Thank you for the files. By loading them into a pack the game output told me that the json was malformed at the pulling line. All I had to do was remove the comma after "pulling": 1 and those 2 files you posted started working.
Edit: If you are not familiar with the debug window there is an option in your launcher settings to 'Open output log when game starts' and enabling that can help diagnose any problems with models and textures for future work.
i'm trying to replace the arrow model with something i'm making, but the moment i add an override value to the json, it just breaks completely, here's the override in question:
Edit: While writing my initial response I realized that you have a backslash when referencing your item model. After making my own crappy little 3D model to test I am sure that using a backslash rather than the appropriate forward slash will break a model and cause the black box issue. Try using a forward slash like the rest of the file and see if that fixes things.
the pulling model uses the bow model as it's parent and basically is the exact same model, but with changed display values so that it looks correct when the bow is pulled and the model is rotated. the model becomes a cube regardless of whether it's being pulled or not.
What do you mean that the model becomes a cube whether it it's being pulled or not? Your first screenshot shows the item displaying the way I would think you want it, or is there something I'm not getting here. What KittenKatja and I would want/need to see is the full .json for your bow, like this is the vanilla bow.json:
With the full files we'd be able to see where you went wrong however you've only shown us the portion you are having troubles with isolated from the rest of the file which is a problem since by itself the predicate case doesn't seem wrong... although, as I type this I am noticing you're using a backslash when designating your file location rather than a forward slash like the normal models to. I'm not sure if that would be enough to make it wrong (I always just used the forward slash) but I would try changing that without anything else to go on.
The more detail the better we could help, for something this complex a minimum pack would be helpful (although I say that to everyone). We would really need to see at least the whole model for your bow and the bow_pulling_0 would be good too. While I haven't played around with doing this for a bow yet I did recently do this kind of thing with a crossbow and found out that each stage of the pulling action has different, hidden, rotation and position data that makes it impossible to use the same model criteria across drawing stages. The bow is a little different than the crossbow but if I remember correctly you do zoom in a little when you draw it to full tension so I would guess that your problem lies in there somewhere. I may play around with this some then to see if I get the same problem but until then I'd need more detail from you to make any better guess.
How would I get an axe with a damage of 2 mass produced if you will so I can have multiple. Because I do not want to go through and use the axe once or whatever
Based on this question I feel like you are doing something wrong since you should not be seeing the texture at all unless you have spawned the item with an unbreakable tag. The pack with the axes, which you downloaded and seem to be using, is NOT the example pack you should've been using- I was very, very clear about that in my last post where I linked the pack you should be using directly in the post. At this point I have to assume that you want your axe to completely change appearance every time you use it, rather than setting a specific texture for an unbreakable tool based on damage value- although I'm not sure why you would want that.
To /give yourself a damaged axe in 1.12 you would use the command /give @p diamond_axe 1 2 (the 1 is the item quantity and the 2 is the damage value so if you want 10 with a damage of 3 you would just alter the numbers accordingly) but this texture will change as soon as you use the item. If you are looking for special items the are only spawned in with commands then you should read my earlier post and follow the instructions.
Based on the information you've given us, this should be working. I replicated your steps of extracting the en_us.json and putting it in my own pack at mypack/assets/minecraft/lang and when I changed the name of a block and reload with F3+t the altered text appears in game. The only 2 things I could think of would be if you have another pack higher than it in resource pack list (kind of assume you tried running it alone and it still didn't work) OR is it possible you aren't using en_us? There are several English language selections and if, by chance, you are on English (Canada) instead of English (US) then that would be a different file you would have to alter. I would say to check your language setting if you aren't using the US language then either switch to it or locate and extract the appropriate language file. I'm all out of ideas beyond that, if you could upload a minimal resource pack and link it here I might be able to help a little more but I can't replicate the bug as is.
I extracted the en_us.json file from the jar and put it in ".minecraft\resourcepacks\custom_songs\assets\minecraft\lang" , but when I edit the descriptions it doesn't work at all.
This may be a silly question, but did you make a resource pack, or is this literally all that you did: create a folder structure and place the file inside it, hoping altering might change it? If these steps are all you've done then you should know that a folder such as custom_songs being in the resourcepacks folder isn't actually a resource pack without a pack.mcmeta also, even with a valid .mcmeta file you have to make you you activate it in your resource pack selection menu if you hope to see it in game.
Sorry if it seems like I'm belittling you by asking these questions, but the game is played by people of all ages and understandings of the game. I hope this information has been helpful and if you need further help I always tell people the best way to get a problem solved is to upload your pack and let us have a look at exactly what you're dealing with. Good luck,
Yes, you could- although there wouldn't really need to be a whole pack for it. The point of being able to load multiple resource packs is so you can add simple features to the game without losing the parts you like from other packs. Take what we're talking about right now: that's a download a resource pack I just made that has my lightmap and nothing else extra to is (aside from a pack.png and a copy of the optifine lightmap template). Because you can load multiple resource packs and the only thing in DarknessFalls is a lightmap for the overworld, loading this pack over top of the pack you love will combine the 2 so you have my lightmap but all of your textures and other resources. If you could only load one pack at a time having my pack active would effect the light but all of the textures would be vanilla, however MC lets you load multiples and fills in any missing assets from the top pack with assets from the pack below it, then the one below that, only using vanilla assets when no other files exist. I hope that helps clarify the texture loading from multiple packs for you, it really is a handy feature: I like to build new models and features as stand-alone packs and wait until I have a feature perfect before folding it into my main pack.
elaborate? how would i go about changing any settings in optifine?
It isn't really a setting: Optifine allows for custom lightmaps which is how you would change it. In the first 2 images you can see that anything without a an artificial light source on it is dark, like indistinguishably dark, and those images are in the middle of daytime with the game brightness set to 'Bright.' I would imagine that's a little too dark for you, guessing you'd probably want some light, so I suggested altering the template optifine provides and darkening it until you get the brightness you want.
Long story short: The bottom half of the image is for light levels when you have night vision and the top is default light, the top of each half represents natural lighting based on daytime and the lower is for artificial light sources. So if you create a resource pack and make a folder in it called assets/minecraft/optifine/lightmap you can drop a lightmap image in there, select the top quarter of the map, and darken it down or lighten it until you get the brightness you want. Just to illustrate what I mean I made a new lightmap just slightly brighter than my last which you can see the difference in the final screenshot, it isn't much but you can tell what things are now during midnight. If that's the kind of darkness you want you could just use this lightmap. Hope it helps, good luck on your adventure.
I don't know anything about RPW but if you make a 16x transparent image called critical_hit.png and place it in the assets/minecraft/textures/particle folder it should work. If the folder doesn't exist in your pack then I would suggest making one however the separation of particle files from a sheet to their own textures was just done in 1.14 so if you are working on an pack for an older version it would be a little different. Is this pack for 1.14? If it is I would say to just make the folder and put the asset inside yourself.
Someone was trying to do this a few weeks ago and regrettably it isn't currently possible. You could read the response to the last person here: and if you really, really want to be certain can always try asking the Optifine folks at their discord
Thank you for the files. By loading them into a pack the game output told me that the json was malformed at the pulling line. All I had to do was remove the comma after "pulling": 1 and those 2 files you posted started working.
Edit: If you are not familiar with the debug window there is an option in your launcher settings to 'Open output log when game starts' and enabling that can help diagnose any problems with models and textures for future work.
Edit: While writing my initial response I realized that you have a backslash when referencing your item model. After making my own crappy little 3D model to test I am sure that using a backslash rather than the appropriate forward slash will break a model and cause the black box issue. Try using a forward slash like the rest of the file and see if that fixes things.
What do you mean that the model becomes a cube whether it it's being pulled or not? Your first screenshot shows the item displaying the way I would think you want it, or is there something I'm not getting here. What KittenKatja and I would want/need to see is the full .json for your bow, like this is the vanilla bow.json:
With the full files we'd be able to see where you went wrong however you've only shown us the portion you are having troubles with isolated from the rest of the file which is a problem since by itself the predicate case doesn't seem wrong... although, as I type this I am noticing you're using a backslash when designating your file location rather than a forward slash like the normal models to. I'm not sure if that would be enough to make it wrong (I always just used the forward slash) but I would try changing that without anything else to go on.
The more detail the better we could help, for something this complex a minimum pack would be helpful (although I say that to everyone). We would really need to see at least the whole model for your bow and the bow_pulling_0 would be good too. While I haven't played around with doing this for a bow yet I did recently do this kind of thing with a crossbow and found out that each stage of the pulling action has different, hidden, rotation and position data that makes it impossible to use the same model criteria across drawing stages. The bow is a little different than the crossbow but if I remember correctly you do zoom in a little when you draw it to full tension so I would guess that your problem lies in there somewhere. I may play around with this some then to see if I get the same problem but until then I'd need more detail from you to make any better guess.
Based on this question I feel like you are doing something wrong since you should not be seeing the texture at all unless you have spawned the item with an unbreakable tag. The pack with the axes, which you downloaded and seem to be using, is NOT the example pack you should've been using- I was very, very clear about that in my last post where I linked the pack you should be using directly in the post. At this point I have to assume that you want your axe to completely change appearance every time you use it, rather than setting a specific texture for an unbreakable tool based on damage value- although I'm not sure why you would want that.
To /give yourself a damaged axe in 1.12 you would use the command /give @p diamond_axe 1 2 (the 1 is the item quantity and the 2 is the damage value so if you want 10 with a damage of 3 you would just alter the numbers accordingly) but this texture will change as soon as you use the item. If you are looking for special items the are only spawned in with commands then you should read my earlier post and follow the instructions.
This should be what you want:
Based on the information you've given us, this should be working. I replicated your steps of extracting the en_us.json and putting it in my own pack at mypack/assets/minecraft/lang and when I changed the name of a block and reload with F3+t the altered text appears in game. The only 2 things I could think of would be if you have another pack higher than it in resource pack list (kind of assume you tried running it alone and it still didn't work) OR is it possible you aren't using en_us? There are several English language selections and if, by chance, you are on English (Canada) instead of English (US) then that would be a different file you would have to alter. I would say to check your language setting if you aren't using the US language then either switch to it or locate and extract the appropriate language file. I'm all out of ideas beyond that, if you could upload a minimal resource pack and link it here I might be able to help a little more but I can't replicate the bug as is.
This may be a silly question, but did you make a resource pack, or is this literally all that you did: create a folder structure and place the file inside it, hoping altering might change it? If these steps are all you've done then you should know that a folder such as custom_songs being in the resourcepacks folder isn't actually a resource pack without a pack.mcmeta also, even with a valid .mcmeta file you have to make you you activate it in your resource pack selection menu if you hope to see it in game.
Sorry if it seems like I'm belittling you by asking these questions, but the game is played by people of all ages and understandings of the game. I hope this information has been helpful and if you need further help I always tell people the best way to get a problem solved is to upload your pack and let us have a look at exactly what you're dealing with. Good luck,
You should read this: Currently there is no way to restore it however there is a form you can fill out at the bottom of the first post to add yourself to a list of people who want their content restored as the staff look into it.
That won't work since according to your account does exist and the IGN is not availible:
Yes, you could- although there wouldn't really need to be a whole pack for it. The point of being able to load multiple resource packs is so you can add simple features to the game without losing the parts you like from other packs. Take what we're talking about right now: that's a download a resource pack I just made that has my lightmap and nothing else extra to is (aside from a pack.png and a copy of the optifine lightmap template). Because you can load multiple resource packs and the only thing in DarknessFalls is a lightmap for the overworld, loading this pack over top of the pack you love will combine the 2 so you have my lightmap but all of your textures and other resources. If you could only load one pack at a time having my pack active would effect the light but all of the textures would be vanilla, however MC lets you load multiples and fills in any missing assets from the top pack with assets from the pack below it, then the one below that, only using vanilla assets when no other files exist. I hope that helps clarify the texture loading from multiple packs for you, it really is a handy feature: I like to build new models and features as stand-alone packs and wait until I have a feature perfect before folding it into my main pack.
Those are called Advanced Item Tooltips which are enabled by holding F3 and pressing the H key. Minecraft has a few interesting tools you can toggle on and off like this, you can read more of them here:
It isn't really a setting: Optifine allows for custom lightmaps which is how you would change it. In the first 2 images you can see that anything without a an artificial light source on it is dark, like indistinguishably dark, and those images are in the middle of daytime with the game brightness set to 'Bright.' I would imagine that's a little too dark for you, guessing you'd probably want some light, so I suggested altering the template optifine provides and darkening it until you get the brightness you want.
Custom lightmap documentation can be read here
The template can be found here
Long story short: The bottom half of the image is for light levels when you have night vision and the top is default light, the top of each half represents natural lighting based on daytime and the lower is for artificial light sources. So if you create a resource pack and make a folder in it called assets/minecraft/optifine/lightmap you can drop a lightmap image in there, select the top quarter of the map, and darken it down or lighten it until you get the brightness you want. Just to illustrate what I mean I made a new lightmap just slightly brighter than my last which you can see the difference in the final screenshot, it isn't much but you can tell what things are now during midnight. If that's the kind of darkness you want you could just use this lightmap. Hope it helps, good luck on your adventure.
I don't know anything about RPW but if you make a 16x transparent image called critical_hit.png and place it in the assets/minecraft/textures/particle folder it should work. If the folder doesn't exist in your pack then I would suggest making one however the separation of particle files from a sheet to their own textures was just done in 1.14 so if you are working on an pack for an older version it would be a little different. Is this pack for 1.14? If it is I would say to just make the folder and put the asset inside yourself.