i have been playing on this server for a WEEK)

    4) Have you read the Server, Prison, and Guard Rules?yes i have i UNDERSTAND and know the rules to be a GUARD and i also know the PRISON RULES

    5) Any experience with the prison genre? Yes i have experinence in being a guard in FOUR DIFFERENT prison servers but my freind told me about this on and said i t was MORE EPIC then drop the soap prison server.

    6) What is your general location? (USA)

    7) Why are you the best choice for guard?I think i belive that i deserve the guard privilages because first off i have have been guards on all other prison servers i have been on. and i fully understand what a guard should do in a jail or fight. i WAS ALSO ABOUT TO be ALPHAGUARD tell my freind told me about this one SO i joined IT. also i am very good IN PVP or player VS player that is why i think i deserve to have the privilages to be a guard.


    Quote from NoRegretzzx

    Hello this is my 2nd guard app :biggrin.gif:
    IGN: zXxNoXregretzzx
    Your age: 14
    How long have you been playing the server? (Minimum of 3 days) I've been playing for over a week now. But I have made it to Elite-Prisoner by donating 50 dollars and non stop mining!
    Have you read the Server, Prison, and Guard Rules? Yes and here is my proof Noakii rhymes with Snooki yo! I will obey the guard rules because I have a respect for order and like to keep the order and I don;t like people who disrupt order
    Any experience with the prison genre? Yes I have played on Killion before. I don't play it anymore because this server came into my life. Then I heard where Killion got there ideas from and I was like "You thiefs!" Anyway to answer your question I do have experience with prison servers.
    What is your general location? (USA, Europe, Asia, etc.) USA
    Why are you the best choice for guard? Because this is my favorite server in the world. I have played non stop and have helped a lot of people on their journey too. I respect the guards, and I am a good PVP'er for I have passed the guard test. I really took a long time thinking over this app knowing that I didn't try hard enough last time and I plan on showing the respect a role like a guard (even if a trainee-guard) deserves!
    Thank you and hope you guys see this app in time and hope it is accepted!

    Quote from 97283

    guard app
    IGN: 97283
    Your age: 14
    How long have you been playing the server? (Minimum of 3 days) I've been playing for over a week now.
    Have you read the Server, Prison, and Guard Rules? I will obey the guard rules because I have a respect for order and like to keep the order and I don;t like people who disrupt order
    Any experience with the prison genre? Yes I have played on Killion before. I don't play it anymore because this server came into my life. Anyway to answer your question I do have experience with prison servers.
    What is your general location? (USA, Europe, Asia, etc.) USA
    Why are you the best choice for guard? Because this is my favorite server in the world. I have played non stop and have helped a lot of people on their journey too. I respect the guards, and I am a good PVP'er for I have passed the guard test. I really took a long time thinking over this app knowing that I didn't try hard enough last time and I plan on showing the respect a role like a guard (even if a trainee-guard) deserves!
    Thank you and hope you guys see this app in time and hope it is accepted!

    Quote from 97283

    guard app
    IGN: 97283
    Your age: 14
    How long have you been playing the server? (Minimum of 3 days) I've been playing for over a week now.
    Have you read the Server, Prison, and Guard Rules? I will obey the guard rules because I have a respect for order and like to keep the order and I dont like people who disrupt order
    Any experience with the prison genre? Yes I have played on Killion before. I don't play it anymore because this server came into my life. Anyway to answer your question I do have experience with prison servers.
    What is your general location? (USA, Europe, Asia, etc.) USA
    Why are you the best choice for guard? Because this is my favorite server in the world. I have played non stop and have helped a lot of people on their journey too. I respect the guards, and I am a good PVP'er for I have passed the guard test. I really took a long time thinking over this app knowing that I didn't try hard enough last time and I plan on showing the respect a role like a guard even if a trainee-guard.


    I'm not a robot!

    97283 you copied. Look at the bottom three apps. Thank you for pointing this out NoRegrets
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Convicted [Classic Prison Server] [Non-OP]
    I was banned from the server earlier this week for no reason. Then I got unbanned because I was banned for no reason. I was okay with this. I thought, okay they must of just been joking around. And then someone asked why I was unbanned and i was about to say because I didn't do anything wrong. Then I was banned. "The BanHammer Has Spoken. Then I tried tog et back on and I was unbanned. Then I came back on and was kicked from the server. I was a little confused why someone was doing this for no purpose. And now every time I try to get on it says, "You Have Been Kicked From The Server!" What did I do. Please fix this because I want to play on this server.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Nah, I'll stick with 1.0.0.
    Ok. I takes a minute to update but ok.
    Posted in: 1.1 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Jeb Is Doing Great At His Job
    Quote from warlordluke

    Exactly and I personally can't wait to see what else comes out for minecraft this year with jeb as lead.

    Same here :biggrin.gif: He is doing a great job.
    Posted in: 1.1 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Jeb Is Doing Great At His Job
    What I think people are getting confused by in this topic is if Jeb or Notch is better. This topic is simply about how Jeb is doing.
    Posted in: 1.1 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on %%|| Sentenced Prison Server ||%%
    Will the server be updated to 1.1 when it goes back up?
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Convicted [Classic Prison Server] [Non-OP]
    Well while everyone was on 1.1, I decided to go back to go back to my favorite Beta stage 1.6.6. This was the first stage that I played on when I started playing Minecraft. And it still remains my favorite. Then I tried to go on Convicted and remembered I was on 1.6.6. :sleep.gif:
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Jeb Is Doing Great At His Job
    Quote from KyoShinda

    Do you guys remember the fact that the past 2 months were jam-packed with holidays?
    I like every update he's made, It's like getting a present every week.

    This is true. And lots of people seem to be enjoying the update and Jeb working. ^^^The poll says it all.
    Posted in: 1.1 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Jeb Is Doing Great At His Job

    Hahah, the ones who voted no are probably the ALPHA HIPSTERS

    If somebody new to the forums doesnt know what alpha hipsters are...

    They are basicly the ***** that keep posting on every thread " terrain was better in alpha, now the game is boring, Alpha is the best, it is really fun, 1.0.0+ sucks. ".

    Anyways... i think jeb is doing good, he didnt added a lot of stuff but he fixed a lot of stuff that was bothering a lot of the players including me and im glad he did it... now let Jon do his magic and lets patiently wait for 1.2

    So true. :smile.gif:
    Posted in: 1.1 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Jeb Is Doing Great At His Job
    Nothc was good. But Jeb is listening to the community a lot more.
    Posted in: 1.1 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Convicted [Classic Prison Server] [Non-OP]
    Quote from expert700

    I'M BACK!
    Your favorite Weeder has come back to the server :happy.gif:

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Minecraft 1.1 is Released!
    I am excited about this. :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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