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    posted a message on Angerona's Lament (Can you find the cause or cure of the affliction in this high fantasy game?) (Always accepting)

    Godric grabbed the note, read it carefully, then handed it back. "I'm afraid I've never seen the note, or anything related to what's on it. I know about the cave, but I've never gone inside or seen anything enter or exit, save a few small animals."

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    posted a message on Angerona's Lament (Can you find the cause or cure of the affliction in this high fantasy game?) (Always accepting)

    "I don't expect you to." Godric replied. "And I really couldn't care how offended you are, as I am preoccupied trying my very hardest not to be offended by your arrogance."

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    posted a message on Angerona's Lament (Can you find the cause or cure of the affliction in this high fantasy game?) (Always accepting)

    "I'm not heartless." Godric stated, displaying hints of feeling insulted in his tone. "I'm just wary of trespassers. Understandably so, between the affliction and the rise in roadside banditry in areas like this. You clearly aren't afflicted, and you aren't bandits." Godric turned, surprised when the male human spoke. "Honestly, I'm quite surprised you recognized these berries. Yes, either have your Thragon friend eat them, or apply the juices to his wound. They're not miracle cures, but they should at least be enough to get him back on his feet." He offered the berries to the group.

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    posted a message on Angerona's Lament (Can you find the cause or cure of the affliction in this high fantasy game?) (Always accepting)

    "Coin berries. These should do just fine." Godric gathered up the few berries, careful not to crush them just yet. He made his way back to the spot near the cave, just in time to hear what the female human had to say.

    "Yes, the wilderness does belong to everyone, human." Godric announced his presence, with a disgusted emphasis on the word 'human'. "That's why I'm here to offer aid to your injured instead of driving you off the land I call home."

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    posted a message on Angerona's Lament (Can you find the cause or cure of the affliction in this high fantasy game?) (Always accepting)

    ((Well, for my suggestion, Gathering, I assumed, represents not the capability to harvest things(Cause it rarely takes much to pull a leaf or fruit of a plant), but both having the eyes to spot specific plants in a group of plants(Or fruits in the trees, etc.), and the knowledge of what to look for and what part of the plant to harvest. Pretty much anyone can pull a fruit off a tree, like you said, but not everyone knows which fruits are of any value(Or even safe to use), or whether you are looking for the root, leaf, or fruit of a plant.))

    ((I wanted to post something IC, but I assume that this gathering berries and getting back to the group would at least give them some time to talk about going in to the cave or back to the city. I'll wait.))

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    posted a message on Angerona's Lament (Can you find the cause or cure of the affliction in this high fantasy game?) (Always accepting)

    Such arrogance! This human woman truly believes no one can call the wilderness home?! When the humans are the ones who destroy the land, trample its plants, and slaughter its animals just to live there, and suddenly it's their land? Yet, Godric could tell that his presence was quickly angering the Thragon, and did not wish to start anything with the group. "Very well," Godric stated, "I shall leave you be." He took brief note of the clearly injured Thragon as he walked away from the group. Perhaps if he could locate some healing herbs, the group might allow him to accompany them into the cave they were clearly preparing to enter. After he cleared some distance from the group, he searched the surroundings to see if he could find any medicinal herbs.

    ((The use of the gathering skill is kind of unclear. I assume that actively searching for plants like Godric is now is the use of it.))

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    posted a message on Angerona's Lament (Can you find the cause or cure of the affliction in this high fantasy game?) (Always accepting)

    "Ah, yes, I should get to the point now." Godric quickly spoke. "Simply put, I don't like strangers trampling through this corner of the wilderness. My corner of the wilderness. I've been watching your group for a while to make sure you weren't here with malicious intent, but I will still need to continue watching your group."

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    posted a message on Angerona's Lament (Can you find the cause or cure of the affliction in this high fantasy game?) (Always accepting)

    Godric couldn't believe their foolishness. Their numbers were far too small, and from the looks of things, none of them had a single skill that didn't involve hitting things. Yet, they were oddly admirable. "Well, I can agree with you on that." He began speaking. "Somebody does have to. I just assumed it would be a group more...organized. And more capable of taking care of one bear."

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    posted a message on Angerona's Lament (Can you find the cause or cure of the affliction in this high fantasy game?) (Always accepting)

    "A cure?" Godric questioned. "...Yeah, you're right. You sound insane. But...you also sound like you are serious, and thoroughly convinced you can do it." He glanced around at the rest of their group, taking little effort to hide his disapproval. "A bit idealistic, don't you think?"

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    posted a message on Angerona's Lament (Can you find the cause or cure of the affliction in this high fantasy game?) (Always accepting)

    To his relief, the group did not appear hostile. One of the Thragon even greeted him, which utterly shocked him. "Yes, greetings to you, too." Godric replied. He had hundreds of things to say, but chose his words carefully. After all, what is one elf to four people? "What brings your group around these parts of the wilderness?"

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    posted a message on Angerona's Lament (Can you find the cause or cure of the affliction in this high fantasy game?) (Always accepting)

    Godric was cautiously watching the group of strangers outside the cave, carefully trying to discern their reasons for being here. "Could they be bandits?" he muttered under his breath. "No, not bandits. The way they go about, they couldn't look less thugish. They clearly aren't afflicted...I think it's about time to approach them. If things turn for the worse, they are clearly too clumsy to outrun me." He came out of hiding and began to walk towards the group, attempting his best to look non-threatening.

    ((In case it wasn't obvious, the "strangers" are the other player characters))

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    posted a message on Angerona's Lament (Can you find the cause or cure of the affliction in this high fantasy game?) (Always accepting)

    ((Alright, went ahead and reread those pages. One last question; those forms on the opening post, would you like me to wait until mine is posted, or can I start whenever?))

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    posted a message on Angerona's Lament (Can you find the cause or cure of the affliction in this high fantasy game?) (Always accepting)

    ((I'm sorry if I missed anything related to this. If you are still accepting, I believe I would like to apply. I would like to warn you, though, that I'm rarely on more than once a day, and rarely longer than 2 hours, in case this matters.))

    Name: Godric Silcaster

    Gender: Male
    Race: Elven
    Class: Alchemist
    Brief description of your character (personality): Knowledgeable. Generally does not like unintelligent people. To him, unless you impress him(Or you're an elf, cause he's a bit biased), you are unintelligent. Has respect, however, for anyone who he does think as intelligent.

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    posted a message on Anyone want to help me create an RP here?

    You are asking for ideas, and I shall give ideas. Hope you make something out of this.

      • Story/Type of RP: Well, let's start with the basics. Most roleplays I see(Or at least care about) are divided into two kinds. Fantasy(Magic and dragons), and Sci-fi(Aliens and spaceships). Personally, I tend to prefer fantasy over sci-fi. However, here's a true idea. Perhaps something among the lines of Magitech. A world where magic exists, and has been utilized to expand the realm of technology. As for a story, I'm drawing blanks here, so I can't help you here.
      • Rules: There are a few basic rules that every roleplay should have.
        • Naturally, obeying the rules of the forums comes first and foremost
        • Especially the rule on profanity. Profanity is not allowed on these forums, but in the roleplaying forum, not everybody recognizes this. Whether you choose to state this specifically or not is your choice.
        • Godmodding(Character is too powerful, likely autohitting and autosucceeding as well), Powerplaying(controlling another players character to your advantage), Metagaming(knowing things not because the character does, but the player), etc. are not appreciated in roleplays generally.
        • Many people choose to put a rule that contains a keyword one needs to put in the application. I find these rules pointless cause it's easy to skim the rules for a keyword, but it's your choice. If someone doesn't read the rules, you'll see it in their application, keyword or no.
        • The last rule of note, some people desire romance to be restricted in their roleplay. You should probably state whether or not you're ok with
        • romance in your roleplay. My opinion is that it should be allowed, but that's just me.

      • Races: You could always stick with the tried and true "Just humans". However, running with the magitech, there could be races common to fantasy or sci-fi. Elves, Dwarves, and bug-like space men.
      • Application Format: Well, some thing like this might work, or be a good frame for a better application form.
        • Name:(Self explanatory)
        • Age:(Self explanatory, though you may want to provide a min/max age and/or an age comparisons for the non-human races.
        • Gender:(Unless your aliens are like that, self explanatory.)
        • Appearance:(Description or picture, you should state which is desired and/or allowed. Race could be wrapped into here, or put in a seperate section.)
        • Personality:(You should seek at least a paragraph(Five proper sentences) in this section. Some players like to put "To be RPed" in this section. Be careful about accepting those, and the next sections will explain.)
        • Background/Bio/History:(Call it what you will, this explains what happened involving this person before the roleplay, and why they are here now. Seek at least a paragraph in this section, too. If someone wants to put their personality to be RPed, look for quality here. Someone who can't write out an impressive bio likely doesn't have any personality in idea for their character.)
        • Other:(Usually reserved for keywords, but some people need to put something not covered by any other section.)

    • Other/Any other suggestions you may have: None particularly. I wish you luck in turning this into an astounding roleplay, worthy of the praise of some of the best roleplayers.
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    posted a message on Interest Check

    This has a lot of potential. I could go for this, though I'd have to see the roleplay before I decide. I love Naruto, so if you made a good Naruto roleplay, I would definitely join.

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