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    posted a message on MINECRAFT IN A NUTSHELL!
    So I decided to put minecraft in a nutshell for all of the new players out there who might not know how to play...

    I found out that the best way to accurately put minecraft in a nut
    shell was to use photo editing software.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on The Greatest Necro Thread of all time!
    Lets see how long we can go with this thread. Let this be known as the "Zombie Thread"

    Basically, lets try to keep necroing this thread untill the year 2050.


    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on The Church Of Satan!
    Quote from Scrall

    I'm going to be very honest here.But I'll give you a choice if you don't wanna see it

    First of all, Church of Satan can be considered very offensive to Catholics and christians alike, I know I was offended.Second of all, the layout for the church is really weird, sorry if I explain this horribly but the church looks like it should be facing the gate, not on the side

    As for you getting offended, here is my message to you. I am definitely not meaning to be mean or offensive, this is just my opinion. It is optional to read, and if you don't want to, you don't have to. I would prefer if you would read it though.

    First of all, Catholics ARE Christians. Second of all the christian belief system that tells me I'm going to hell because I don't follow your particular sect, even though I am a good person, offends me. Third of all, why the heck are you offended? Is god looking down on you and taking away brownie points for looking at this thread? By your logic, I am going to hell and getting punished for this and you will go on to a better place, so you don't even need to be offended. Additionally, I could be a christian for all you know! Just because someone describes a bad place doesn't mean that they are bad. The bible, in many places, describes hell. Is hell not a worse place than this blocky, virtual church?

    I'm seriously not meaning to be a jerk, just explaining my logic. No offense to anyone here, but even from a christian view point, macabre and dark things are not bad to think about or see. Even though you are intrigued and interested by something dark, (Dante and his inferno anyone?) doesn't mean you are acting upon it, and certainly doesn't mean you cant be religious.

    As for the church layout, I am planning on adding graves to the open space. Also, the gate to the gate/entrance is just a square of iron bars, and can be changed at any time. I might look into changing the place of the gate, just as I have added a different roofing. Thanks for your opinion. (the one about the layout) You will find that I am a reasonable guy.
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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    posted a message on The Church Of Satan!
    So I created a church of Satan, and I actually got it to resemble a church fairly accurately. I also have a mausoleum, and secret doors throughout the map that open to extra locations. The church is gated, and is in a clearing in the middle of a forest full of large oak trees. The church also has an attic (only accessible through secret doors) At the top of the bell tower is a music box.

    Sorry if all these pictures are annoying. If you want you may rate it /10 but you don't need to.

    Thanks for taking the time to look! I am planning on making graves and secret levers and buttons to open some of them and allow access to secret burial chambers.
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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