This is an amazing idea, but though I like the idea of infinitely tall mountains and large, multichunk caverns; I also like the idea of absurdly generated mountains and caverns that would never form in real life (large, jutting overhangs, magma-filled caverns, etc...). I don't know if this idea supports those (I couldn't find out from the video because my Internet sucks cobblestone.) other than that, I cannot support this enough.
Report: it is becoming apparent to the authrakorm that there are a great many differant peoples travel the stars. Not just them and the two civilizations they already encountered. Miraculously, order is still kept in the colonies.
Research: sound-based communication: 70%
chemical lasers: 30%
magnetic mass drivers: 30%
Self propelled mining charges: 20%
Hull scale factorization: 10%
Autonomous drones 20%
Construction: zircon prototype: 40%
Condria station: 30%(qeued: ruby class flagship battlecruiser)
Silica class mobile refinery: 45%
Corundum class constructor: 45%
diplomatic station: 5% (construction begun)
Report: the malachite on it's emergency jump zoomed off, but blew out their engines in the process and begun repairs
The amethyst class that sent out the signal for a constructor received a return signal from a corundum class, acknowledging their request. It is en route. The amethyst class frigate will remain until that ships arrival.
Sound based communication 60% breakthroughs on the difference between word based language and tone based language.
Chemical lasers 25%
magnetic mass drivers 25%
self propelled mining charges 10% a mine operator had this idea.
hull-scale factorization 0% one of the nobles is putting resources into a radical new idea.
Autonomous drones 10%
Other news: the Emerald class flagship is being reclassified as the emerald class heavy cruiser.
Zircon prototype 30%
feldspar one light freighter complete
Condria shipyard 15% (queued: Ruby class flagship battlecruiser prototype)
Silica class mobile refinery 30%
Corundum class constructor 30%
Sound based communication 50%
Large scale freighting complete
Chemical lasers 20%
magnetic mass driver 20%
Large scale construction complete
Autonomous drones 5%
Feldspar I 66.6%
zircon diplomatic vessel prototype 20%
Corundum class constructor 20%
Condria shipyard 10%
silica mobile refinery 20%
Colonization effort 1%
The malachite class scout that spotted roguesteeler's ship is still getting it's crew inside, and is turning away from this new ship.
(...uh, keyguyperson, My ship -just- sent that signal. A constrictor hasn't even arrived yet, let alone begun construction. I realize this is your rp, but isn't that just a bit metagamy? Forgive me please if I'm wrong, and sorry to bring it up.)
Report: cheif engineer: "alright, try activating sensors now-" as the new ship decloaks.
Captain: "what in (doesn't translate) is that?!"
Survey officer: "thats a ship!"
Cheif engineer: "I don't think our sensors are broken"
Captain: (over communications device to crew) "all external crew, return to ship! Prepare emergency jump"
Two large solar arms begin to fold out from the ships hull as the crew retreats inside, and the engine is starting to release large amounts of energy as it overcharges.
The amethyst class that jettisoned it's "weapons" has released a signal requesting a corundum class constructor to make it's way over to construct a station so the amethyst maymake itself more useful elsewhere.
Sound based communication 40%
large scale freighting 80%
chemical lasers 15%
magnetic mass drivers 15%
large scale construction 80%
autonomous drones 0%
Feldspar 1 class small freighter 33.3%
corundum class constructor 10%
Zircon prototype 15%
Condria type shipyard (large) 5%
Silica class mobile refinery: 10%
Scouts, mining corvettes, expedition leaders, and a constructor have been sent into the galactic north (map tile above mine should it be added) to colonize the asteroid fields, nebulas, planetary rings, and other solar bodies other than planets. Progress 0%
Reports: due to the only sane idea that jettisoning ones weapons would be a peace gesture, the captain of the amethyst class ordered the same with external mining modules in a similar gesture.
Sound based communication 10%
large scale freighting 20%
Magnetic mass drivers 10%
chemical lasers 10%
large scale hull frames 20%
Secondary report: a malachite out scouting has recently reported a "bug in the sensors" in which They seemed to detect three bodies of mass that, visually, weren't there. Mineral screening revealed nothing, and the crew is attempting to preform maintenance on the ship, both externally, and internally.
Diplomatic report: when the foreign vessel jettisoned it's weapons the captain ordered an all stop. "are they insane??" the captain balked as the amethyst class's three solar sails folded back down and the ship simply stayed where it was. As far as the crew was concerned, there would be no easy way to communicate reliably.
The malachites that went home to warn about the alien vessel also told about their theory of communication. Research on a few thing to prepare for them has begun.
Research: sound based communication 5%
large scale freighting 10%
magnetic mass drivers 5%
chemical lasers 5%
Large scale ship frames 10%
Ship construction
prototype zircon class diplomatic vessel 0%
2 quartz class mining corvettes constructed
Malachite class scout corvette 50%
amethyst class expedition leader frigate 20%
A fleet of 2 Malachite class exploration corvettes and an amythyst class expedition leader frigate had spotted a strange ship seeming to lack in solar panels that was projecting radio waves at them, and upon receiving these transmissions, all that appears on the screen was static. Recent discoveries of sound and it's workings in atmosphere have given shipboard science officers an idea. What if the creatures on that ship communicated through sound? The two malachites would go to the nearest authrakorm station to report their findings, while the amethyst class will resume original course after sending a visual based message that(if understood) would translate to this:
"whoever you are, we don't know what that was,maybe it was sound, but the last thing me and mine want is a war. I will resume course after this message"
As each malachite class prepares for hyperspace, two massive solar panel covered arms fold out from the hull. Three of these fold out from the frigate as it preps for hyperspace.
Discern sound based communication 0%
Current fleet: 53 malachite class exploration corvette
17 amethyst class expedition frigates
156 quartz class mining corvette
3 corundum class construction ships
2 emerald class flagship heavy cruisers
About to reach the hotel, Calen takes one last look around and catches sight of someone moving in the same direction with a contented expression on his face (Nigel ester). With a long sigh, Calen then turns back to the entrance, enters, and moves to check in. (Calen is dressed in fur garb made for cold pine forest hunting, and he has a coarsely shaven beard and is carrying a leather satchel; if you're wondering what he looks like)
Money: $250
Mood: resigned
Location: lobby/front desk
Calen looked around and saw the strangest creature moving around hugging things. "'go to the roleplayer's retreat' they said.'it would be relaxing' they said. I need to talk to the shield about this..." without further hesitation, the hunter went out of the airport and began making his way to the retreat.
Mood: skeptical
Money: $250
Location: en route from airport to resort.
Calen picked up his satchel at customs and made sure it had all of it's contents. Crossbow, bolts, knife, spare crossbow string, pound of jerky(venison); all in check. Annoyed as he was at dropping half his money in a storm drain en route, scarlia did recommend this place above camping deeper in the forest *probably think I'll get captured by goblins*
Research: sound-based communication: 70%
chemical lasers: 30%
magnetic mass drivers: 30%
Self propelled mining charges: 20%
Hull scale factorization: 10%
Autonomous drones 20%
Construction: zircon prototype: 40%
Condria station: 30%(qeued: ruby class flagship battlecruiser)
Silica class mobile refinery: 45%
Corundum class constructor: 45%
diplomatic station: 5% (construction begun)
Other: colonization 3%
The amethyst class that sent out the signal for a constructor received a return signal from a corundum class, acknowledging their request. It is en route. The amethyst class frigate will remain until that ships arrival.
Sound based communication 60% breakthroughs on the difference between word based language and tone based language.
Chemical lasers 25%
magnetic mass drivers 25%
self propelled mining charges 10% a mine operator had this idea.
hull-scale factorization 0% one of the nobles is putting resources into a radical new idea.
Autonomous drones 10%
Other news: the Emerald class flagship is being reclassified as the emerald class heavy cruiser.
Zircon prototype 30%
feldspar one light freighter complete
Condria shipyard 15% (queued: Ruby class flagship battlecruiser prototype)
Silica class mobile refinery 30%
Corundum class constructor 30%
Colonization effort: 2%
Sound based communication 50%
Large scale freighting complete
Chemical lasers 20%
magnetic mass driver 20%
Large scale construction complete
Autonomous drones 5%
Feldspar I 66.6%
zircon diplomatic vessel prototype 20%
Corundum class constructor 20%
Condria shipyard 10%
silica mobile refinery 20%
Colonization effort 1%
The malachite class scout that spotted roguesteeler's ship is still getting it's crew inside, and is turning away from this new ship.
Captain: "what in (doesn't translate) is that?!"
Survey officer: "thats a ship!"
Cheif engineer: "I don't think our sensors are broken"
Captain: (over communications device to crew) "all external crew, return to ship! Prepare emergency jump"
Two large solar arms begin to fold out from the ships hull as the crew retreats inside, and the engine is starting to release large amounts of energy as it overcharges.
The amethyst class that jettisoned it's "weapons" has released a signal requesting a corundum class constructor to make it's way over to construct a station so the amethyst maymake itself more useful elsewhere.
Sound based communication 40%
large scale freighting 80%
chemical lasers 15%
magnetic mass drivers 15%
large scale construction 80%
autonomous drones 0%
Feldspar 1 class small freighter 33.3%
corundum class constructor 10%
Zircon prototype 15%
Condria type shipyard (large) 5%
Silica class mobile refinery: 10%
Scouts, mining corvettes, expedition leaders, and a constructor have been sent into the galactic north (map tile above mine should it be added) to colonize the asteroid fields, nebulas, planetary rings, and other solar bodies other than planets. Progress 0%
Construction: 2 quartz classes completed
Malachite complete
Amethyst at 40 percent
Zircon prototype 10 percent
Sound based communication 10%
large scale freighting 20%
Magnetic mass drivers 10%
chemical lasers 10%
large scale hull frames 20%
Secondary report: a malachite out scouting has recently reported a "bug in the sensors" in which They seemed to detect three bodies of mass that, visually, weren't there. Mineral screening revealed nothing, and the crew is attempting to preform maintenance on the ship, both externally, and internally.
Research: sound based communication 5%
large scale freighting 10%
magnetic mass drivers 5%
chemical lasers 5%
Large scale ship frames 10%
Ship construction
prototype zircon class diplomatic vessel 0%
2 quartz class mining corvettes constructed
Malachite class scout corvette 50%
amethyst class expedition leader frigate 20%
"whoever you are, we don't know what that was,maybe it was sound, but the last thing me and mine want is a war. I will resume course after this message"
As each malachite class prepares for hyperspace, two massive solar panel covered arms fold out from the hull. Three of these fold out from the frigate as it preps for hyperspace.
Discern sound based communication 0%
Current fleet: 53 malachite class exploration corvette
17 amethyst class expedition frigates
156 quartz class mining corvette
3 corundum class construction ships
2 emerald class flagship heavy cruisers
Money: $250
Mood: resigned
Location: lobby/front desk
Mood: skeptical
Money: $250
Location: en route from airport to resort.
Money: 250$
Mood: in anticipation
Location: airport customs