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    posted a message on Pink Sheep?
    I first discovered pink sheep without noticing it. I guess I'd been punching sheep at night. I hadn't made any dye, but when I went to empty my inventory into a chest I noticed a block of pink wool. Later I actually saw a naturally spawning pink sheep. (This was in single player, no one else dyed a sheep to mess with me.)
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Map top is not North
    I just started playing Minecraft. I got lost and couldn't find my way back to some buildings I had built. (I slept in another location, so the compass pointing to my spawn didn't help.) I found a third party map generation utility which gave me an idea where to go. Using the in conjunction with the in-game Map item eventually got me there. It was disconcerting because the two maps were rotated 90 degrees to each other. It's commonly assumed that north will be at the top of the map, so the outside utility (written before Notch added maps) used that convention.

    Either Notch wasn't concerned about it and it was just a natural by-product of his coordinate system that his in-game generated maps put East at the top, or he intentionally wanted east at the top. It would be nice to know which is the case. It could be that once Notch hears that people care about this that he'll modify his in-game maps to the common "north at top" standard. Or if he wants east at the top, he should announce that clearly, so third party utilities know that they should adapt to match the in-game maps. Either way works, but it'd be nice if they were consistent.
    Posted in: Discussion
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