-No guns
--Go back to CoD, you mindless brute
-No direction
--You make your own
-It's for kids
--I'm 23, and I know a lot of adult Minecraft players
--Stop playing video games. Now.
Someone else made a thread raging about this a few months ago. His was about as poorly-received as this one, and only slightly worse in presentation.
If you don't like swamps, don't play in them. Just because you don't like a feature, that doesn't mean it should be removed. Stop acting like an entitled little child and think before you post.
Sooo... you went into The End, knowing the dragon could break blocks, built there anyway without killing the dragon, and now want the dragon to be nerfed.
Does this not sound silly to you, when you take a step back and look at it?
And really, I think you could classify ANY game as fantasy! You won't see anything you will see in your virtual world of a video game outside the game screen.
Yea, but still, skeletons and zombies are not to do with any fantasy as such.
Dungeons and Dragons, the Elder Scrolls series, Final Fantasy, the Warcraft series, and generally every other fantasy game series out there says otherwise.
Minecraft was always intended to be infinite, or at least infinite to the point of hard drive space (or in previous versions, the Far Lands). Giving it limits kinda takes away the appeal.
First, he didn't expect for this to made into a mod, or added by Mojang, so what are you talking about? Sure, he may suggest it, but that doesn't mean it will appear.
Second, He may like his own ideas, and you may not like his ideas. To be honest with you, we really don't care! Stating your own opinion about something should not be posted here, it should be posted on a thread containing works of art pertaining to Minecraft, such as mods, Minecraft fan art, etc.
Third, You can't tell the community that someone will not make a mod containing ATV's and such. And we already have, you just weren't paying attention. Look it up, Flan's Mod. Added: Planes, ATV's(Crappy Model in my opinion) Bombs and guns for said planes, german and american vehicles, both used in World War II.
Do you not pay attention before you post? Actually, a better question... Who does anyway?
With cookies
Haha, yeah, ok. I'll make this nice and quick: Everything I said before negates everything you said about Minecraft not being fantasy. So there's that little issue cleared up straight away.
Also, this is a suggestion forum. In this suggestion forum, you post your suggestions for feedback. Do you know what feedback is? It's positive AND negative criticism and opinions. That's what the forum is here for.
I think you're the one who doesn't pay attention before you post. But hey, you also thought that zombies, skeletons, interdimensional beings of darkness, potions, magical enchantments, and dragons aren't FANTASY THEMES.
I'll have you know, Minecraft is NOT a fantasy game.
False. Contrary to what some people say and think, Minecraft DOES have a particular theme to it. That theme is called "fantasy". Zombies, skeletons, giant spiders, weird creatures from other dimensions that teleport, dragons, magic potions, enchanting... These are all FANTASY elements. Like it or not, Minecraft is a fantasy game. Yes, it is also a sandbox game, but its themes are undeniably fantasy.
That... is honestly the single dumbest thing I have read on this forum.
This is the Minecraft forum. It is pretty reasonable to agree that the vast majority of people who browse this forum play, or are at least interested in playing, Minecraft.
Could be used by people to access places they shouldn't be in multiplayer servers, e.g over castle walls or something.
It's unnecessary in my opinion, so I'll say no support.
There's a very simple solution to this. One that Minecraft players have been using to keep spiders off their rooves: Build a lip.
Seriously, it's the easiest thing ever, and you can make it aesthetically pleasing without much effort. Worst reason to deny the use of an item I've ever heard.
Excellent ideas! Actually, some of these enchants sound like they'd make good items, really. For example, the "light catcher" enchant for the redstone lamp.
That's a silly thing to say. I hear just as many people raging in PC games as I do in console games.
--Go back to CoD, you mindless brute
-No direction
--You make your own
-It's for kids
--I'm 23, and I know a lot of adult Minecraft players
--Stop playing video games. Now.
If you don't like swamps, don't play in them. Just because you don't like a feature, that doesn't mean it should be removed. Stop acting like an entitled little child and think before you post.
Does this not sound silly to you, when you take a step back and look at it?
Aaand there's the problem.
As stated above, the sparks from a firework generally aren't harmful. The explosion is.
Microsoft Flight Simulator.
Dungeons and Dragons, the Elder Scrolls series, Final Fantasy, the Warcraft series, and generally every other fantasy game series out there says otherwise.
Haha, yeah, ok. I'll make this nice and quick: Everything I said before negates everything you said about Minecraft not being fantasy. So there's that little issue cleared up straight away.
Also, this is a suggestion forum. In this suggestion forum, you post your suggestions for feedback. Do you know what feedback is? It's positive AND negative criticism and opinions. That's what the forum is here for.
I think you're the one who doesn't pay attention before you post. But hey, you also thought that zombies, skeletons, interdimensional beings of darkness, potions, magical enchantments, and dragons aren't FANTASY THEMES.
Third, cars and ATVs are a big fat NO for the majority of the Minecraft community.
False. Contrary to what some people say and think, Minecraft DOES have a particular theme to it. That theme is called "fantasy". Zombies, skeletons, giant spiders, weird creatures from other dimensions that teleport, dragons, magic potions, enchanting... These are all FANTASY elements. Like it or not, Minecraft is a fantasy game. Yes, it is also a sandbox game, but its themes are undeniably fantasy.
That... is honestly the single dumbest thing I have read on this forum.
This is the Minecraft forum. It is pretty reasonable to agree that the vast majority of people who browse this forum play, or are at least interested in playing, Minecraft.
There's a very simple solution to this. One that Minecraft players have been using to keep spiders off their rooves: Build a lip.
Seriously, it's the easiest thing ever, and you can make it aesthetically pleasing without much effort. Worst reason to deny the use of an item I've ever heard.
I support this item fully.