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    posted a message on Soldier
    First of all, you spelled barracks wrong.

    Second of all, I believe the idea is you are supposed to protect the helpless villagers. The iron golems are for making it easier to defend a larger village, hence why they only spawn in larger villages, and spawn more in larger villages. I believe that, because of the villagers passive nature, making soldiers is a bad idea.

    No support.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Villager kids defending adults
    The idea is weird. A bit amusing, but not something I think needs to be added to minecraft. Especially when you consider that the adult villagers can't defend themselves at all, and dozens of monsters clawing at the door would most likely send kids screaming under the beds while the adults pull out weapons to defend the kids.(Or run themselves). It seems highly unlikely that the kids would be the only ones brave enough to get in a zombie's face and deliver a kick where it hurts.

    Then, you must bring up the question...if the zombies aren't smart enough to back away from the sword, and not smart enough to stay clear of fire, they quite likely don't feel pain. If such is the case, why would a groin attack cause a zombie to flinch?

    No support.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Dragon Cave Thread
    Quote from weep:3

    also i already have 50 dragons (3 hatchies) and a dead egg... but i counted and i am at 50 dragons... still no thropy. is something broken or what?

    Sorry to quote you twice, but I think I found your issue. I went and counted your dragons(Twice), and counted 48(Plus 1 frozen hatchling) adult dragon. One of us must have the math wrong, and that could easily be you. Get another dragon or two, and the answer should present itself.

    Unless you are assuming your growing creatures count towards the award...which I would highly recommend not assuming, especially cause I believe that is not correct.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Dragon Cave Thread
    Quote from weep:3

    around a day or maybe just 12 hours... maybe even less. just don't do it immediatly. although i cram my new caveborn eggs in 4 different click sites at a time... you shouldn't be doing that if you aren't expierienced

    also i already have 50 dragons (3 hatchies) and a dead egg... but i counted and i am at 50 dragons... still no thropy. is something broken or what?

    Considering I don't even use click sites...I'll just go with the day.

    And are you sure it's maybe not just that the site/moderators have to award it to you, and it just hasn't happened yet? Wait a day or two, I'd say.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on more to jukeboxes(different tones)
    To all those saying this is too expensive; Do you have any idea how much people are willing to expend for frivolous thing in MC? People use piles of valuable minerals to power not-so-helpful beacons, expend loads of time and resources to acquire the nether star to build a beacon, spend a diamond on a jukebox that doesn't even play any catchy tunes, and would have to work further to get the CDs. One diamond block isn't too much to ask for a little more effect.

    I do not see myself using it, as I'd rather listen to things like Skillet. However, it does not effect me, and thus I've no reason to argue.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Advanced Enchanting Table -Get the enchants you want, balanced without the grind. New GUI picture!
    Quote from masterzminer

    I have thought about enchanting like this:
    What is the difference between enchanting one item and getting what you want, or enchanting ten, for the same recources? The answer, whoever has the most time to AFK at a grinder, and effectively through away time enchanting their items. So what this does, is whoever AFKs the longest gets the best stuff. With this the people who don't have hours to AFK can still get the enchantments they want, but by doing something more interesting. My main concept I was going for here was: don't make the tedious work best done by AFK, make it something someone might actually enjoy doing.

    Also I do like the, not getting full level enchants idea. I think it may be a bit much. Perhaps getting a percent chance to get, sharpness 5 if it was selected, but you might more likely get the sharpness 3.

    I see what you mean. I didn't really think about that, where the only difference between selective and random enchanting is that it's boring to do random. I just don't like the idea of making getting overpowered PvP equipment any easier.

    I do like that latter idea, though. Maybe if you picked a higher level, it cost more, but there was still a good chance to get a lower level(Example, say if you try to enchant with sharpness V, it has, say, a 40% chance to be sharpness 4, and a 10% chance to be sharpness 3)

    This is all just possible ideas, though. I can't say they'd work out well. Especially cause I rarely use enchanting.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Advanced Enchanting Table -Get the enchants you want, balanced without the grind. New GUI picture!
    I spent a while searching this topic for every angle to and for it. And I have a bit of a bias against it. I must say, I will never support a system that allows for chosen enchantments. However, I like your idea.

    On one hand, this provides an interesting element to it. It is a costly item, that make enchantment more costly in order to get what you want.

    On the other, the ability to mass-produce super enchanted weapons and armors is something I frown upon. I find that if you want equipment that ludicrously overpowered, you should be willing to do the boring grinding. And if you aren't, just deal with random, par enchantments.

    I can't support this idea as is, as I do not see any advantage in allowing someone to select every enchantment they want. However, I believe I could provide support if this advanced table were to not allow for maximum level enchanting. Say, Sharpness III, but no higher on that table(You could still get other enchantments as well as sharpness, but not maximum level). That allows for the option of either A) Random enchant and hope for the best, 2) Advanced enchant, but settle for below max equipment, or C) spend your hours waiting for a perfect set of equipment.

    At the moment, though, I conclude with no support.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Stupid Griefing Excuses
    I figured the squids needed more room to roam, and that base got in the way.

    But who blew up my sheep pen?!
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Dragon Cave Thread
    I saw a Magi dragon. They look cool.

    A question, I have a caveborn egg I got recently. How long should I wait till I put it in my siggie?
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on (OOC) Derika - Land of the Gifted
    Quote from Matt_Choi
    My characters are tough, I'm not too worried.
    Liam is water proof, to a depth of I guess a few hundred feet.
    Jake is Jake.
    How would Heric kill them?

    I'm sure he could find a way. I tend to steer him towards avoiding killing player characters, though.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on The above avatar is your only partner in a Zombie Apocalypse
    ...Humanity is royally screwed.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Ban the user above you #2
    Banned because I have the droids.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on If the person above you is knocking on your door, how would you react?
    Ugh...What does Darth Vader want THIS time?!
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on (OOC) Derika - Land of the Gifted
    I lurk...sort of. I tend to sit, watching for days when I can't find anything good to post. And I rarely post OOC, but still watch it.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on (OOC) Derika - Land of the Gifted
    So, if I were to say "in space" aga-NOOOOOOOO!!!
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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