It's not so much attacking people for complaining, but the ones who don't bother to look and see if anyone has mentioned the problem they have. Instead of finding an existing thread and adding, "I'm also having this problem" they post a new redundant thread and clog the forum with useless complaints.
At one point Notch said something along the lines of we should not expect carryable lit torches because of the problems with coding a moving light source in Minecraft. Although he has been working on an overhaul of the lighting system. So the Magic 8-ball says, "Reply hazy, ask again later."
I can't see most game companies trying to suppress "Let's Play..." videos. That would be like turning down free advertising. (I could see some trying to suppress unfavorable video reviews, but I can't believe that wouldn't be protected by fair use laws.)
Now some have suggested that "the government" will monitor Youtube looking for violations. In that case, I'm applying for a civil service job. I want a Federal Government Salary for watching internet videos all day. Given the amount of content out there, it'll be steady work for many, many people for many years.
Can someone point me to the announcement of this DLC? I want to see what I'm going to have to pay extra for. No point in getting upset until I know what I'm talking about.
The format is "/give [item] [quantity] {damage]" Quantity is usually a stack by default, but can be any amount you choose. The "damage" value is used for some items, like wood or wool, to designate a specific type. The damage value can be used to designate birch or the color of the wool.
Of course, you have to have the mod that allows this.
WAAAAAAH!!! I HATE YU MOJANG! How could you add shears?! Now I DON'T get wool from punching sheep! That makes no sense!! By the way, I was at my uncle's farm, and I tryed to make a bed. Did you know when you that in real life, you can be punished for punching sheep? ANYWAY, I HAAAATE YOU!!!! My computer is too slow to run your game, and that's all your fault! ALL YOUR *insert pointless profanity here* FAULT!!! It's like when you added smooth lighting! I HATE IT! WHY DIDN'T YOU REMOVE IT? I don't CARE that you can toggle it off! HOW DOES IT MATTER THAT YOU CAN TOGGLE IT OFF! I don't like it, so noone else possibly could! AND YOUR MAMMA IS UGLY!!! *Goes on to pretend a member of Mojang team is actually the forum* And you know what? I HATE WOLVES! They bark! I hate barking! HOW DARE YOU ADD CUTE ENDEARING CREATURES!!! I want 50 more varients on creepers! By the way, have you read my ideas on sea creepers, desert creepers, giant creepers, and fast creepers?
NOw you can all stop making threads like this, thankyouverymuch.
And this new ore is worth one of these?
Not if you destroy a block in the ceiling and have something to stack under yourself.
Also red text is so 1.5.01. Green FTW.
And this reply should probably be in Suggestions, but it might get noticed more here.
Link to the blog post supporting your statement, please.
Or he's saying there's misinformation implied in the logo. Or both!
What people getting all worked up about something that doesn't even exist??? What has the internet come to?
Now some have suggested that "the government" will monitor Youtube looking for violations. In that case, I'm applying for a civil service job. I want a Federal Government Salary for watching internet videos all day. Given the amount of content out there, it'll be steady work for many, many people for many years.
Of course, you have to have the mod that allows this.
Needs more Herobrine.