I have a legit survival realm with achievements. We have built a community town and are currently working on expanding. We're looking for avid builders that would like to help develop new towns and be a part of our community. If this sounds like something you'd like to be a part of then leave the following below:
Looking for active players to join my medieval/fantasy realm! This realm has been active for about 3 weeks and currently has about 5-7 active players. We have a town called Iron Star that is community-based. It has everything you need to get started including an Inn for your first nights stay. We also have vacant houses that you can have temporarily (or permanently) until you get on your feet. We are starting to work on a new town in the desert that will consist of an arena where you can duel fellow players for rewards. If this sounds like something you would like to be a part of, leave your GT below along with your age, the platform you use [XB1, PC, Android] and what you can bring to our community.
Iron Star is a Medieval/Fantasy realm looking for more active players to help expand our town. We are looking for players that would be a good fit for what we currently have going. We need good builders that are proficient in medieval builds. If you think this is you, leave your GT along with your age, platform you use [ XB1, Andriod, PC] and what you can offer to the realm. The realm is strictly survival (normal) and you can get achievements as well. Hope to see you in game.
Iron Star is a strictly medieval and fantasy realm consisting of about 8 active players currently and looking to get more members of our town. If you enjoy being a part of a community and helping one another then this is the realm for you. When you join you can either take a vacant house or build one of your own, following the current color/design scheme. We're looking for fairly talented builders but if you need help, just ask. This is a strict survival realm meaning cheats are off. If you would like to join, leave your GT/Age, what platform you use (PC/XBOX/Andriod), and possibly some screenshots of your medieval/fantasy builds from the past.
Age: 26[/b]
Time Zone: est[/b]
Why do you want to join our server? looking for a new realm to join, I prefer the medieval theme as well[/b]
Why would you make a good addition to the server? Really good medieval builder[/b]
What times do you play? evenings, weekends...whenever the wife and kids allow me to really.[/b]
Discord Name: Steel #7615[/b]
Job Preferred: builder[/b]
Nice..how bout that invite though? lol
Age: 26
IGN: Steelskin131
Discord code: Steel #7615
I really like building a community. I am a pretty good medieval builder
Where are you from? : ATL
What is your age? : 26
Why do you want to join? : Looking for a solid realm to join
Do you have a history of getting banned? : Nope
What do you like doing in game? : I'm a builder
Do you play any other games? : Yes, lots
How many servers have you been on before? : Lots
GT: H0lysm0k3s31
i sent most of you a message through Xbox with the realm code
hey guys i have a realm set up that you could join
Hey guys,
I have a legit survival realm with achievements. We have built a community town and are currently working on expanding. We're looking for avid builders that would like to help develop new towns and be a part of our community. If this sounds like something you'd like to be a part of then leave the following below:
What skills you offer:
How often you play:
i sent some of you the realm code to join, check your inbox!
i sent you the realm code
Looking for active players to join my medieval/fantasy realm! This realm has been active for about 3 weeks and currently has about 5-7 active players. We have a town called Iron Star that is community-based. It has everything you need to get started including an Inn for your first nights stay. We also have vacant houses that you can have temporarily (or permanently) until you get on your feet. We are starting to work on a new town in the desert that will consist of an arena where you can duel fellow players for rewards. If this sounds like something you would like to be a part of, leave your GT below along with your age, the platform you use [XB1, PC, Android] and what you can bring to our community.
Image of Realm
Iron Star is a Medieval/Fantasy realm looking for more active players to help expand our town. We are looking for players that would be a good fit for what we currently have going. We need good builders that are proficient in medieval builds. If you think this is you, leave your GT along with your age, platform you use [ XB1, Andriod, PC] and what you can offer to the realm. The realm is strictly survival (normal) and you can get achievements as well. Hope to see you in game.
Iron Star is a strictly medieval and fantasy realm consisting of about 8 active players currently and looking to get more members of our town. If you enjoy being a part of a community and helping one another then this is the realm for you. When you join you can either take a vacant house or build one of your own, following the current color/design scheme. We're looking for fairly talented builders but if you need help, just ask. This is a strict survival realm meaning cheats are off. If you would like to join, leave your GT/Age, what platform you use (PC/XBOX/Andriod), and possibly some screenshots of your medieval/fantasy builds from the past.
KSI Snail and TheYoungCube I sent yall the realm code. I like your style TheYoungCube
that username doesnt work BuilderJayMC