Ingame Minecraft Username: Mondrow
Chosen Server: Kanto
What do you think about PokeMC?:
The server, overall is really good, set up well and works as a decent replication of pokemon. Despite this, I have a few issues, although they're rather minor:
1. In the spawn area in particular (while this was expected due to my low spec computer), the server at time can be quite laggy.
2. The pokemon spawning seems a little off, this is mostly due to in my first 15-30 min of play I could only find wild pokemon at around lvl 30, which was way above the lv 5 that my starter was.
However, in relation to the effort that has clearly been put into this server, these issues are extremely minor and the creators have done a really good job.
:sad.gif: I was flying a tree when I accidentally placed another controller block and it crashed my game also it closed too fast for me to get the error report, but otherwise this is an awesome mod and with every update it keeps getting better and for that
:blink.gif: this is such a great mod. I'm so glad you added chest compatibility. I think you should now work on lighting and redstone because that would be so epic
[b]IGN Name:Homzar
[b]How did you hear about us?(Forums, Youtube, other websites?):Friend: flame47
[b]Why do you want to join?:to have fun playing a game within a game GAMECEPTION!!!
[b]Do you know the Pokemon theme song? Do you want to be the very best?!:yes
[b]Do you have TeamSpeak?(This is just softwares that allow you to talk to people. Do not worry if you don't have it. You can download it for free if you wish, but you don't need it):no
[b]Have you signed up/liked/comment us on our sponsors topic?:(If you do so, for free, we will give you 1000 pokedollars!
you deserve some diamonds .....
and some tnt :tongue.gif:
Ingame Minecraft Username: Mondrow
Chosen Server: Kanto
What do you think about PokeMC?:
The server, overall is really good, set up well and works as a decent replication of pokemon. Despite this, I have a few issues, although they're rather minor:
1. In the spawn area in particular (while this was expected due to my low spec computer), the server at time can be quite laggy.
2. The pokemon spawning seems a little off, this is mostly due to in my first 15-30 min of play I could only find wild pokemon at around lvl 30, which was way above the lv 5 that my starter was.
However, in relation to the effort that has clearly been put into this server, these issues are extremely minor and the creators have done a really good job.
>> <<
Age: 13
Any questions/concerns/comments? If not, that's ok. nope
I was just correcting my earlier post
[b]How did you hear about us?(Forums, Youtube, other websites?):Friend: flame47
[b]Why do you want to join?:to have fun playing a game within a game GAMECEPTION!!!
[b]Do you know the Pokemon theme song? Do you want to be the very best?!:yes
[b]Do you have TeamSpeak?(This is just softwares that allow you to talk to people. Do not worry if you don't have it. You can download it for free if you wish, but you don't need it):no
[b]Have you signed up/liked/comment us on our sponsors topic?:(If you do so, for free, we will give you 1000 pokedollars!
you deserve some diamonds .....
and some tnt :tongue.gif: