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    posted a message on A very bad JavaScript game: minecraft mining

    I can't seem to automatically increase worker efficiency any more (like how it was a few hours ago).

    It isn't listed in the updates that it was removed either so is this some sort of bug?

    Sorry, yeah. Some people thought it should be removed back to manual. What's your opinion on this?
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on A very bad JavaScript game: minecraft mining
    Quote from Lilbourne

    I seem to be having an issue with the Auto-Pilot. I closed my game. Came back about an hour later and my Auto-Pilot was off. I'm not sure if there is somewhere I can turn it back on, but, if there is, I can't find it.

    EDIT: I'd like to not that I did submit a Feedback form with my save data attached. I will be heading to bed at this point so, if you have a question I will not be able to answer you until I return.

    This issue has been fixed .:)
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on A very bad JavaScript game: minecraft mining
    Quote from tbone120120

    I went to the game and then i press "sell ore",auto pilot was on and i couldn't,the vault was full but it didn't say (FULL),so i turned auto pilot off,then i thought they would sell,but they didn't.

    Could you please submit a bug report with your saved data? Would be a much easier process of looking into this problem.

    Also mind telling me what browser you're using? (I should probably automatically collect that in bug reports too, I guess)
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on A very bad JavaScript game: minecraft mining
    Quote from tbone120120

    I can't sell my ores now.

    Yeah...I'm pretty sure you can...
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on A very bad JavaScript game: minecraft mining
    Thanks to player submitted feedback/bug reports:
    Fixed bug where after all upgrades, stone would cost $25 and not $50
    Reduced chikolio's army increase rate
    Reduced intensity of earthquakes when going through portals
    Fixed mining button would be disabled should be fixed
    Issue fixed where setting a vault storage number for an ore above or equal to vault size would lag the hell out of the game/crash browser
    Your vault now shows even with autopilot enabled
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on A very bad JavaScript game: minecraft mining
    Quote from tbone120120

    Woah,i can't even play the game now,it crashes my browser,ive tried every other browser.

    Could you do the same as I requested to sanoj above? It will let me find the problem much faster.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on A very bad JavaScript game: minecraft mining
    Quote from sanoj00

    Whoa, is it just me or is the webpage being really slow? Guess it's because so many people are playing. You'll need a better webserver!

    HINT: So people won't need to donate too much, you could add som ad banners by the sides!

    EDIT: When I press "Submit Game" I hear the HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA music for a while, then it stop,s and the website crashes. WAT

    Please go to http://www.rscharts....game/export.php and pm me what you get

    This should only happen to cheaters, but if you're legit, I'll look into it (really need you to go to that link though)

    EDIT: Should be fixed!
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on A very bad JavaScript game: minecraft mining
    New update
    Don Chikolio's and the Underlord's soldier spawn rate has been increased
    When entering the portal to the underworld, the underlord will now instantly get 100,000 soldiers
    Ore price guide now shows the name of ores
    Fixed visual glitch where your money wouldn't show the correct amount when you lost a battle
    New boss added
    Bug fixes
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on A very bad JavaScript game: minecraft mining
    Quote from Adrenaline Rush

    MineClicker, its just the name for now...yes i guess i can suggest since other people are doing it.

    Vault upgrades, basically a slowdown if you have auto-mine.

    Also armies don't do anything, maybe i don't know how to use them but it seems like they do absolutely NOTHING to the enemies and bosses.

    MineClicker is a very popular suggestion among the names. I'm going to pick my top 5 and see what everyone thinks is the best of that list.

    As for vault upgrades, they become useful when you start researching advanced stuff (mainly in the next update). :)

    As for armies, they are used to fight off any attacks or to attack (e.g: don chikolio and underlord). The zombie boss cannot be fought.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on A very bad JavaScript game: minecraft mining
    Quote from AneiTheReaper

    I would say adding a way to look at the achievments would be nice also perhaps like cookie clicker an advantage to reseting the game and working your way back up a bit more quickly so you can experience new stuff that you miss out on because you don't want to lose your spot on the highscores.

    Whenever new content is added, it always adds on to the game from where it left off. I never add content that people who are already playing can't get to.

    I also think the pigman army should instantly spawn when you enter the portal. Like give them 100k instantly or something when you go through cause right now its really easy to clear them outside jump in and one shot the shrine. Maybe up the spawn rates on the pigmen overall. And increase the rate that the chicken builds up an army cause right now its rather slow.

    Yeah, the army seems a little useless right now seeing how easy it is to clear through each boss. I'll probably do what you said, and up the spawn rates a little bit. :)

    Ideas for new miner would maybe be an Enderminer. Also adding perhaps Emeralds, End Stone, and a Enderdragon type boss. Also I think another good idea for those really wealthy people would be making them save up a certain amount of money or material to 'Enchant' Their pickaxe and give it special affects. Not sure what kind of effects would be good. Maybe some just for funs to change the game up a bit at the high end.

    Enderstuff? This describes the next update. ;)

    I was deciding on enchantment a while back; however, I ended up going with the research system. I felt it would provide more than enchantment. Now that researching is in the game, seems like enchantments would be rather pointless.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on A very bad JavaScript game: minecraft mining
    Quote from kokiboki

    Great game.
    My only suggestion is to add more permanent bosses maybe add 3 (or more)armies against us at once ?

    A new boss is in the next game update. :)

    Highscores now has a group system! You can now compete with just your friends on highscores.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on A very bad JavaScript game: minecraft mining
    Quote from tbone120120

    Maybe a easter egg....?

    When i started on a iron pick to contenue my game i started off with a underworld pick.i was like AWESOME.I got auto pilot so fast XD

    Haha, woops. Fixed that too. ;p

    Finally working on highscores group system.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on A very bad JavaScript game: minecraft mining
    Quote from AneiTheReaper

    So I have been playing this game a ton recently and as I popped over the 2 trillion dollars made mark the game strated freaking out playing the he-man song and changing colors and all kinds of ­ and turned my pick into a sock.... http://puu.sh/651kJ.png image for proof. Anything I did wrong or whats going on here?

    The music and coloration and crap starts any time I try to submit my score when its over 2 trillion. I'm sure its an anti-cheat thing at this point but considering I don't cheat I just never turn my computer off would be great if I could go back to enjoying this game. http://puu.sh/651uP.png image of it doing the stupid crap.

    I think I put a limit on the money earned, which is a bad idea. Plus I never thought someone would achieve 2 trillion, so good job man!

    I will fix this immediately, and the next time you visit the game you should have everything fixed. :)

    Sorry for the inconvenience!
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on A very bad JavaScript game: minecraft mining
    Added an ore price guide to the navigation menu
    Research projects may now require resources
    In relation to the previous change, you can set aside resources for research
    Popup/alert boxes are no longer used when "buying x" of soldiers
    Popups no longer "overlap"/overwrite eachother; there is now a queue
    Fixed bug where ores wouldn't show up in your vault when auto pilot was disabled
    Fixed bug where money wasn't deducted when you researched something
    Fixed a bug where cancelling a project bugged out
    Fixed bug where after purchasing and disabiling autopilot, ore would still be sold automaticall
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on A very bad JavaScript game: minecraft mining
    Quote from BloodyPhoenix

    Been a while for sure.
    Glad to see this game's still goin' strong!

    I have found a problem, though. Either I'm doing it wrong, or the vault will not remember how many of something you want kept in there. Because of this, I cannot complete the researches. ._.
    The game also seems to not save for me. It says it does, but if the page refreshes, I go back to the beginning.

    As for the vault, the problem has been fixed. :)

    The website is having connection issues at the moment. Maybe that plays a role in it; should be fixed soon.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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