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Roliepolie0#0415 IM 27yrs old work from home so im always on Minecraft. also my GF also plays so we would love a rela to be able to play with other ppl
Username: RoliePolie0
25 years old (Been playing Minecraft for 5yrs)
I work well both alone and with others although I prefer to have a group and expand
I like just building and exploring good, I'm good at layouts and building
Discord Username: RoliePolie0#0415
Hello, I'm 25yrs old I play because I love to escape my home office lol
my GT: Heneiidy
discord: Heneidy18#0415
-i love that its never ending.
-me personally i work from home so i love to escape in Minecraft build or just walk around explore the world
i guess i want a minecraft OASIS lol
Hi I'm 25
I've been playing for 5 yrs on and off, I work from home so I'm normally connected all day
Xbox Tag/ Heneiidy
hello i´d also love to join
GT: Heneiidy
Roliepolie0#0415 IM 27yrs old work from home so im always on Minecraft. also my GF also plays so we would love a rela to be able to play with other ppl
Username: RoliePolie0
25 years old (Been playing Minecraft for 5yrs)
I work well both alone and with others although I prefer to have a group and expand
I like just building and exploring good, I'm good at layouts and building
Discord Username: RoliePolie0#0415
Hello, I'm 25yrs old I play because I love to escape my home office lol
my GT: Heneiidy
discord: Heneidy18#0415
-i love that its never ending.
-me personally i work from home so i love to escape in Minecraft build or just walk around explore the world
i guess i want a minecraft OASIS lol
Hi I'm 25
I've been playing for 5 yrs on and off, I work from home so I'm normally connected all day
Xbox Tag/ Heneiidy
Hi I'm 25
I've been playing for 5 yrs on and off, I work from home so I'm normally connected all day
Xbox Tag/ Heneiidy
hello i´d also love to join
GT: Heneiidy