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    posted a message on Why do shaders use up your GPU so much?

    The GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) is the part of the Hardware that processes everything in terms of graphics on the screen, as well as the RAM (Random Access Memory) which loads everything on your computer running on that current moment. Also the CPU (Central Processing Unit) which controls the core(s) .

    The computer has to process every block at the same time as well as entities (Dropped Items, Mobs and Players)

    The computer does a lot.

    You installed shaders which EVERY BLOCK interacts with, each block changes the lighting.

    That is why

    [this took me 15 minutes to write]

    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
  • 1

    posted a message on Im getting lag spikes (i5 6400)

    How to make your computer lag a little less

    [note - this only works on windows 10]

    go to settings > search 'background' and click background apps > turn each of them off except ''audio control'' , ''jumpstart'' and ''touchpad''

    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
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