Use some wool to craft a sock. Fill it with sand. Then use it to hit people in the head and say, "Homie don't play that!" Anytime someone suggests your house should be cooler.
i dont get it. is he using a texture pack or are those really new stone blocks? (please yesssss)
btw, look at the bottom corner of the village screen. awesome cave! anyone knows the seed of that one? :laugh.gif:
I believe that's an example of the new ravines Notch has mentioned. Features like that should appear in all new maps when implemented.
My own personal conspiracy theory concerning shears. I think it's an effort on Notch's part to make automated resource gathering less efficient. Building a machine to spawn sheep, kill them, and dump wool in a collection pool is probably slower than making shears and doing it as intended.
I could be completely wrong. But if I'm right, we might see more changes that negatively impact automated gathering in the future.
I built a house of cobblestone instead of clean stone...
Was there a posted rule about not building with cobblestone? If so, you got banned for not following rules. If not, you're better off not on that server.
Unless that's going to be a running joke for Notch for a while. Every list of change notes should end with "- Removed Herobrine" until people stop talking about it.
Notch is not making an Xbox version of Minecraft. Some other group looked at Minecraft and said, "Hey, we could make a lot of money putting this on XBLA." So they went to Notch and asked if they could license it. Notch said sure as long as he gets a nice slice of the money they make. The job of porting it to the Xbox is being done by the other group.
If someone with PS3 wants to do the same and there's nothing in the Xbox deal that makes it exclusive on consoles, then sure. He'll let someone else do all the work to make him PS3 money, too.
I believe that's an example of the new ravines Notch has mentioned. Features like that should appear in all new maps when implemented.
Damn, Herobrine always breaking things.
I could be completely wrong. But if I'm right, we might see more changes that negatively impact automated gathering in the future.
Overwrite your minecraft.jar with a backup of your 1.6.6.jar.
Was there a posted rule about not building with cobblestone? If so, you got banned for not following rules. If not, you're better off not on that server.
I'm not sure giving him 15 minutes of internet fame will have the desired effect of pissing him off.
2600 or nothing.
If someone with PS3 wants to do the same and there's nothing in the Xbox deal that makes it exclusive on consoles, then sure. He'll let someone else do all the work to make him PS3 money, too.