Iiiiiiii'm dumb. Sorry, got called away in the middle of applying, and I totally forgot. Durr.
First Name:
Minecraft User Name: GriffMorivan
How long have you been playing SMP?: 8 months
Do you have RP Experience?: Since I was 12
What is your birthday?: 21/01/1989
Role Play
Character Name: Gnorl Redfang, refers to himself by 'Morivan'
Character Race: Demon
Character Description: A hulking Demon, almost a dark carmine in color with yellow teeth, not from plaque or grime, but purely by birth. His teeth remain as sharp as ever, though his horns have been broken and filed to nubs.
Character Bio: Gnorl was a demon, wandering the Nether for some time prior to crossing the void. Ever the intellectual among his kind. On his first excursion into the realm of Men, he and his band fought with a group of humans, the best of them being a blacksmith by the name of Morivan. The other demons were cut down by Morivan, but not before mortally wounding him. Gnorl, overcome by grief, approached the man and offered to treat his wounds. Reticent to take help from a demon who not moments before fought to slay him, Morivan demanded proof of the demon's good will. To prove himself, Gnorl reached for his horns, snapping them from his head in a fearsome display of denouncing his own race.
Gnorl spent eighteen days in the presence of Morivan, who's wounds only grew more grave, as result of some venom in the demonic weaponry. Gnorl imparted on Morivan his knowledge, and Morivan in turn did the same, teaching Gnorl the ways of a blacksmith. With his final breath, Morivan nodded briefly, telling Gnorl that he was forgiven for assisting the others, and that he could die peacefully, knowing that there was one who did not agree with the edicts of his kind. Gnorl swore his life to atoning for the deaths of those men, deciding to embark on a journey of spiritual enlightenment, through the use of Morivan's own hammer. To throw aside his race in finality, he donned the name of the man who taught him the ways of men.
Character History: Uh... redundant?
Character Class: I'd like to be so bold as to ask for the title of Spirit Smith, asking for Alchemy, Repair and Cushion, with the Levitation power. HOWEVER, if you're not down for that, which, I totally understand, I'll take Light Mage.
Minecraft User Name: GriffMorivan
How long have you been playing SMP?: 8 months
Do you have RP Experience?: Since I was 12
What is your birthday?: 21/01/1989
Role Play
Character Name: Gnorl Redfang, refers to himself by 'Morivan'
Character Race: Demon
Character Description: A hulking Demon, almost a dark carmine in color with yellow teeth, not from plaque or grime, but purely by birth. His teeth remain as sharp as ever, though his horns have been broken and filed to nubs.
Character Bio: Gnorl was a demon, wandering the Nether for some time prior to crossing the void. Ever the intellectual among his kind. On his first excursion into the realm of Men, he and his band fought with a group of humans, the best of them being a blacksmith by the name of Morivan. The other demons were cut down by Morivan, but not before mortally wounding him. Gnorl, overcome by grief, approached the man and offered to treat his wounds. Reticent to take help from a demon who not moments before fought to slay him, Morivan demanded proof of the demon's good will. To prove himself, Gnorl reached for his horns, snapping them from his head in a fearsome display of denouncing his own race.
Gnorl spent eighteen days in the presence of Morivan, who's wounds only grew more grave, as result of some venom in the demonic weaponry. Gnorl imparted on Morivan his knowledge, and Morivan in turn did the same, teaching Gnorl the ways of a blacksmith. With his final breath, Morivan nodded briefly, telling Gnorl that he was forgiven for assisting the others, and that he could die peacefully, knowing that there was one who did not agree with the edicts of his kind. Gnorl swore his life to atoning for the deaths of those men, deciding to embark on a journey of spiritual enlightenment, through the use of Morivan's own hammer. To throw aside his race in finality, he donned the name of the man who taught him the ways of men.
Character History: Uh... redundant?
Character Class: I'd like to be so bold as to ask for the title of Spirit Smith, asking for Alchemy, Repair and Cushion, with the Levitation power. HOWEVER, if you're not down for that, which, I totally understand, I'll take Light Mage.
Place of Birth: Netherealm.
A.) You didn't read the rules so I really didn't read anything else
And @Exel, He's never been un-whitelisted. As we haven't un-whitelisted anyone. So either he's mistakenly thought he was on it at some point or a weird error happened and he did actually get removed by the server.
Going to try and fix server in three minutes. People who are not whitelisted:
Please follow the new whitelist procedure which can be found on the O.P.
Sorry for the inconvenience, the new procedure will make it so that events like the last few days of down time will not affect the server. Curse is to blame here, not us.
And the reason I'm waiting to whitelist for so long is that I am going on vacation in a day or two so I'm waiting to get as many people in as possible.
i also have a feeling that nobody wants me on this server
because of those people that ask if your still going to whitelist me
see this:
So please. Take a little more then five minutes next time to do this. You've been trying since we started and have yet to get in for a reason. It's not that we "hate" you or "just don't want to play with you" as you have whined about in the past. It's that your applications are consistently sub-par.
First Name:Collin
Minecraft User Name:(This is what we add to the whitelist) piffboy6
How long have you been playing SMP?:since December of 2010
Do you have RP Experience?:yes Siege craft and alot
What is your birthday?: (ex. M/D/Y 6/1/2011) 11/18/1996
Character Name: (First and last) Kog Quarrywarrior
Character Race: (See below) Dwarf
Character Description: An unusually small dwarf, approximately 4' tall, with redish hair and a long beard to match. Has naturally dark tan-colored skin.He is decorated with scars. His clothing is of an orange taint, along with a gold hairband.
Character Bio: An average dwarf that has a great taste for ale and hates those who dont drink it because their lack of taste for achol.
Character History: Being the only child of a minner and a merchant was hard for Kog. So since he didnt fell important because he parents were never paying any atention to him. Sohe ran away after running for a while he came across a small cave. There was something strange about this one cave. So he walked in,after what had felt hours of searching he came across two torches. One on the right and one on the left they where right next to two tunnels. So he rushed down the right tunnel not knowing where he is at untill he came across a small iron door. He tried pushing and pulling the door but itwouldntbudge. But shortly he found a little lever and he pulled it, after a few seconds the door slowly creeped open. Kog slowly walked in the room and stoped. There was a small little stone on a table. Quickly Kog ran to it and snatched off the table. Not knowing what it was he heard a deep voice,like a voice of a demon then he saw the man a small redskined demon with horns 2write out numbers under 100. two, seventy-two etc. feet long. Then Kog blacked out not knowing what happened he woke up on a boat docked in a land called Immortalus!Why?
Character Class: Thief
Place of Birth: Cratisha
A.) Sorry, but I can't even understand your story's beginning because:
i. Too many "so"s
ii. Your second sentence makes absolutely no sense grammatically.
B.) You still have spelling errors. You are complaining about how long it takes us to white list? Maybe if you spent a little less time complaining, and a little more time putting effort into a fantastic application you'd already be on the server.
C.) Whining. You whine. A lot. People on the server actually ask me if I intend on white-listing you after all the whining. It doesn't improve your odds of getting on the server, it actually decreases them. Please stop whining.
D.)Among the varied misspelled words and improperly formatted sentences: apostrophes these are important. wouldnt (Red lines pop up, spelling errors are inexcusable when you have a spell check built into the forums.) is written as wouldn't would not. wouldn't
E.)The more you post, the harder we are on your application.
F.)Even if we whitelisted you, you'd have to keep the proper grammar up in order to remain whitelisted.
So please. Take a little more then five minutes next time to do this. You've been trying since we started and have yet to get in for a reason. It's not that we "hate" you or "just don't want to play with you" as you have whined about in the past. It's that your applications are consistently sub-par.
Racial benefits removed due to people choosing Demon too much. Every race is now equal. To people who thought they would be able to TP into the nether on will: The plugin never worked anyways.
Guys, stick to something that can be made sense of AND that goes with the RP.
As a reminder to everyone and header for future interested players :
1) a. Immortalus is unknown, nowhere to be found. It is like the El-Dorado! You cannot have been there or been born there in any way. Try not to break that rule in your description.
1) b. Your character arrives to Tenoth by boat, with little to no fame/experience. Please refrain from making 'Kings of thieves' and such. If you want to become one, you'll have to do it by yourself In Character.
2). The city you arrive in is not Immortalus, the sign on the wall is only a welcome to the Server. The name of the city is Tenoth.
3). There are 3 chat channels you should know : Local RP, Global RP and OOC.
Local RP is exclusively roleplay and In Character (IC). Only those close to you will be able to read what you say. To join it type /ch local. For quick OOC questions, use OOC or place your sentence in brackets like this : (( )) if in local.
Global RP is exclusively roleplay and should only be used for important official messages to be spread out or things such as someone screaming out loud. With Global, everyone in the world can read you. To join type /ch global or to type a quick message type /qm global (message)
OOC is the only place there should be Non-Roleplay and Out Of Charater discussions. To join it type /ch ooc or type /qm ooc (message) to quickmsg it.
Please try using the channel system accordingly.
Note : Try to refrain from using /me since it can be heard everywhere like global. Actions made by your character should be put between * * while in Local so that not everyone hears you are stabbing your beloved rival in a far away desert.
4). Everyone asks 'how do I buy a house?' in the city. Simple : get Iron and/or gold and pay one of the city prospects for a permanent household. Foutain district houses are more expensive and so will the new ones in front of the future townhall.
Also Remember : buying a house must be done In Character. Metagaming will not be tolerated.
The same IC buying rule is applicable to the Saxon and anywhere else.
4). Magic does NOT work as of the moment. We are working on it amidst trying to live, working on the city, advancing on the lore, making the server run, etc. It will work when it will work. Stop bugging Kevin AKA Immortalus or any mods to make it work.
5). This is not a freebuild server, it's a RP server. Constructions that are not approved of both IC and OOCly will be destroyed. If you want to suggest building something anywhere near the city please go ahead but make sure it is both necessary and fits with the theme. (Cobble boxhouses = NO)
We are currently working on Tenoth, and the underground city of the Dwarves. If you'd like to help any of those projects, it would be certainly appreciated.
6). We want serious roleplay. Try keeping correct grammar in both your description and when online and IC. Also, refrain from meta gaming as much as from mixing OOC and IC. One thing I've seen often is people phasing into OOC, moving somewhere, then going back into IC. Refrain from doing that, it's very unreal and anti-athmospheric. Another role of thumb is ; don't call people by their nicknames as if their names were stuck above their heads.
Ask their name IC, if you don't know it, then act as if you didn't.
7). Stealing is allowed. Grieving is not. When you steal, seriously, don't steal a whole chest. Choose the lightest of things ; A burglar can't bring 12 stacks of iron bars by himself. Also, don't break things/walls/buildings. The only situation this would be allowed is if you break into someone's house by breaking windows. Otherwise, use doors. Digging into a building is NOT realistic.
8). Killing. Very ambigiuous question. Killing should only be for IC reasons and should be given some Roleplay rather than outright rushing-killing-looting. A roleplayed battle is much more fun than just outright slapping someone with a diamond sword till he dies.
If you are killed, your 'respawn' is explained as if you fell unconscious and were brought back to the city. However if you died in a obvious IC way that you'd agree on or died by falling to everyone's sight, into a pit of lava... You are dead, not big surprise. Make a new character.
Remember, don't force actions on others. *Stabs the red skinned fiend in the ribs.* Is no good, *Attempts to stab the red skinned fiend in the ribs.* IS encouraged.
Try to remember these rules of thumb when playing, it can really help you, us, me, them all have fun together on the server.
Thank you for your consideration.
I talked about killing in the new updated rules. Thanks for pointing all this out though
Re-read the application procedure.
A.) You didn't read the rules so I really didn't read anything else
B.) Re-read the instructions for applying
Noone has yet, But only one person has posted on thew website. So once we get a Bunch of people i'll get to it.
Please follow the new whitelist procedure which can be found on the O.P.
Sorry for the inconvenience, the new procedure will make it so that events like the last few days of down time will not affect the server. Curse is to blame here, not us.
It's not the same website xD
see this:
A.) Sorry, but I can't even understand your story's beginning because:
i. Too many "so"s
ii. Your second sentence makes absolutely no sense grammatically.
B.) You still have spelling errors. You are complaining about how long it takes us to white list? Maybe if you spent a little less time complaining, and a little more time putting effort into a fantastic application you'd already be on the server.
C.) Whining. You whine. A lot. People on the server actually ask me if I intend on white-listing you after all the whining. It doesn't improve your odds of getting on the server, it actually decreases them. Please stop whining.
D.)Among the varied misspelled words and improperly formatted sentences: apostrophes these are important. wouldnt (Red lines pop up, spelling errors are inexcusable when you have a spell check built into the forums.) is written as wouldn't would not. wouldn't
E.)The more you post, the harder we are on your application.
F.)Even if we whitelisted you, you'd have to keep the proper grammar up in order to remain whitelisted.
So please. Take a little more then five minutes next time to do this. You've been trying since we started and have yet to get in for a reason. It's not that we "hate" you or "just don't want to play with you" as you have whined about in the past. It's that your applications are consistently sub-par.
Awkward sentences
Misspelled words/other
No you didn't,
No. Nothing happened. I didn't even touch anything since I was asleep.
His name is Nexus Bruti.
You can find him. Send a letter back on the next ship of immigrants.
His presence in Immortalus is more vital then you know!
His Mother... well let us just say I always DID have a demon fetish.
He takes more after me however.
My will is that he will become the next judge in Immortalus, and leader of the armed forces.
I feel as if, without him, Immortalus will never overcome the challenges presented.
I cannot reveal all yet, the Gods will it to be revealed over time.
But Immortalus is about to change forever.
All my possessions belong to Nexus, and he is to Serve as assistant to whomever takes my place as senator.
With love,
Justis Bruit
At the time of reading this, ex-senator.
The reason it takes so long is that we are so exclusive.
I talked about killing in the new updated rules. Thanks for pointing all this out though