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    posted a message on Redstone Wars II
    IGN: Howzieky
    E-Mail: [email protected]
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on A very bad JavaScript game: minecraft mining
    Hey, I was just playing the game, and I refreshed, and it was reset.... the game has not saved since then, so I was wondering if there is still a chance?
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Amazing 1.7 snapshot seed!
    Awesome seed! Double spawners!
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on Remove WEP and keep server
    So my Dad is making it so that I can't use WEP for my server. Can anyone tell me if there is a more secure way to run a server for free?
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Snapshot 13w38a Ready For Testing!
    Quote from S1lv3rc4tch

    I cannot get the shaders to work whatever I do. I have post-processing on. Also the title screen seems to be shrunk down into the corner.

    Same! Please help!
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on MCEdit Filter: Replace Item Codes
    You are a wizard!!!! How do you know this stuff?! Is there any way I can help you out?
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 0

    posted a message on MCEdit Filter: Replace Item Codes
    Yeah so it will have checkboxes that say 'Lore' and 'Name' you understand I see. Would you like me to put it in a file your you to download? It wouldnt keep messing with the indents.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 0

    posted a message on MCEdit Filter: Replace Item Codes
    Indents are messed up of course. I am trying to make it so that this works on the 'Lore' tags. I have it all figured out but I have no clue how to edit the Lore because of the way it is stored differently than 'Name' Think you can help?
    # Replace Item Code Filter based on ColorArmor Filter by SethBling
    # First Edit by Howzieky_10, correction and bug fixing by medi4
    from pymclevel import MCSchematic
    from pymclevel import TileEntity
    from pymclevel import TAG_Compound
    from pymclevel import TAG_Short
    from pymclevel import TAG_Byte
    from pymclevel import TAG_String
    from pymclevel import TAG_Int
    from pymclevel import TAG_List
    from numpy import zeros
    displayName = "Replace Item Code help"
    Colors = {
    "Black": "0",
    "Dark Blue": "1",
    "Dark Green": "2",
    "Dark Aqua": "3",
    "Dark Red": "4",
    "Purple": "5",
    "Gold": "6",
    "Gray": "7",
    "Dark Gray": "8",
    "Indigo": "9",
    "Bright Green": "a",
    "Aqua": "b",
    "Red": "c",
    "Pink": "d",
    "Yellow": "e",
    "White": "f",
    "Bold": "l",
    "Strike": "m",
    "Underlined": "n",
    "Italics": "o",
    Choices = {
    "Lore": "lo",
    "Name": "Na",
    inputs = (
    ("Name:", False),
    ("Lore:", False),
    ("Find:", tuple(Colors.keys())),
    ("Replace:", tuple(Colors.keys())),
    formatCode = unichr(167)
    def perform(level, box, options):
    	 findcolor = Colors[options["Find:"]]
    	 replacecolor = Colors[options["Replace:"]]
    #choice = Choices[options["Find/Replace:"]]
    	 for (chunk, slices, point) in level.getChunkSlices(box):
    			 for te in chunk.TileEntities:
    							 px = te["x"].value
    							 py = te["y"].value
    							 pz = te["z"].value
    							 if px < box.minx or px >= box.maxx:
    							 if py < box.miny or py >= box.maxy:
    							 if pz < box.minz or pz >= box.maxz:
    							 if te["id"].value == "Trap" or te["id"].value == "Chest":
    		 for item in te["Items"]:
    		 if options["Name:"]:
    		 doneText = item["tag"]["display"]["Name"].value
    		 doneText = doneText.replace(unichr(167) + findcolor, unichr(167) + replacecolor)
    		 item["tag"]["display"]["Name"] = TAG_String(doneText)
    		 #if options["Lore:"]:
    		 # doneText = item["tag"]["display"]["Lore"].value
    		 # doneText = doneText.replace(unichr(167) + findcolor, unichr(167) + replacecolor)
    		 # item["tag"]["display"]["Lore"] = TAG_String(doneText)
    #I hope you understand what I am trying to do here.
    							 chunk.dirty = True
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 0

    posted a message on MCEdit Filter: Replace Item Codes
    Hey how would go about editing the 'Lore' tags?
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 0

    posted a message on MCEdit Filter: Replace Item Codes
    THANKS MAN! Tell me if there is any way I can help you!
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 0

    posted a message on MCEdit Filter: Replace Item Codes
    'charmap' codec can't encode character u'/xa7' in position 17: character maps to <undefined>
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 0

    posted a message on MCEdit Filter: Replace Item Codes
    Did you test this? It won't work for meOh and BTW you are spot on that I have really no clue what I am doing. I did do a SMALL amount of python a while ago...
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 0

    posted a message on MCEdit Filter: Replace Item Codes
    Hey there! So I have been creating a Minecraft version of Apples to Apples and while naming the cards, I messed up until halfway through by making the text bold, so I have been editing SethBling's 'Modify Item Strings' filter to a 'Replace Item Codes' filter. What I want it to do is you select a 'find' color/code and a 'replace' color/code, then look at all the 'cards' in the selection box, and basically change the color code. Example: You select a chest and then select the 'Find: Bold' option, and select the 'Replace: White' (which would reset it to the regular code). And then it would look for any items with bold text, and reset it. It is currently busted though. Please help:
    # coding unicode-escape
    # ColorArmor Filter by SethBling
    # Feel free to modify and reuse, but credit to SethBling would be nice.
    # http://youtube.com/SethBling
    from pymclevel import MCSchematic
    from pymclevel import TileEntity
    from pymclevel import TAG_Compound
    from pymclevel import TAG_Short
    from pymclevel import TAG_Byte
    from pymclevel import TAG_String
    from pymclevel import TAG_Int
    from pymclevel import TAG_List
    from numpy import zeros
    displayName = "Replace Item Code"
    Colors = {
      "Black": "0",
      "Dark Blue": "1",
      "Dark Green": "2",
      "Dark Aqua": "3",
      "Dark Red": "4",
      "Purple": "5",
      "Gold": "6",
      "Gray": "7",
      "Dark Gray": "8",
      "Indigo": "9",
      "Bright Green": "a",
      "Aqua": "b",
      "Red": "c",
      "Pink": "d",
      "Yellow": "e",
      "White": "f",
      "Bold": "l",
      "Strike": "m",
      "Underlined": "n",
      "Italics": "o",
    inputs = (
      ("Find: Color", tuple(Colors.keys())),
      ("Replace: Color", tuple(Colors.keys())),
    formatCode = unichr(167)
    def perform(level, box, options):
      findcolor = Colors[options["Find: Color"]]
      replacecolor = Colors[options["Replace: Color"]]
      for (chunk, slices, point) in level.getChunkSlices(box):
       for te in chunk.TileEntities:
        px = te["x"].value
        py = te["y"].value
        pz = te["z"].value
        if px < box.minx or px >= box.maxx:
        if py < box.miny or py >= box.maxy:
        if pz < box.minz or pz >= box.maxz:
        if te["id"].value == "Trap" or te["id"].value == "Chest":
    	 for item in te["Items"]:
    	  doneText = item["tag"]["display"]["Name"]
    	  print doneText
    	  if "tag" not in item:
    	   item["tag"] = TAG_Compound()
    	  if "display" not in item["tag"]:
    	   item["tag"]["display"] = TAG_Compound()
    	  doneText.replace("findcolor", "replacecolor");
    	  print doneText
    	  item["tag"]["display"]["Name"] = doneText
    	 chunk.dirty = True
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 0

    posted a message on HMGMC.com - Prison + Skyblock + PVP More Soon!
    In-Game Username:Howzieky
    How do you like the server so far [Optional]:Ive been playing this since 1.1, but my stuff keeps getting deleted
    Do you plan on donating? IT HELPS A TON!:probably not
    Posted in: PC Servers
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