Send us a screenshot of your mods folder, it seems like forge believes you have extracted the jars into the mods folder. A typical mods folder should look something like this:
Also, you should send us this file: C:\Users\tiffany\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\crash-reports\fml-crash-2018-09-16_12.30.42.txt
A better way to share logs is to paste them into pastebin and share the link
We were troubleshooting for a few hours and thought we were able to narrow down which mod was causing issues, however, it seemed like all of our efforts were for naught. e were using a vanilla server because we figured it should replicate the issue nicely since we discovered that a modded server does not have any effect, however, we tried a modded server and we crashed. We might try again some more but I am hoping one of you guys knows how to resolve the issue.
He was also having some unusual connection problems last night, I know I said it most definitely wasn't connection issues but in end, I don't doubt any possibility
EDIT: It happened to the within network client but after 2 more attempts I was able to join. This issue is really intriguing, yet frustrating.
Alright I discovered that connecting to a vanilla server with the modpack doesn't work but connecting vanilla to vanilla works. New world doesn't effect anything
Hey guys, I am playing on a custom modpack with a few friends and one of them are having issues both trying to connect to my server and in singleplayer. I was also having issues using with another computer but with trial and error, I was able to get into the game. Here is the crash log we were getting:
[B#360] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
[B#360] at Method) ~[?:1.8.0_181]
[B#360] at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_181]
[B#360] at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_181]
[B#360] at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_181]
[B#360] at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_181]
[B#360] at io.netty.buffer.PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf.setBytes( ~[PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf.class:4.1.9.Final]
[B#360] at io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBuf.writeBytes( ~[AbstractByteBuf.class:4.1.9.Final]
[B#360] at ~[NioSocketChannel.class:4.1.9.Final]
[B#360] at$ [AbstractNioByteChannel$NioByteUnsafe.class:4.1.9.Final]
[B#360] at [NioEventLoop.class:4.1.9.Final]
[B#360] at [NioEventLoop.class:4.1.9.Final]
[B#360] at [NioEventLoop.class:4.1.9.Final]
[B#360] at [NioEventLoop.class:4.1.9.Final]
[B#360] at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$ [SingleThreadEventExecutor$5.class:4.1.9.Final]
[B#360] at Source) [?:1.8.0_181]
I figured it was simply a bad connection, however, it shouldn't make sense that I would receive the same issue and the fact that it occurs when loading a singleplayer world makes even less sense. Here is a full mod list:
The server is the same but has Morpheus also installed. We suspected Journey map due to the errors it was throwing in the console, but it didn't seem to be the issue. We also removed JER to see if it worked but to no avail. Was wondering if anyone had any clue on the situation/I am missing something
Edit: Server is running on 2-4 gigs of ram (3 players max) and clients are all running 5+ gigs. The client usually uses anywhere from 4-5 gigs of ram.
Could you please post your crash report, it seems as if 1.6.4 is causing a lot of problems, cant seem to know why? This mod should be compatible with EVERY forge mod in existence since forge is awesome.
You first shoot a magnetic clip to the block you want to go towards, point your mouse toward where the clip lands and use the magnet ability, simple as that
The models are exported .obj models and our modeller uses 3DS Max.
About the usage of the wireless system, you simply link generators/receivers to a wireless node(using gen/rec's own gui or using Freq Transmitter app), and connect many nodes together using Wireless Matrix. That is, you get the network fully working without a matrix, but if you want more energy and bigger connection, you have to use it.
Oh, I'll try that out as soon as I get a chance to
I just checked out the latest build and I couldn't figure out how to use the new wireless system. I love the new models tho, they look amazing! Do you use Techne or Tabula for the models? Maybe a JSON editor?
I added a new level 5 skill since dimension hopper seemed to focus too much on you fazing through items.
I doubt you ever used techniques in rs combat like the quickswitch-spec or whatever. and also the legacy mode is just different enough just for me to not like it, along with a few million other players. Runescape is only filled with high level players and newbies, all of the community that made the game alive just got up and left.
And this is completely out of scope from the original topic. but me and a few million players can agree that jagex ruined runescape. They also ruined ace of spades.
Thank god I won't be planning on doing anything that would require GL. I checked on your github and say the code for the skills, and boy it was pretty complicated. However, you never learn without a challenge so I'm up for it!
Will there be a guide on the future on how to make your own skill addons in the future?
I got a skill idea, it is probably as hax as vector control is, but lets try it out!
Not complete, will add more abilities.
Ability: Dimension Hopper (A variation on teleport, like move point but more combat related/less versatile)
Level 1:
- Misplaced: Teleport the item you are looking at/in your hand to another dimension, permanent removing it from existence. Low CP comsumption i.e. 25 CP per item teleported.
Level 2:
- Deadly touch: when you punch an entity, you teleport a chunk of its body into another dimension giving it a bleed effect and doing 25% damage of its current health depending on skill level. Medium CP consumption i.e. 100 CP per entity.
- Basic Teleport: The same as a normal teleporter but with decreased range and accuracy. Requires double the CP that a normal teleporter requires
Level 3:
- Shade(Requires Basic Teleport to acquire): By teleporting the photons reflecting off of your body into another dimension, you are effectively invisible but are not safe from harm. You still leave footstep sounds and mobs will notice and attack if you get too close. Medium-high CP consumption i.e. 100-250 CP per second.
- Shade's Accomplice(Requires Shade to acquire): Can teleport any entity you are directly next to/touching into a "shade". High CP consumption i.e. 100-250 CP per entity, yourself included.
Level 4:
- Shadow(Requires Shade to acquire): By teleporting your whole body into an alternate universe, you are perfectly invisible, can take no damage but you can't damage anything, You can also no-clip through most blocks, not anything harder than obsidian. The only trace you leave is your shadow. High CP consumption rate i.e. 250 CP per second.
- Shadow's Accomplice(Requires Shadow to acquire): Can teleport any entity you are directly next to/touching into a "shadow". High CP consumption i.e. 250 CP per entity, yourself included.
- Bombshell: You teleport a large area of earth into another dimension leaving a crater which size increases as your skill progresses. High CP consumption i.e.10 CP per block teleported.
- Alternate physics: By teleporting your body into an alternate dimension, you follow the laws of that alternate dimension. jump height, speed boost, water breathing and water walking. Low CP consumption i.e. 50 points per second.
- Silent Death(Requires Deadly Touch to acquire): Teleport entities whole into an alternate dimension, removing them from existence without getting any drops. Does not work on mobs that have 100+ health. Medium CP consumption i.e. 10 CP per life point of the entity teleported.
Level 5:
- Ghost(Requires Shadow to acquire): By teleporting your whole body into an alternate universe, you are perfectly invisible, can take no damage but you can still hit since you can teleport your fist/weapon at the last moment to deal the damage, can no-clip through everything. Extremely High CP consumption rate i.e. 500+ CP per second.
- Ghost's Accomplice(Requires Ghost to acquire): Can teleport any entity you are directly next to/touching into a "ghost". Ungodly High CP consumption i.e. 500+ CP per entity, yourself included.
- Duplication: By using Schrödinger's paradox, you find an alternate universe similar to yours, and steal the item(you will be holding the item you want to duplicate) from that dimension into your hand. However due to the item not supposed to exist in your dimension, it will slowly disappear until it is gone for good. Ungodly High CP consumption i.e. 1500+ CP per item summoned.
Send us a screenshot of your mods folder, it seems like forge believes you have extracted the jars into the mods folder. A typical mods folder should look something like this:
Also, you should send us this file: C:\Users\tiffany\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\crash-reports\fml-crash-2018-09-16_12.30.42.txt
A better way to share logs is to paste them into pastebin and share the link
We were troubleshooting for a few hours and thought we were able to narrow down which mod was causing issues, however, it seemed like all of our efforts were for naught. e were using a vanilla server because we figured it should replicate the issue nicely since we discovered that a modded server does not have any effect, however, we tried a modded server and we crashed. We might try again some more but I am hoping one of you guys knows how to resolve the issue.
He was also having some unusual connection problems last night, I know I said it most definitely wasn't connection issues but in end, I don't doubt any possibility
EDIT: It happened to the within network client but after 2 more attempts I was able to join. This issue is really intriguing, yet frustrating.
Alright I discovered that connecting to a vanilla server with the modpack doesn't work but connecting vanilla to vanilla works. New world doesn't effect anything
Was getting to that, the log was massive so I was looking for a service to host it. There is a link in the spoiler with the full log, thanks!
Hey guys, I am playing on a custom modpack with a few friends and one of them are having issues both trying to connect to my server and in singleplayer. I was also having issues using with another computer but with trial and error, I was able to get into the game. Here is the crash log we were getting:
[B#360] at Method) ~[?:1.8.0_181]
[B#360] at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_181]
[B#360] at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_181]
[B#360] at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_181]
[B#360] at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_181]
[B#360] at io.netty.buffer.PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf.setBytes( ~[PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf.class:4.1.9.Final]
[B#360] at io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBuf.writeBytes( ~[AbstractByteBuf.class:4.1.9.Final]
[B#360] at ~[NioSocketChannel.class:4.1.9.Final]
[B#360] at$ [AbstractNioByteChannel$NioByteUnsafe.class:4.1.9.Final]
[B#360] at [NioEventLoop.class:4.1.9.Final]
[B#360] at [NioEventLoop.class:4.1.9.Final]
[B#360] at [NioEventLoop.class:4.1.9.Final]
[B#360] at [NioEventLoop.class:4.1.9.Final]
[B#360] at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$ [SingleThreadEventExecutor$5.class:4.1.9.Final]
[B#360] at Source) [?:1.8.0_181]
Full log here
I figured it was simply a bad connection, however, it shouldn't make sense that I would receive the same issue and the fact that it occurs when loading a singleplayer world makes even less sense. Here is a full mod list:
The server is the same but has Morpheus also installed. We suspected Journey map due to the errors it was throwing in the console, but it didn't seem to be the issue. We also removed JER to see if it worked but to no avail. Was wondering if anyone had any clue on the situation/I am missing something
Edit: Server is running on 2-4 gigs of ram (3 players max) and clients are all running 5+ gigs. The client usually uses anywhere from 4-5 gigs of ram.
Sorry, I haven't been active for a long time.
Could you please post your crash report, it seems as if 1.6.4 is causing a lot of problems, cant seem to know why? This mod should be compatible with EVERY forge mod in existence since forge is awesome.
You first shoot a magnetic clip to the block you want to go towards, point your mouse toward where the clip lands and use the magnet ability, simple as that
Oh, I'll try that out as soon as I get a chance to
I just checked out the latest build and I couldn't figure out how to use the new wireless system. I love the new models tho, they look amazing! Do you use Techne or Tabula for the models? Maybe a JSON editor?
I added a new level 5 skill since dimension hopper seemed to focus too much on you fazing through items.
I was just checking your LIUtils, andI cant seem to figure out how to download the latest build from travis-ci. Any ideas on how to download it?
Oh wait, I think I might have figured it out!
I doubt you ever used techniques in rs combat like the quickswitch-spec or whatever. and also the legacy mode is just different enough just for me to not like it, along with a few million other players. Runescape is only filled with high level players and newbies, all of the community that made the game alive just got up and left.
And this is completely out of scope from the original topic. but me and a few million players can agree that jagex ruined runescape. They also ruined ace of spades.
Thank god I won't be planning on doing anything that would require GL. I checked on your github and say the code for the skills, and boy it was pretty complicated. However, you never learn without a challenge so I'm up for it!
Runescape's combat system was the whole basis of why rs 2 was so amazing. EOC just made it more like any average MMORPG.
No one likes change, but change is usually for the better. Unless its Jagex doing it, in which case change is bad (R.I.P Runescape 2012)
Will there be a guide on the future on how to make your own skill addons in the future?
I got a skill idea, it is probably as hax as vector control is, but lets try it out!
Not complete, will add more abilities.
Ability: Dimension Hopper (A variation on teleport, like move point but more combat related/less versatile)
Level 1:
- Misplaced: Teleport the item you are looking at/in your hand to another dimension, permanent removing it from existence. Low CP comsumption i.e. 25 CP per item teleported.
Level 2:
- Deadly touch: when you punch an entity, you teleport a chunk of its body into another dimension giving it a bleed effect and doing 25% damage of its current health depending on skill level. Medium CP consumption i.e. 100 CP per entity.
- Basic Teleport: The same as a normal teleporter but with decreased range and accuracy. Requires double the CP that a normal teleporter requires
Level 3:
- Shade(Requires Basic Teleport to acquire): By teleporting the photons reflecting off of your body into another dimension, you are effectively invisible but are not safe from harm. You still leave footstep sounds and mobs will notice and attack if you get too close. Medium-high CP consumption i.e. 100-250 CP per second.
- Shade's Accomplice(Requires Shade to acquire): Can teleport any entity you are directly next to/touching into a "shade". High CP consumption i.e. 100-250 CP per entity, yourself included.
Level 4:
- Shadow(Requires Shade to acquire): By teleporting your whole body into an alternate universe, you are perfectly invisible, can take no damage but you can't damage anything, You can also no-clip through most blocks, not anything harder than obsidian. The only trace you leave is your shadow. High CP consumption rate i.e. 250 CP per second.
- Shadow's Accomplice(Requires Shadow to acquire): Can teleport any entity you are directly next to/touching into a "shadow". High CP consumption i.e. 250 CP per entity, yourself included.
- Bombshell: You teleport a large area of earth into another dimension leaving a crater which size increases as your skill progresses. High CP consumption i.e.10 CP per block teleported.
- Alternate physics: By teleporting your body into an alternate dimension, you follow the laws of that alternate dimension. jump height, speed boost, water breathing and water walking. Low CP consumption i.e. 50 points per second.
- Silent Death(Requires Deadly Touch to acquire): Teleport entities whole into an alternate dimension, removing them from existence without getting any drops. Does not work on mobs that have 100+ health. Medium CP consumption i.e. 10 CP per life point of the entity teleported.
Level 5:
- Ghost(Requires Shadow to acquire): By teleporting your whole body into an alternate universe, you are perfectly invisible, can take no damage but you can still hit since you can teleport your fist/weapon at the last moment to deal the damage, can no-clip through everything. Extremely High CP consumption rate i.e. 500+ CP per second.
- Ghost's Accomplice(Requires Ghost to acquire): Can teleport any entity you are directly next to/touching into a "ghost". Ungodly High CP consumption i.e. 500+ CP per entity, yourself included.
- Duplication: By using Schrödinger's paradox, you find an alternate universe similar to yours, and steal the item(you will be holding the item you want to duplicate) from that dimension into your hand. However due to the item not supposed to exist in your dimension, it will slowly disappear until it is gone for good. Ungodly High CP consumption i.e. 1500+ CP per item summoned.