Mine is an interesting story, but only for those actually interested in learning the reason why the white-haired sovereign is named as he is. If you asked me, my short answer would be "Because the character I created myself is named Heric." But his name origin is tied to my own.
It started a long time ago. Maybe when I was 8. Not sure. I joined my first ever online community. Neopets. As I had to think up a good username to join, I jumped to the first thing that popped into my head.
Of course, my brother was aiding me in creating my account, and I understood the wisdom when he said I might be mistaken for a girl with that username. So I chose instead something long enough to remember, but easy enough to say. Thus, on neopets, I am now Hereicomenow.
A few years later, we discovered a fan site with a great community on it's forums. As I know some forums are rather touchy about mentioning other forums, I shall not name the site. Regardless, the community was great, and it was my first taste of roleplaying. Naturally, my name, still being hereicomenow, was rather long, so it got abbreviated time and time again. Comenow was the most common one. I believe sometimes it got abbreviated as Here, HICN, and some others. But then, one member abbreviated it in a way no one had before.
This name had a nice ring to it. Short, yet cool. Thus, after promptly thanking them for the new name, I switched mine to...Dark Heric. While everyone still called me Heric, I use Dark Heric, or Lord Heric, as an alternate name when my five-letter persona is already taken. Which I'm pretty sure it hadn't been taken, but still...(The Dark/Lord prefix was more a representation of preferring the dark side when it came to fantasy)
I don't remember who called me it first. It may very well have been my best friend on that forum, who addressed herself as 'Moogi'. Might have been Raven/Valka. Maybe even _johnpaul, an old RPing buddy.
If anyone recognized me anywhere else, feel free to give me a holler here or there. Also, if the place has a searchbar, just type in 'Heric'. Heck, I bet you could google my name, and find my material(Albeit mostly here.)
- Heric
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Member for 11 years, 7 months, and 26 days
Last active Fri, Mar, 15 2019 22:05:43
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Jul 25, 2013Heric posted a message on Community Creations - Enchanting Plus!Posted in: NewsQuote from Earthmaw
This is kind of interesting to me. My online gaming began in the mid 90's with mudding, and there is certainly a tendency to go through the three classic three stages of apprentice, journeyman, and master levels of play. In the game Ancient Anguish where I cut my mudding teeth, getting to level 20 quickly and efficiently sort of marked your arrival at the journeyman level, and then if you ever got to the point where you were counting how much experience an hour you were making and were measuring up to the top level players, that was basically Master level.
No one used these terms. I'm just sort of borrowing a traditional terminology because I'm all Medieval like that.
Anyhow, long story short, I do not think it is psychologically possible for the human being to operate without measuring and labeling people as to their relative abilities. Therefore, I disagree that mods that tweek functionality encourage this behavior. They just shift it to emphasize a different aspect of the game.
In the end, xp farming is going to be the inescapable measure so long as xp has anything at all to do with improving either the character or its equipment. So welcome back to xp/hour measures. Minecraft will quite possibly get to the point where you farm xp and resources to make equipment to kill bigger monsters that give more xp to make better equipment, etc etc etc.
In fact, putting together a mob engine that has the capacity to just create bigger, badder, and meaner mobs in an automatic arms race sort of cycle and that are worth more xp when you kill them would put the capstone on that particular aspect of the game.
I get what you are saying. However, my stance stays the same. I have no personal hatred of this mod, nor do I look down on anyone using it, but I do not like this mod, and could not see myself using it, single or multiplayer.
As long as it stays off of the good servers of mine, I still have no problem with it. -
Jul 16, 2013Heric posted a message on Community Creations - Enchanting Plus!Never liked enchanting a whole lot, purely because Perfect "God" equipment always became a must-have in almost every server I've ever gone on. This mod just encourages that. Now, it's no longer finding someone who has one, or extreme luck. Now, it's create it yourself, because it's that simple. And anyone who can't is now a n00b.Posted in: News
Probably making it sound worse than it is, but this just encourages "God kit or n00b" environments, in my opinion.
Still, a new mod for the people who want it is always welcome. I just hope it doesn't invade my servers. - To post a comment, please login.
Godric grabbed the note, read it carefully, then handed it back. "I'm afraid I've never seen the note, or anything related to what's on it. I know about the cave, but I've never gone inside or seen anything enter or exit, save a few small animals."
"I don't expect you to." Godric replied. "And I really couldn't care how offended you are, as I am preoccupied trying my very hardest not to be offended by your arrogance."
"I'm not heartless." Godric stated, displaying hints of feeling insulted in his tone. "I'm just wary of trespassers. Understandably so, between the affliction and the rise in roadside banditry in areas like this. You clearly aren't afflicted, and you aren't bandits." Godric turned, surprised when the male human spoke. "Honestly, I'm quite surprised you recognized these berries. Yes, either have your Thragon friend eat them, or apply the juices to his wound. They're not miracle cures, but they should at least be enough to get him back on his feet." He offered the berries to the group.
"Coin berries. These should do just fine." Godric gathered up the few berries, careful not to crush them just yet. He made his way back to the spot near the cave, just in time to hear what the female human had to say.
"Yes, the wilderness does belong to everyone, human." Godric announced his presence, with a disgusted emphasis on the word 'human'. "That's why I'm here to offer aid to your injured instead of driving you off the land I call home."
((Well, for my suggestion, Gathering, I assumed, represents not the capability to harvest things(Cause it rarely takes much to pull a leaf or fruit of a plant), but both having the eyes to spot specific plants in a group of plants(Or fruits in the trees, etc.), and the knowledge of what to look for and what part of the plant to harvest. Pretty much anyone can pull a fruit off a tree, like you said, but not everyone knows which fruits are of any value(Or even safe to use), or whether you are looking for the root, leaf, or fruit of a plant.))
((I wanted to post something IC, but I assume that this gathering berries and getting back to the group would at least give them some time to talk about going in to the cave or back to the city. I'll wait.))
Such arrogance! This human woman truly believes no one can call the wilderness home?! When the humans are the ones who destroy the land, trample its plants, and slaughter its animals just to live there, and suddenly it's their land? Yet, Godric could tell that his presence was quickly angering the Thragon, and did not wish to start anything with the group. "Very well," Godric stated, "I shall leave you be." He took brief note of the clearly injured Thragon as he walked away from the group. Perhaps if he could locate some healing herbs, the group might allow him to accompany them into the cave they were clearly preparing to enter. After he cleared some distance from the group, he searched the surroundings to see if he could find any medicinal herbs.
((The use of the gathering skill is kind of unclear. I assume that actively searching for plants like Godric is now is the use of it.))
"Ah, yes, I should get to the point now." Godric quickly spoke. "Simply put, I don't like strangers trampling through this corner of the wilderness. My corner of the wilderness. I've been watching your group for a while to make sure you weren't here with malicious intent, but I will still need to continue watching your group."
Godric couldn't believe their foolishness. Their numbers were far too small, and from the looks of things, none of them had a single skill that didn't involve hitting things. Yet, they were oddly admirable. "Well, I can agree with you on that." He began speaking. "Somebody does have to. I just assumed it would be a group more...organized. And more capable of taking care of one bear."
"A cure?" Godric questioned. "...Yeah, you're right. You sound insane. But...you also sound like you are serious, and thoroughly convinced you can do it." He glanced around at the rest of their group, taking little effort to hide his disapproval. "A bit idealistic, don't you think?"
To his relief, the group did not appear hostile. One of the Thragon even greeted him, which utterly shocked him. "Yes, greetings to you, too." Godric replied. He had hundreds of things to say, but chose his words carefully. After all, what is one elf to four people? "What brings your group around these parts of the wilderness?"
Godric was cautiously watching the group of strangers outside the cave, carefully trying to discern their reasons for being here. "Could they be bandits?" he muttered under his breath. "No, not bandits. The way they go about, they couldn't look less thugish. They clearly aren't afflicted...I think it's about time to approach them. If things turn for the worse, they are clearly too clumsy to outrun me." He came out of hiding and began to walk towards the group, attempting his best to look non-threatening.
((In case it wasn't obvious, the "strangers" are the other player characters))
((Alright, went ahead and reread those pages. One last question; those forms on the opening post, would you like me to wait until mine is posted, or can I start whenever?))
((I'm sorry if I missed anything related to this. If you are still accepting, I believe I would like to apply. I would like to warn you, though, that I'm rarely on more than once a day, and rarely longer than 2 hours, in case this matters.))
Name: Godric Silcaster
Gender: Male
Race: Elven
Class: Alchemist
Brief description of your character (personality): Knowledgeable. Generally does not like unintelligent people. To him, unless you impress him(Or you're an elf, cause he's a bit biased), you are unintelligent. Has respect, however, for anyone who he does think as intelligent.
You are asking for ideas, and I shall give ideas. Hope you make something out of this.
This has a lot of potential. I could go for this, though I'd have to see the roleplay before I decide. I love Naruto, so if you made a good Naruto roleplay, I would definitely join.