Hey, I was just playing the game, and I refreshed, and it was reset.... the game has not saved since then, so I was wondering if there is still a chance?
Yeah so it will have checkboxes that say 'Lore' and 'Name' you understand I see. Would you like me to put it in a file your you to download? It wouldnt keep messing with the indents.
Indents are messed up of course. I am trying to make it so that this works on the 'Lore' tags. I have it all figured out but I have no clue how to edit the Lore because of the way it is stored differently than 'Name' Think you can help?
# Replace Item Code Filter based on ColorArmor Filter by SethBling
# First Edit by Howzieky_10, correction and bug fixing by medi4
from pymclevel import MCSchematic
from pymclevel import TileEntity
from pymclevel import TAG_Compound
from pymclevel import TAG_Short
from pymclevel import TAG_Byte
from pymclevel import TAG_String
from pymclevel import TAG_Int
from pymclevel import TAG_List
from numpy import zeros
displayName = "Replace Item Code help"
Colors = {
"Black": "0",
"Dark Blue": "1",
"Dark Green": "2",
"Dark Aqua": "3",
"Dark Red": "4",
"Purple": "5",
"Gold": "6",
"Gray": "7",
"Dark Gray": "8",
"Indigo": "9",
"Bright Green": "a",
"Aqua": "b",
"Red": "c",
"Pink": "d",
"Yellow": "e",
"White": "f",
"Bold": "l",
"Strike": "m",
"Underlined": "n",
"Italics": "o",
Choices = {
"Lore": "lo",
"Name": "Na",
inputs = (
("Name:", False),
("Lore:", False),
("Find:", tuple(Colors.keys())),
("Replace:", tuple(Colors.keys())),
formatCode = unichr(167)
def perform(level, box, options):
findcolor = Colors[options["Find:"]]
replacecolor = Colors[options["Replace:"]]
#choice = Choices[options["Find/Replace:"]]
for (chunk, slices, point) in level.getChunkSlices(box):
for te in chunk.TileEntities:
px = te["x"].value
py = te["y"].value
pz = te["z"].value
if px < box.minx or px >= box.maxx:
if py < box.miny or py >= box.maxy:
if pz < box.minz or pz >= box.maxz:
if te["id"].value == "Trap" or te["id"].value == "Chest":
for item in te["Items"]:
if options["Name:"]:
doneText = item["tag"]["display"]["Name"].value
doneText = doneText.replace(unichr(167) + findcolor, unichr(167) + replacecolor)
item["tag"]["display"]["Name"] = TAG_String(doneText)
#if options["Lore:"]:
# doneText = item["tag"]["display"]["Lore"].value
# doneText = doneText.replace(unichr(167) + findcolor, unichr(167) + replacecolor)
# item["tag"]["display"]["Lore"] = TAG_String(doneText)
#I hope you understand what I am trying to do here.
chunk.dirty = True
Did you test this? It won't work for meOh and BTW you are spot on that I have really no clue what I am doing. I did do a SMALL amount of python a while ago...
Hey there! So I have been creating a Minecraft version of Apples to Apples and while naming the cards, I messed up until halfway through by making the text bold, so I have been editing SethBling's 'Modify Item Strings' filter to a 'Replace Item Codes' filter. What I want it to do is you select a 'find' color/code and a 'replace' color/code, then look at all the 'cards' in the selection box, and basically change the color code. Example: You select a chest and then select the 'Find: Bold' option, and select the 'Replace: White' (which would reset it to the regular code). And then it would look for any items with bold text, and reset it. It is currently busted though. Please help:
# coding unicode-escape
# ColorArmor Filter by SethBling
# Feel free to modify and reuse, but credit to SethBling would be nice.
# http://youtube.com/SethBling
from pymclevel import MCSchematic
from pymclevel import TileEntity
from pymclevel import TAG_Compound
from pymclevel import TAG_Short
from pymclevel import TAG_Byte
from pymclevel import TAG_String
from pymclevel import TAG_Int
from pymclevel import TAG_List
from numpy import zeros
displayName = "Replace Item Code"
Colors = {
"Black": "0",
"Dark Blue": "1",
"Dark Green": "2",
"Dark Aqua": "3",
"Dark Red": "4",
"Purple": "5",
"Gold": "6",
"Gray": "7",
"Dark Gray": "8",
"Indigo": "9",
"Bright Green": "a",
"Aqua": "b",
"Red": "c",
"Pink": "d",
"Yellow": "e",
"White": "f",
"Bold": "l",
"Strike": "m",
"Underlined": "n",
"Italics": "o",
inputs = (
("Find: Color", tuple(Colors.keys())),
("Replace: Color", tuple(Colors.keys())),
formatCode = unichr(167)
def perform(level, box, options):
findcolor = Colors[options["Find: Color"]]
replacecolor = Colors[options["Replace: Color"]]
for (chunk, slices, point) in level.getChunkSlices(box):
for te in chunk.TileEntities:
px = te["x"].value
py = te["y"].value
pz = te["z"].value
if px < box.minx or px >= box.maxx:
if py < box.miny or py >= box.maxy:
if pz < box.minz or pz >= box.maxz:
if te["id"].value == "Trap" or te["id"].value == "Chest":
for item in te["Items"]:
doneText = item["tag"]["display"]["Name"]
print doneText
if "tag" not in item:
item["tag"] = TAG_Compound()
if "display" not in item["tag"]:
item["tag"]["display"] = TAG_Compound()
doneText.replace("findcolor", "replacecolor");
print doneText
item["tag"]["display"]["Name"] = doneText
chunk.dirty = True
In-Game Username:Howzieky
How do you like the server so far [Optional]:Ive been playing this since 1.1, but my stuff keeps getting deleted
Do you plan on donating? IT HELPS A TON!:probably not
You get gunpowder, put it in the crafting table with some dye.
next, put your new item in the crafting table along with gunpowder & paper.
Bam! colored rocket!
Yeah it is weird, but how cool would it be to have a server where in your house you have a trophy room full of all the people you killed! imagine if notch joined!!!!
I modded my jar and it somehow got the wither
I tested it on my server and it WORKED! Just put this in your jar or server don`t read the item it will crash (use it at your own risk)
Just right-click with the egg and it will span a wither
This is how you instal it
Step 1. download the jv.class
Step 2. Install 12w34a
Step 3. open up the 12w34a jar
Step 4. Just drag in the jv.class as usual
Open your minecraft
Make sure your on a sevrer that haves it or on a Cheatmode Singleplayer
Type in /give (Name) 383 1 64
Right-click the ground BAM!
E-Mail: [email protected]
Same! Please help!
How do you like the server so far [Optional]:Ive been playing this since 1.1, but my stuff keeps getting deleted
Do you plan on donating? IT HELPS A TON!:probably not