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    posted a message on Dynmap - Dynamic web-based maps for Minecraft
    Quote from moldyspore»

    So, I'm assuming this is no longer being updated? It's been months since any kind of activity from mike.

    DynmapForge v[/b]2.4[/b]-alpha-1[/b] is fairly recent. Sure the development isn't going as fast as years ago. But the project isn't abandoned either.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Dynmap - Dynamic web-based maps for Minecraft
    Quote from kingzogan»

    In the opening post of this thread please read the following section to get your answer and a solution:

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Millénaire - NPC village - 16/09/18 : Millénaire 7 open beta
    I still haven't gotten a response after almost a year now :(

    In that time I've send 3 reminders to the original question. I've posted the question here and on the millénaire forum. If you do get a reply, would you mind asking him what his stance on public mod packs is and if he would mind putting it up somewhere? The opening post of this forum thread would be a good place to post such information :)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Dynmap - Dynamic web-based maps for Minecraft
    Hey mike, it's awesome to see Dynmap going strong. It's one of my favorite mods/plugins of all time :)

    Today I downloaded the forge version for our new TFC server and I noticed that the link on https://github.com/webbukkit/dynmap still points to the bukkit forum which then points here. Perhaps it would be more convenient to point to this thread directly?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [0.2pre10] The Erebus, dimension of the arthropods [0.2pre10 is out!]
    The same way you got in, through a portal made out of mossy bricks.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on ChickenBones Mods
    Just report hist post and move on. There's a small report link under each post you can use for exactly this. It's against forum rules to ask for updates, let alone do it in such a way. A moderator will probably come and clean up his post if you report it.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Magical Crops - Farm your resources! [3.2.0] Who stole my tiger? [Magical Crops 4 BETA download available]
    Depending on which version of Windows 8 you're running, you can downgrade to Windows 7.

    And depending on where you live, you are also allowed to sell or trade your Windows license. This is true in the EU for example.

    Lastly, if you have Windows 7 on your old computer and you're not using that computer any more. You can install that version of Windows on your new computer.

    Whatever you do, get rid of Windows 8 as soon as possible. That OS has no place on the computer of anyone who uses a computer for being productive.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [Active][1.7.10][SSP/SMP][Forge]yogpstop's Mods (QuarryPlus,and more...)
    Quote from yogpstop
    22 November 2013, I will indefinitely stop the development and support of all MOD.
    Reason to stop this development is the factor that most be done else is too large, much time to the development of MOD has been lost.
    Thank you so far. In addition, continued development, etc., becoming free if you can according to the license terms.
    (Also, I think that sorry that this is this text has been machine translation.)

    Thank you for you wonderful mods and all the time you put into their development and support.

    Also thank you for making the source code of the mods available so someone else may continue them. You're awesome :)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Galacticraft 4.0.1 [6,400,000+ Downloads!]
    Please take a look at this screenshot:
    • Broken: Logistics Pipes update check. I'm running LogisticsPipes-MC1.6.2-0.7.4.dev.66 which is currently the latest version.
    • Broken: Biomes O Plenty check. I'm running BiomesOPlenty-universal-1.6.4- which is currently the latest version.
    • Broken: Galacticaft update check. I'm running Galacticraft-1.6.4- which is currently the latest versin.

    All these update checkers have in common that they are broken and can't be disabled.

    Could you please fix the update check and add an option to disable it? I understand why update checks are convenient. It helps players to keep their mods up to date and thus reduce the amount of bug reports about bugs that have already been fixed.

    I check all the mods in my mod pack weekly for updates. There's no need for me to be notified about updates since I'm already updating regularly. Right now it's just an inconvenience and a rather annoying one since it's telling me I'm doing a poor job at keeping the mods in my pack up-to-date.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.10/1.6.4][Forestry] Binnie's Mods 1.8.0 / 2.0-dev - Extra Bees, Extra Trees, Botany and Genetics
    yric277 and natie99, could you please edit your really long posts and put spoiler tags around the crash reports?

    It's easy to do and it really helps to keep the forum more pleasant. This is how you use spoiler tags:
    [spoiler] <- Begin with spoiler opening tag.
    This can be your crash report.
    End with spoiler closing tag -> [/spoiler]
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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