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    posted a message on Growthcraft Community Edition

    coloso666 In your growthcraft config directory, look at growthcraft/fishtrap/catch_groups.json

      "comment": "",
      "data": {
        "legendary": {
          "comment": "Stuff you probably would never find on average",
          "weight": 10
        "fish": {
          "comment": "Fishes",
          "weight": 1
        "junk": {
          "comment": "Useless Stuff",
          "weight": 3
        "treasure": {
          "comment": "Fancy Stuff",
          "weight": 5
        "mineral": {
          "comment": "Ingots and other metallic stuff",
          "weight": 7

    What you're going to do, is remove the "mineral" section,

      "comment": "",
      "data": {
        "legendary": {
          "comment": "Stuff you probably would never find on average",
          "weight": 10
        "fish": {
          "comment": "Fishes",
          "weight": 1
        "junk": {
          "comment": "Useless Stuff",
          "weight": 3
        "treasure": {
          "comment": "Fancy Stuff",
          "weight": 5

    You can add your own groups and weights and then edit the fishtrap entries to add or remove items

    lunchboxxx19 Buildcraft Wrenches should work just the same, after all our crowbar is a copy of the BC Wrench, anything that uses the IToolWrench interface should work in Growthcraft

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    lunchboxxx19 It's used for popping Growthcraft machines without dropping the inventory and damaging the state

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    The_Last_Dovahkiin The recipes were removed by accident and never tested, a regression if you may, it has been restored in 2.7.0.

    As for the Pasteurized Milk, it's a long story, more of a mistake, but isn't used, and should be removed later, or until we find some use for it.

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    The_Last_Dovahkiin They have not changed for the past few versions :)

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    To answer your question and everyone's question on Growthcraft development (future versions etc..)

    Currently, I do the coding on and off (I mostly just fix bugs when I can), the rest of the team is ... AWOL?

    MC 1.7 (Growthcraft 2.x) is actively developed and maintained (*shameless plug* by yours truly *shameless plug*)

    MC 1.8 (Growthcraft 3.x) 2 branches are available, the complete rewrite (currently abandoned and incomplete), and a semi-rewrite-port of the 1.7 code (is not compatible with 2.x due to block changes and naming issues, fluids have all been renamed to make them easier to identify)

    The code compiles, but is riddled with todos (lots of the bamboo related blocks have no model or just straight up broken), bugs (blocks missing state, odd behaviour), missing block states (unset states in the code, and missing blockstate jsons), rendering (everything was ripped out)

    MC 1.9 (Growthcraft 4.x) Alatyami was messing with it, he had the same problems I had with 1.8 initially (3000+ compiler errors, api changes etc.)

    MC 1.10 (Growthcraft 5.x) I tried throwing the 1.8 code base at it and updating forge, of course I regretted it instantly (api changes, broken code base to begin with etc...)

    tl;dr We're short on time, and people, especially programmers who aren't swamped with RL

    So the next time someone asks "when is the 1.8+ port coming" you link them to this post and tell them to send help

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    Burgersim, Ravin8901 https://github.com/GrowthcraftCE/Growthcraft-1.7/issues/306 *scoots away quietly*

    It's one the many "fix one, broke something else" bugs...

    I'm sure it was suppose to leave the bucket behind in the input slot, unless it got ejected somewhere in the world.

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    Killerjdog51 Update Apple Core to 1.3.x

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    lunchboxxx19 Fixed the Et Futurum issue upcoming in 2.6.3, not sure about that cheese vat problem...

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    Hello, I believe Pitch and Alaty has covered most of the topics, for those who would like to help test the 2.6.2 release (please test...)

    You can pick up the release builds on our github https://github.com/GrowthcraftCE/Growthcraft-1.7/pull/386

    I always open a new PR with preview builds, so stay tuned or check our build history if you're interested in older test builds.

    The latest build includes several new config options for Thistle, Thistle's World Gen is now DISABLED by default, if you've been using the preview builds all along and wish to be rid of Thistle spreading like wildfire on a hot summer day, please promptly disable the config option, if you don't like, care about thistle, please disable it completely with the provided config options.

    Both options can be found in your minecraft config directory as growthcraft/milk.conf (for windows users swap / for \)

    thistle {
        # Is thistle (the item, block, recipes etc) available?; Default : true
        B:"Enable Thistle?"=true
    "thistle/world gen" {
        # Can thistle spawn in the world?; Default : false
        B:"Enable Thistle World Gen?"=false

    NOTE These options are currently ONLY available in the 2.6.2 test builds (still labelled as 2.6.1, don't sweat the small details)

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    Kompy_87 I didn't read the latest forum posts, but, I think I've answered your request, I've added 2 new config options, one for toggling thistle completely, and one for toggling just the world gen aspect of it. Just like before, you can pick up the latest build in the github pr :3

    An idea was uttered in the irc about adding a thistle seed and possilbly ax-ing thistle worldgen. (Mostly me crying about thistle bringing nothing but pain).

    I'll open the discussion, if you (the users) believe that we should add a Thistle Seed item, and disable worldgen (or remove it).

    That being said, I now I have to find someone to enslave, ask for a new texture

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    Kompy_87 I apologize, we've been having some issues with Thistle, which is why logging was left in for the builds. I've removed it now, and shifted other logs up from info to debug level, sorry for the inconvenience.
    You can grab the preview builds here https://github.com/GrowthcraftCE/Growthcraft-1.7/pull/386

    The latest has the logging removed.


    "thistle/world gen" {
     # Separate the IDs with ';' (without the quote marks); Default : 3;20;34
     S:"Biome IDs"=3;20;34
    # Separate the TYPEs with ',' (without the quote marks)
     # Separate batches with ';' (without the quote marks)
     # ; Default : +MOUNTAIN;+HILLS,-SNOWY,-COLD
     S:"Biome Types"=+MOUNTAIN;+HILLS,-SNOWY,-COLD
    # ; Default : true
     B:"Enable Biome Dictionary compatability?"=true

    Set "Enable Biome Dictionary compatability?" to false, and use "Biome IDs" instead if you want to be very specific about which biomes thistle spawns in.

    No villagers do not sell thistle.

    Yes you are correct, thistle should spawn in ONLY HILLS, that are NOT SNOWY and NOT HOT.
    They can however, SPREAD anywhere.
    The world would actually attempt to place the maximum number of thistle in a chunk (by default this was 20), the algorithm was along the lines of "if it fits, it ships", so yes, it could place ALL 20, and then those 20 would ALL spread and then you'd end up with 40 of them, and they would spread and... you get the point, we've added a few more config options for curving the behaviour in development, you can try the test builds here https://github.com/GrowthcraftCE/Growthcraft-1.7/pull/386

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    renadi Ah, someone finally found that bug, sadly I found it a few days back and already fixed it in development.

    Sorry to hear your blocks can vaporized by the salt bucket, if your willing to live on the edge you can grab the test/development build here https://github.com/GrowthcraftCE/Growthcraft-1.7/pull/307

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    Das_Offertorium Ah, the problem returns,Potion Extender probably resized the potion array, and we resized it again (possibly something smaller than they had), I've fixed it now, we now check if the array is below a certain size before trying to resize it/

    Sadly however we're having a bit of build issues, so there won't be a new development build for the moment.

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    lunchboxxx19 This config should work, I've added the lit_furnace to it

      "comment": "",
      "data": [
          "comment": "This is Nitor.",
          "mod_id": "Thaumcraft",
          "block_name": "blockAiry",
          "states": {
            "1": 1.0
          "comment": "Fire!",
          "mod_id": "minecraft",
          "block_name": "fire",
          "states": {
            "32767": 1.0
          "comment": "We need to register both states of lava, this when its flowing",
          "mod_id": "minecraft",
          "block_name": "flowing_lava",
          "states": {
            "32767": 0.7
          "comment": "And when its a still pool.",
          "mod_id": "minecraft",
          "block_name": "lava",
          "states": {
            "32767": 0.7
          "comment": "A lit furnace",
          "mod_id": "minecraft",
          "block_name": "lit_furnace",
          "states": {
            "32767": 1.0

    joemama123456789101112 Delete your old growthcraft json configs, http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/wip-mods/2505072-growthcraft-community-edition-proper-1-7-10?comment=322 directions here

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    Zombielogic Our wiki contains almost all the information you'll need https://github.com/GrowthcraftCE/Growthcraft-1.7/wiki/Growthcraft-Milk-Cheese-Production

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