I happen to have the same problem and none of these are working, the server is DEFINETLY NOT full, my ping is bearable, and I was able to get on it yesterday and today's morning, I don't understand D:< whenever I try to log in, it says logging in for a long time then gives ReadTimeoutexception : Null, I've heard from another player that it had also happened to them, relogging hasn't helped
Minecraft IGN: xXCrazyToyXx
Age: 13
Skills: All around except building :3 though I am a pretty dang good archer and Minecrafter
How long have you been playing Minecraft: 2 years
Will you complete your daily tasks?: Yes, I get bored a LOT, as long as the daily task isn't crazy, (Asking me to find diamond on my first day)
How often do you play?: I play on every day except for Tues., Thurs., & Mon.
I joined ArcadeMania yesterday when I checked mineshafter but I had noooo idea this was the reborn arcadecraft! My ign is ayushverma9 I am on right now 10:19 AM eastern time
IGN: xXCrazyToyXx
Age: 13
Skills: All around except building :3 though I am a pretty dang good archer and Minecrafter
How long have you been playing Minecraft: 2 years
Will you complete your daily tasks?: Yes, I get bored a LOT, as long as the daily task isn't crazy, (Asking me to find diamond on my first day)
How often do you play?: I play on every day except for Tues., Thurs., & Mon.
Hope I get accepted!