Hell yes. Vegas is awesome, and in November, the temperature is actually tolerable. I'll be there.
To those who say, "Why Vegas?" Well, I have been to other conventions for other communities and everyone always complains no matter where it is. Some communities address this by moving locations each year. Maybe next year it will be in a more central location, like Washington, DC. That would adequately serve both US and EU populations, I think.
Seems to work fine, did a test render from scratch and the color gradations are there. This is very good news because people who tried the 1.9 pre-release would wind up with hung BiomeExtractor processes eating 100% CPU, and I've been having to go through and find/kill those by hand since we do map updates twice a day.
Also, someone asked how you load both the client and server jars from the command line in Linux but I think they deleted their post. In case anyone needs to know, this is how you do it:
It will look in ~/.minecraft/bin to find the client minecraft.jar, so you don't have to specify it on the commandline, but make sure it's there.
I'm using a 1.8.1 jar. I never used to have to load the server jar, but I saw earlier in the thread that someone was doing that, so I tried it and it did in fact work.
I tried - it doesn't work for me on 1.8.1.
Any ideas? It's using a 1.8.1 jar.
EDIT: n/m, looks like I have to load the minecraft server jar as well - got it figured out. Thank you!
I wasn't able to find the original article I read that in (was a few months ago.) I did a little digging, and here are some more stats:
According to what I just found (which conflicts with the article I read a few months ago) the iOS install base is higher, but Android is growing faster than iOS did when it was the same age, and it's showing steady growth - whereas iOS is flat. It occurs to me that for Mojang, Android is a much easier choice, because you can actually run Java apps on it.
If I had my way, WebOS would dominate the market, because it's by far the easiest to use. (And it runs Java.)
Twice as many people are using Android phones, so I'm thinking it'll probably work the other way around.
To those who say, "Why Vegas?" Well, I have been to other conventions for other communities and everyone always complains no matter where it is. Some communities address this by moving locations each year. Maybe next year it will be in a more central location, like Washington, DC. That would adequately serve both US and EU populations, I think.
The risk with Minecraft is that there could be some security flaw in the Minecraft server that allows an attacker to get in and run around on your machine. If this bugs you, you could download VirtualBox (free) and use it to create a virtual computer that runs under Windows. Then, you can install MineOS (or just plane Linux) on that, and if an attacker manages to break into it, all they have access to is that virtual machine that has nothing on it aside from your Minecraft server. They would have access to do things like scanning your network, and if you have any shares that aren't password protected, or your copy of Windows has unpatched security flaws, they can get in that way.
Now, if your laptop has nothing on it that you care about, you can skip the VirtualBox/MineOS thing completely. You still need to make sure your shares (if you have any) are password-protected, and that your copy of Windows is up to date on patches.
See how, under permissions, the - '*', - jail.*, etc. are at the same indentation as permissions:?
They need to be indented four more spaces.
Also, try the asterisk with and without the single quotes. It should work one of those ways. I've been using scripts to manage those files for the last month so I am a little rusty.
You have 16GB, so give it however much you want, really. At a gig of RAM, you should be able to get WAY more people on there than your connection supports. During heavy chunk loading (what happens when a user logs in or teleports) it will need about 500 kilobits/sec. After all the nearby chunks are loaded, walking around requires about 250 kilobits/sec. Standing still is about 45 kilobits/sec.
A Core i7 running at 2.8GHz should run the Minecraft server really well, and leave plenty of resources for running the client and whatever other programs you have open. I would guess most hosting companies use similar processors, although we like Xeons because they're designed to run under heavy load 24x7.
You should make that suggestion to Mojang employees. I would suggest looking up ones other than Notch on Twitter. You aren't the first person to have this idea and it would sure be great if they'd make that an option.
1.6 is super hosed right now, so you might want to try updating it later.