Love your mod. Can't wait to fill my environmental pit with clay soldiers maybe recored to never did that. UPDATE ALREADY! :biggrin.gif:. I can wait..........
hey risugami when you get around to updating in the morestackables mod take out stackable food because that is in the game nowPEOPLE HE IS AT MINECON PROBABLY JUST WAIT! HE WILL BE HOME SOON HE WILL CHECK THE FORUM AND GO LIKE HOLY **** AND START UPDATING nuff said
reasons he is not updating it: At Minecon, having little break or updating it.
Thank you somebody with a brain. some of these people are freaking impatientif people really want a mod like right freaking now then get Too Many Items also this wiki page keeps a list of a bunch of mods and tells you if they are up to date or not.
people stop F****** spamming the forum he F****** knows that he has to update get some F****** patience! I am sure he has a life unlike some of you people
what i am really waiting for is for the yogbox to freaking update and then i will add too many items again and then i will add single player commands again. So I will be waiting for another month i guess *sigh* lol 213 users waiting for risugami to update
this is cool looking but recently I made my own AlienCraft with the same name (obviously) and I want mine available for people to download but I guess because of copyright I cant use the name AlienCraft unless you let me or I will be forced to change the name of my texture pack and a few other things. And um what did you edit the mobs with?
I plan to make a texture pack for myself maybe for public but when I am done editing the textures I will have no idea how to make the .zip file. If you know how please tell me. I am using a Mac
If you make the grenades I wouldnt mind testing it because it was kind of my idea. I will craft it the 1st time and use Too Many Items the 2nd time and then I am gonna rage with some TNT, grenades, explosives from your mod and the explosive elemental arrow
What if I don't want to be a wizard? This is survival mode not take over the world with magic mode, although new ways to kill creepers are always good, but then I would take a gun instead which hopefully notch will add. YES i know there is/are a mod(s) for that
Thank you somebody with a brain. some of these people are freaking impatientif people really want a mod like right freaking now then get Too Many Items also this wiki page keeps a list of a bunch of mods and tells you if they are up to date or not.