My first attempt at replicating (but only doing so through inspiration!) the existing "boss systems" and mechanics servers use—just with my own custom twist.
Feedback for what I can tweak or add is much appreciated, I believe I finally got the basics down though!
There are a few other live sites that fetch and display username history such as as well, might be worth checking them out and contacting them as Tim doesn't seem to respond much on Twitter.
Hi all! Facilitated via a stats project, I believe many of you friendly players wouldn't mind answering this quick poll regarding which Minecraft version you use on servers. Please take a look if you wouldn't mind, it won't take more than 15 seconds!
What do you guys think? I'd appreciate any feedback or ideas! <3
I'm not sure if Challenges should be labeled with rarities (Common, Uncommon, Rare?) or difficulties (Easy, Rare, Hard)- I'd appreciate some advice on this too!
As simple as that. What's the best name for a custom enchant (applied to boots) that gives a walking/running speed boost (the speed effect)?
Options we thought of so far include: Speed (duh), Nitro, Sprint, Haste (conflicts with another effect name...), Gears (often used on servers), and Sonic.
What do you guys think? The traditional /home(s) command from Essentials seemed to bland to us, so we added a GUI with no typing involved! (Other than the command of course!)
Update: Turns out downgrading didn't work. I did, however, find a fix! I coded a plugin that fully impedes the disband command unless the command is executed by an (online) player or in very specific certain circumstances where the console is forced to disband a player's faction on my server.
The plugin developers have been silent since 2018, seems that updates to the plugin are stagnant too. I downgraded to the first release of the plugin for 1.12.2 and haven't run into the error for almost 24 hours now, so it seems to be a bug in one of the newer versions! Can't believe I didn't try to downgrade sooner!
My first attempt at replicating (but only doing so through inspiration!) the existing "boss systems" and mechanics servers use—just with my own custom twist.
Feedback for what I can tweak or add is much appreciated, I believe I finally got the basics down though!
There are a few other live sites that fetch and display username history such as as well, might be worth checking them out and contacting them as Tim doesn't seem to respond much on Twitter.
Anytime I see 1.5 (the latest version when I began playing) being mentioned I always get nostalgic at how fast time passes and passed...
Much gratitude,
~ Hex
What do you guys think? I'd appreciate any feedback or ideas! <3
I'm not sure if Challenges should be labeled with rarities (Common, Uncommon, Rare?) or difficulties (Easy, Rare, Hard)- I'd appreciate some advice on this too!
You're the first one to mention that one. We ended up going with Sonic! =)
As simple as that. What's the best name for a custom enchant (applied to boots) that gives a walking/running speed boost (the speed effect)?
Options we thought of so far include: Speed (duh), Nitro, Sprint, Haste (conflicts with another effect name...), Gears (often used on servers), and Sonic.
Vote here: any other/better suggestions? Please let me know! This is a tough decision!
Not sure if I plan on uploading it. For now that would be a negative- thanks for showing interest though! <3
Thanks for the positive vibes! <3
This sounds very familiar. Do you remember there being trees that you could chop too?
Thank you! This is one of the first custom GUIs I've ever created and I too think that it turned out pretty swell! <3
What do you guys think? The traditional /home(s) command from Essentials seemed to bland to us, so we added a GUI with no typing involved! (Other than the command of course!)
Looking for feedback! <3
Update: Turns out downgrading didn't work. I did, however, find a fix! I coded a plugin that fully impedes the disband command unless the command is executed by an (online) player or in very specific certain circumstances where the console is forced to disband a player's faction on my server.
The plugin developers have been silent since 2018, seems that updates to the plugin are stagnant too. I downgraded to the first release of the plugin for 1.12.2 and haven't run into the error for almost 24 hours now, so it seems to be a bug in one of the newer versions! Can't believe I didn't try to downgrade sooner!
I recently noticed that the plugin is open source on GitHub but I can't compile it since is offline!