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    posted a message on I can't Direct Connect to my new server please help

    I hate to bump my own thread like this but I really need some help and the rules allow me to do so. Please help!

    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on I can't Direct Connect to my new server please help

    Is there any more information I can post up? Please help me.

    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on [Not really a thing anymore] Just Plain Rotten!

    Sure lol

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [Not really a thing anymore] Just Plain Rotten!

    This is my favorite mod that adds rotten flesh blocks!

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on I can't Direct Connect to my new server please help

    Thanks for responding. I got that address from typing "ipconfig" into the command prompt window. This is a static IP address I assigned myself. I am able to Direct Connect to the server with this address, but not with my public IP address. I got my public IP address from myipaddress.com. I am connected to a wireless router.

    This is how I assigned myself a static IP address in my routers GUI. I picked this number because it is in my gateway's subnet and outside the dhcp range. I couldn't enter my public ip or my old dynamic IPv4 address without getting an error message.

    This is where I may be having a problem, I was unable to give myself a static IP address using the Windows Network Connections - Properties. I tried entering a bunch of different numbers into this window and it never worked. It automatically fills out the Subnet Mask with that number. I tried entering there. When I try to change these settings I get a message saying that it detected a problem and then it resets the changes I made.

    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on I can't Direct Connect to my new server please help

    Thank you for viewing my thread. I just set up a new 1.7.10 Forge server for my friends to play on. I am able to Join the server and I can access it by Direct Connecting with my IPv4 address. But I can not Direct Connect by entering my public IP address. I assume no one else will be able to access it either. When I try to Direct Connect with my public IP address it tells me "java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: no further information:"

    Please help me solve this problem.

    I followed the instructions from a Youtube video carefully to set up the Forge server. I forwarded the ports on my router. I got my public IP address from http://myipaddress.com. I created two rules in Windows Firewall to allow TCP and UDP connection through port 25565.

    To try and fix this problem I have tried shutting off my ZoneAlarm firewall and Windows Firewall at the same time and I got a static IP address. I tested to make sure that I could join other public servers.

    I visited the canyouseeme.org website and it said it could NOT see me on port 25565. I'm pretty sure I set up the port forwarding correctly. Check out this picture of my port settings. That is my static IPv4 address.

    I am running Windows 7 Ultimate

    i7 4790k, 16GB RAM, R9 290X, SSD, 20Mbs

    I am running Java 1.7.0_71 because I couldn't get Minecraft to run at all when I tried to upgrade to Java 8.

    Thank you for your time.

    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Web Displays - Browse On the Internet in Minecraft!
    Quote from crunkazcanbe»

    Yeah thats a known issue with this mod videos will not go full screen . The mod author said he does not know why it does that . I don't know if he is going to fix it. :/

    That was completely unhelpful.

    I've managed to make animated GIFs the correct size so that they fill the screen with no scroll-bars. They look the same as if they were full-screen. I'm sure I can make videos that are the correct size so that they fill the screen with no scroll-bars as well. I just have to figure out which website I should host them on. My videos hosted on Smugmug look pretty good, much better than Youtube. So I'm asking if anyone else has experimented with this and had any success? What's a better place to host my videos?

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Web Displays - Browse On the Internet in Minecraft!

    I've been experimenting with this mod. It's great! I want to use it to display information at my server's spawn point to tell people what the rules are and stuff like that. I think I will use animated GIFs that I can display at a correct size to fill the screen.

    I'm trying to figure out how I can make full-screen videos. Has anyone else experimented with this? I figure, if I had my own website I should be able to display a video at the correct size so that it will fill the screen when it's viewed on a Web Display in-game. But I don't have a website. Does anyone know of a free hosting site that works better than Youtube? I tried putting a video on Smugmug.com. It nearly fills the screen and it has a cleaner looking blank, black background with no scroll bars. It's an improvement.

    In a regular web browser you can hit (Ctrl +) and (Ctrl -) to zoom in and out on a website. It would be great if that worked on the Web Displays. I tried doing that on the WebDisplays keyboard and it didn't work.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Web Displays - Browse On the Internet in Minecraft!

    Thank you for the excellent mod Montoyo! I'm glad you updated it.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on How do I /summon mobs from a mod?
    I got some help from a guy named GrumpyDemon on the forum and I am now able to /summon mobs from Chocolate Quest!

    /summon chocolateQuest.specter

    I could have sworn that I tried typing this earlier. I tried about a dozen variations trying to make it work.

    For mobs that have multiple words in their names, you format it like this

    /summon chocolateQuest.spiderBoss

    Thank you GrumpyDemon!
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on How do I /summon mobs from a mod?
    Thank you for the advice. I tried the things you guys suggested. It seems that it is not possible to use the /summon command to spawn mobs from Chocolate Quest. I will ask the author of the mod to see if he can add support for commands.

    I also installed the Mo' Creatures mod just to see if I could /summon mobs from that mod and it also was not possible. Maybe you can't /summon mobs from any mods? That would explain why I didn't find any information about this topic on Google.

    Using the Tab button while typing commands is helpful. I didn't know about that. Thanks!
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on How do I /summon mobs from a mod?
    Hi. Please help me with my question. I would really like to be able to use the /summon command to summon mobs from the Chocolate Quest 1.7 mod but I don't understand how the mobs are named. What do I need to type?

    I tried things like "/summon chocolateQuest:Specter ~1 ~ ~" and it didn't work.

    I couldn't find any information on this subject despite dozens of Google searches. I asked on the Chocolate Quest forum thread but the author has been AFK for over a month and I don't think anyone else that participates on that thread knows how to do it.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Proximity Detector / Music Player
    I have updated my original post so that this thread will be more helpful to people who are researching this topic in the future. Thanks again to Mysteeriousguy for all the helpful advice!
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Proximity Detector / Music Player
    This setting works even better for the music command block. The music isn't localized, it plays at full volume no matter where you go.

    /playsound records.cat @a[r=15] ~ ~ ~ 9.0 1 1.0
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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