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    posted a message on The Fight for Ruxanthal [Corrupted World] [Always Accepting]

    ((I don't mean to interfere or anything, but I thought I'd say a few things. I am currently writing up my app right now, cause this roleplay looks really interesting. But a few questions have been getting in the way. A corrupted character seems to be little more than a survivor who fights for Aatos. Are they willingly for Aatos, or did the corruption...corrupt them? Or maybe either is possible? Also, do they share the whole weak to water thing that the animals have, or do they still need water? Thank you when you answer.))

    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Why Grief?

    I personally think that the reason it's hard to see why griefers grief stems from a skewed perspective. Griefers are often seen as immature, spoiled, bratty children who just enjoy bullying and have no life outside of desecrating Minecraft servers. But who sees griefers as human beings just as capable of love as you are?

    Why is it so satisfying to score a headshot or gun someone down in a shooter game, when the other person is likely not so happy about being gunned down? Why, in fighting games, is it so satisfying to defeat a tough opponent, when said tough opponent just got beat by you? In this case, it's a competitive feel, and in reality, griefer vs server could be seen as a competition.

    Alternatively, it could be seen as human nature. Humans are inclined to evil. Example: Why do some people steal when they could earn instead? Because stealing is easier and more immediate that earning, despite that the victim probably doesn't want to be stolen from. I happen to know that I enjoy entering my Singleplayer worlds and detonating large amounts of TNT, or flooding areas full of mobs with lava to watch them burn. This is in Singleplayer, though. I wouldn't grief(On servers that deny it; if the server itself says it's fine, all bets are off.), because it's against the rules and it does have a negative effect on the victim.(Again, if the server allows it, people on the server are ready to accept that that might happen.(And are probably doing so to others.)) But some people probably find enjoyment when people aren't ready for that.

    In reality, most griefers probably do so for a mix of those; competition, and morbid entertainment. And both of those can probably be found in things anyone reading this does for fun, if you look hard enough. Just my personal opinion, though.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Super Smash Bros (/Minecraft crossover?) RP Interest Check
    It could be interesting, if done properly. Being perfectly honest, though, I probably would not join, but it would be one of the first I would consider if I were to join any.

    I believe it should just be the Super Smash Bros, and not crossover with Minecraft. Though the combination could be interesting.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Proxy: The Forum Roguelike [Prologue, Not Accepting]
    ((Alright, sorry for the delay. I was having slight internet problems.))

    "I am no one's mentor." Henry responded to the athletic girl who was seated near the fire. He walked towards the chairs near the fireplace, and took a seat in an unoccupied armchair. The slight chill he felt up till then went away as he neared the warming fire. "I can only assume, based on your question, that you are one of the contestants as well." He glanced once more at the girl, before watching the dancing flames in the fireplace before him. "I suspect the other man is also a contestant, but I have no evidence to support this."
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Proxy: The Forum Roguelike [Prologue, Not Accepting]
    ((I must say, this roleplay interests me. It's still open, correct. If so, here's my form. Forgive me for any mistakes I might make. I would spoiler it to save space on the thread, but I can't get the spoiler to work, so...))



    NAME:Henry Brenton


    Appearance and personal info:Henry stands at a height of 5'8''. His hair is an unnatural white, length being moderate, neither short nor long. Pale skin, dark blue eyes. Henry is 19 years old. He is somewhat skinny, but not unhealthily so. His choice of outfit is a thin, dark blue long shirt and black pants, with black shoes. His utility device takes the form of a bulky, black watch on his left arm. Just to make it clear, Henry is a human.

    Backstory:To start with what needs to be established, we must start with The Essence. The Essence is an innate elemental power present in all life forms. An innate and specific elemental guidance within the organism, gently guiding it's growth. Each lifeform possesses one element (Such as fire or water), and everything from their genetics, to personality, to just about anything about them is gently steered towards this element. It rarely matters because Elves are one of the few organisms affected enough by the Essence to notice or manipulate the element they possess, creating pseudo-magical effects. The Lunaris corporation, an elven company that produced mechanical implants, decided to attempt to remedy this.

    While there are other methods for humans or others to use magic, they could not harness the Essence. Lunaris set to remedy this, by producing a set of implants designed to augment the effect of the Essence in humans, so that humans could take advantage of their own essence. They took young volunteers, none older then 13, and gave them the implants. Henry, at the age of 11 at this time, was one of the test volunteers. Naturally, they assured anyone involved that their was little chance of any ill effects. Unsurprisingly, they were wrong.

    To start, as expected, there were some rather delayed physical and mental reactions, each candidate reacting based on their own element. Henry, for example, was water element. His personality became calmer and more patient, his hair color changed from blond to white, and his eyes changed from a green to a dark blue. These changes gradually set in over a three-week testing period. However, the problem occured shortly after the second week. Most of the candidates failed to receive significant changes, mostly only in appearance. Beyond that, an oversight in the implant caused the death of about a dozen of the candidates, all of which were aligned with fire. Many others, from all elements, wound up with mental problems, probably relating to the excessively higher amount of essence exposure. Lunaris corporation quickly shut down the tests, but the resulting financial problems set them back enough that a better-working prototype is not likely to ever release publicly.

    As for Henry's joining the games...Kidnapping? Volunteer? Blackmail? Suicide by game? He doesn't remember, so I don't really think it matters. All Henry remembers of the backstory I just listed is the basics of how Essence works, as he was one of the candidates of the Lunaris tests that actually showed magical power.

    LEVEL: 1 (0/10 EXP)

    STR:7(Essence amplification affected his physical strength negatively, but slightly.)
    DEX:11(His unnaturally calm approach allows for expert levels of precision in most any situation.)
    NIM:5(He all but lacks a sense of urgency by this point, resulting in slower reactions overall.)
    PER:10(Unlike with his nimbleness, his patience and calmness benefit him here, allowing him to better assess situations and surroundings.)
    WIS:10(Similarly, his essence gives him a level head, allowing him to clearly think things through, and, as should be obvious, better ability to harness magic)




    NAME:Conjure water

    CATEGORY: Device/One-shot


    COST:2P per liter of water conjured.

    DESCRIPTION:This allows Henry to "Create" water from whatever moisture is in the air. Creating one liter of water can be done fast enough to take another action, but more than one liter will require a turn's worth of time. Up to three liters can be produced in one turn during battle, but outside of combat, up to five liters can be produced in one turn.


    NAME:Control water

    CATEGORY: Device/Passive


    COST:0P(free), Concentration.(Explained)

    DESCRIPTION:This is his ability that allows him to magically move water. As long as he has his utility device on, he can move any water or ice conjured by him or found naturally present in the environment through the air at reasonable speed, as well as melt/freeze it. It requires such a low amount of power from his device that it is irrelevant, especially with a rechargeing battery. This is a core ability, and is more to explain how his other abilities work. As he needs to concentrate on his essence channeling, He suffers a perception penalty for a turn whenever he ends a turn still controlling water. He cannot use this ability inside of combat, except as a free action to power another ability.


    NAME:Ice spear

    CATEGORY: Device/One-shot


    COST:8P, 1 liter of water.

    DESCRIPTION:This allows him to fire forward a shard of frozen water at speeds of roughly 45mph. Applies any ranged hit rolls. If it hits, it deals damage, Half of it ice, half of it physical/pierce. Increased chance of critical, and causes additional bleeding damage if it criticals. Applies concentration penalty of controlling water.


    NAME:Ice shield

    CATEGORY: Device/Activated


    COST:8P to activate, 5P to keep active on subsequent turns, 3 or more liters of water to activate.

    DESCRIPTION:Creates a plate of ice in front of him which can be magically repositioned to attempt to block incoming attacks. More resilient to ranged attacks, less effective against fire-based damage. Invokes concentration penalty while active. The more water used to build the shield, the bigger and stronger the shield.


    NAME: Miniscan

    CATEGORY: Device Oneshot

    TYPE: Oddball

    COST: 2P

    DESCRIPTION: Provides a brief description of an object within line of sight.


    -Utility Device


    -Lunaris brand Manadrive mark 6 battery(+80 MPP, +1P/T. +4P/T instead if near a natural(Unconjured) body of water)(If unacceptable, replace with Rechargable Battery MKI)


    ((Please inform me of any difficulties, questions, problems, or other things regarding my form if there is a problem with it.(And I expect there will at least be questions.))
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Wrath of the Divine 2
    ((You don't know how long my brother has been pestering me to join this roleplay.(P.S. since page 20 or so of the original I think) Originally I wasn't interested, but I figured I might as well try to join since the Fairy Tail one disappeared before I could join.))

    ((Back to the actual matter, I post this because 1:I am trying to figure out just how bad this inferred power split between old and new characters is. I get that the old ones are mostly gods, and I get that letting just anyone make a god is a bad idea, but...2: I do intend to join soon, as soon as I figure out what kind of character to make. 3: The decision you made that I read about, that you wouldn't accept any more gifted ones, is not posted on the OP like you said it would You also never posted the rule requiring new players to read the roleplay before joining(At the very least, I found neither on the OP). and 4:I really cannot figure out whether making ludicrously overpowered characters is acceptable. Some character's show traits of god-level power(Not just the gods, too), yet gods and gifted ones are no longer accepted, and the sorcerers are hard to get accepted.(I had considered the possibility that this is plot-related, though)))
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Fairy Tail: Guild's Redemption!
    ((I have interest in this roleplay, and would like to join. However, there are a few notes I must make and questions I must ask first before I can make my form. It's a bit long, so you'll find them all in the spoiler below.))

    1: I feel I should state that I have no knowledge of the series beyond the first season of the anime, or anything in the manga that is not already shown within the first season of the anime.

    2: While I would've asked this question seriously, I feel it's already been answered. Can we make up celestial spirits for our celestial wizards?

    3: From what I've seen, Silver gate keys contain mundane spirits for everyday uses(The little doggie key was more or less a pet, the clock one tells time and apparently transports, and the southern cross could gather information quickly.), while the gold keys were actually competent in fights. However, is having a silver key spirit that can fight(Theoretically not as powerful as a gold spirit, though) acceptable?

    4:From what I read of the roleplay, you do not like characters who are inherently evil, malicious, malevolent, or any other synonym of evil. I just wanted to know if this extends to all roleplayers, or just to the guy who kept trying to make that evil character earlier.

    5: Though I have little interest at the moment in creating a dragonslayer character, and am perfectly aware you said it is unlikely a dragonslayer will be accepted, I wanted to know what restrictions there are on the element of a dragonslayer. Does it have to be an element already possessed by a canon dragonslayer? Or perhaps it can't be the element of a canon dragonslayer. If the creation of new elements of dragonslayers is possible, what about more unusual elements, such as wood, bone, or steam dragonslayers? Or should we stick to more basic elements?(Despite the fact that there is a canon Iron dragonslayer, and that's not exactly a basic element by magic standards.)

    5a: Also, I assume a dragonslayer must've been taught their magic by a dragon?

    6: You may have noticed already, but I plan to make a celestial wizard

    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Female Gamers...
    Quote from NovaCoru
    The most I've gotten online is like, some kid spamming me about wanting to "team up", but i tend to play on servers with mostly 18+ people. What bugs me the most is that everyone like, automatically assumes i'm male and refers to me as sir and crap :/ I understand there are a lot of guy gamers online, but i would think at this point we would realize we have enough girl gamers that they would be a bit less presumptuous *shrug*. its not a SUPER big deal though.

    It's not necessarily assumption, nor a bad thing. Would you rather be addressed as 'Sir', or 'It'? The way I've always known it is that, if you do not know whether the person is male or female, it is more proper to address them or refer to them in the masculine. Theoretically, One could ask, but on the internet...not always the best idea. Sometimes it gives the wrong idea.

    Frankly, I couldn't care less whether you were a man or a woman on a game. What I care about is your attitude on the game. A 7-year-old brat of a boy is just as annoying as a bratty girl spamming the chat bar with whiny messages. A woman who doesn't go trolling people and exploding voice chat, no different than a man who doesn't try to get himself kicked from the game.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on ➤Gempire Creative! ➤Freebuild AND Plots ➤Free World-Edit ➤Grief Protection ➤Several Ranks ➤Biomes & Flat World ➤Minigames
    DarkHeric would be my IGN, and I think I'd like to start on the redstone path.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Destroy the Godmodder
    To quote the original poster from the first post:

    Quote from TT2000

    Not to seem informal, but I guess that means I beat the godmodder. With the aid of the first poster, that is.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Derika - Land of the Gifted

    "Hello, Amber." Panserg greeted. He replied to Nagi's question shortly after his greeting. "You can call me Panserg. Panserg's power is being amazing!" There was no indicator in his speech that would suggest he wasn't being serious.


    "Hello, Sky." Heric replied. He had nothing else to say, returning to his original silence shortly after replying.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Derika - Land of the Gifted

    Heric emerged from the end of the portal linking into the preparation room for his team, DinoLampPost. That always was a ridiculous name. He looked around the preparation room. It wasn't much of a room, barely big enough to comfortably hold 5 or 6 people. Or at least, that's how he perceived it; he never liked confined spaces. He watched silently for everyone else, waiting for them to appear.


    Panserg quickly found himself in the preparation room for his team. He was the first to enter, but he was sure other members of his team would be here soon. Especially Amber, as he noticed her almost chase him into the portal. He couldn't wait for the doors to open, and the match to start.

    ((We need to get this match on the road, don't you think? Course, I can wait.))
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Derika - Land of the Gifted

    "Ah, so studying the opposition won't be possible, it seems. No matter." He thought to himself as he began getting up from his seat in the arena. He walked down out of the seating area, and over to the north-eastern of the arena, entering the portal to the preparation rooms.


    Panserg rose rather swiftly after hearing the announcement, sprinting straight through the portal to arena 6.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on WORST GAME EVER!? The Fantastic Game 1 .fun
    The game looked kind of fun, but based on the look of the game, it's free. That more than explains the weirdness and lack of comparison to, say, Batman: Arkham Asylum. Clearly, they're not on the same level, but have you considered for a second this may have been a test game this guy created, just to make sure he knew what he was doing? Once he was finished, he probably decided, "Why Not?" and posted it for people to play and laugh at. By far, not a terrible game, at least in my opinion. I also admit I am basing this judgment off of lack of further proof.

    On the other hand, I'll say right now, that I found your video to lack any interesting content aside from the game itself. You made a few half-decent comments, but nothing more. Also, it was long, and loud. I could hear it through my muted headphones(Exaggerated, of course.). I say again, this is but my opinion.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Ban the user above you!
    As it seems is already known, this topic is redundant. The is already a Ban the User above you game to be found Here.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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