Same things been happening to me =C!! It says "Opps, Wrong Username or Password" I think its because i logged in from a different location, and might not have logged out... I really hope not.
No, it doesn't do that. I go alot of places and forget to log out and it works with me, my bro, and my cousin. I think you got hacked by someone.
Name any good commentaters you know.
I have like, 10?
The Creatures
The Yogscast
That was 9! So close!
Nova does too. I watched the Tri-Moutain Survival series for the heck of it, he says it a lot in that.
So, yeah, that 4 seed. The ravine is awesome in it. I'm definitely moving into one of the red mushrooms.
You know, shouldn't this be in the seed forum?
I was just askn a question. Anyway, I watched the Tri-Moutian like a month ago. so I cant remder really anything exept he blows up the moutians, has a farm and alot of mods, taims baby pets, and gets killed alot. Thanks for the reminder! :biggrin.gif:
If you could be anything, or do anything, what would u do or become?
I would want to be able to turn into a wolf or control the weather.
How about you?
You spawn in a swamp island. Build a boat, travel West for a minute. You will find a huge mushroom island. With a big mountain. Under it is a ravine, and another ravine pair under that.
Remember to bring saplings with you, and plant them in planters:
So that the center dirt gets the tree. If you do not do this the mycilia will spread under the sapling and kill it. The same goes for all other farming.
*MC crashed on me, so I have to reboot my PC. I will edit in the direction when it comes back up.
I appreciate that the falling damage sound is gender neutral now, but it also sounds like you've snapped your ankle in half even from the smallest fall :laugh.gif:
It sounds like breaking your neck and falling in a heap to me
Post all your Endermen questions here, and I bet somebody will answer them.
My question:
Do endermen groan, because I found an Enderman who was like shining or something (idk he was like glowimg, let's put it that way) and I turned on fly then went closer, idk if I looked at him because he was glowing so I couldn't tell,
and I finally looked right down at where he was standing but he was gone.Gone.No where in sight.So I stepped onto the ground, thinking it was safe,(witch was stupid, ik) and then heard groaning.Groaning.I finally got scared because the groaning was getting closer, then quit and deleted the level.I know, scaredom.(Scare-dom.)
Do they groan?
At all?
Please tell me.
No, it doesn't do that. I go alot of places and forget to log out and it works with me, my bro, and my cousin. I think you got hacked by someone.
U gotta post pic nao 0.0
I have like, 10?
The Creatures
The Yogscast
That was 9! So close!
I was just askn a question. Anyway, I watched the Tri-Moutian like a month ago. so I cant remder really anything exept he blows up the moutians, has a farm and alot of mods, taims baby pets, and gets killed alot. Thanks for the reminder! :biggrin.gif:
I would want to be able to turn into a wolf or control the weather.
How about you?
I make fun of MLG, and I watch all the Creatures(Its Kootra who says MLG, FYI)Derpherpderp
Ty! Nao I has SOME mushroom maps! I gives U
I know u cant do the wings tho. I know!
I gives u
<(0.0<) (>0.0)> <(0.0)>
Thanks! Thats MLGGGGGG!!!!
It sounds like breaking your neck and falling in a heap to me
Have any seeds for me?
My question:
Do endermen groan, because I found an Enderman who was like shining or something (idk he was like glowimg, let's put it that way) and I turned on fly then went closer, idk if I looked at him because he was glowing so I couldn't tell,
and I finally looked right down at where he was standing but he was gone.Gone.No where in sight.So I stepped onto the ground, thinking it was safe,(witch was stupid, ik) and then heard groaning.Groaning.I finally got scared because the groaning was getting closer, then quit and deleted the level.I know, scaredom.(Scare-dom.)
Do they groan?
At all?
Please tell me.