Started it, and found it to be a bit bland. So I looked up a mod like this : And it turns out that it makes all endermen in the nearby area attack as soon as one is hit. I didn't read that part so I got murdered instantly after going to the end...... Not a good idea on my part. But still the mod makes the challenge so much more interesting.
Hey everyone, me and my friends have been playing a server for a while and have a faction that's mostly made out of werewolf players. I have built a castle and I was trying to decide on a flag. Me and friends figured out that even if I am artistic, I am a very crappy flag designer and would be fired immediately had I worked professionally. Any-who, I was wondering how many people could make a pretty good 6x6 flag that has a werewolf theme to it. I would be very grateful to anyone who submits one and I hope to see at least a few designs. Thanks
Also I will show the castle with the flag on it once I have found the best one.
In-game Name: sparky5865
How old are you? 14
What is your timezone(GMT)? Eastern Time Zone
What time can you guard? (Ex: 1PM-4PM)? 7-8 Most Days
How long have you played on Killion?: I am pretty sure I was on a few months ago for a while but if not then about a week
What is your current rank (Block)? C-block
Do you have experience with prison servers?: Yes
Do you have experience guarding?: Not on prison servers but I am an op on another public server and they trust me well enough on catching people hacking and griefing.
Have you read ALL of the server rules, both guard and prisoner?: Yes I have.
What makes you the best guard applicant?: I am very reliable, I have experience with catching those not following server rules and in some cases stopped a few hackers, and I am a good reliability for those getting attacked to save them as I previously have saved a few by going out and hitting the person chasing the person so the victim could get to safety
Thanks for your consideration no matter the outcome.
Quick question about anime.... Is it a bad thing if I cried a bit at the end of Angel Beats?
Also. Ghosty what anime is that pic from? It looks funny XP.
Thanks. It was great ,but they didn't get enough sales so there is going to be no season 2.
I was really looking forward to seeing another season. Now I will go sit in my corner of shame and cry for about 2 1/2 days until the next episode of SAO comes out (Not really.... But I'm bummed about no season 2)
Ughhh.... I hate having to wait for each episode to come out.... I guess I'm just too impatient. Could someone recommend a few animes for me to watch. Don't really care about the genre as long as they're good.
Also I will show the castle with the flag on it once I have found the best one.
How old are you? 14
What is your timezone(GMT)? Eastern Time Zone
What time can you guard? (Ex: 1PM-4PM)? 7-8 Most Days
How long have you played on Killion?: I am pretty sure I was on a few months ago for a while but if not then about a week
What is your current rank (Block)? C-block
Do you have experience with prison servers?: Yes
Do you have experience guarding?: Not on prison servers but I am an op on another public server and they trust me well enough on catching people hacking and griefing.
Have you read ALL of the server rules, both guard and prisoner?: Yes I have.
What makes you the best guard applicant?: I am very reliable, I have experience with catching those not following server rules and in some cases stopped a few hackers, and I am a good reliability for those getting attacked to save them as I previously have saved a few by going out and hitting the person chasing the person so the victim could get to safety
Thanks for your consideration no matter the outcome.
Also. Ghosty what anime is that pic from? It looks funny XP.
I was really looking forward to seeing another season. Now I will go sit in my corner of shame and cry for about 2 1/2 days until the next episode of SAO comes out (Not really.... But I'm bummed about no season 2)
I need to know the person making it so i can throw my money at them. Not kidding