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    posted a message on Minecraft Related Hardware Issue - Components Making Noise When Performing Certain Actions

    I was thinking the same thing, but every other example of coil whine I've heard is constant. This is regular, but it has gaps. It kind of beeps with a really consistent tempo. The good news is I can get rid of it by limiting games to around 120 fps, which is plenty for me. As long as it's nothing dangerous to my system I'm fine with it, I just want to make sure nothing will go horribly wrong.

    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
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    posted a message on Minecraft Related Hardware Issue - Components Making Noise When Performing Certain Actions

    Welp, the problem's been cropping up in other games, so I guess this isn't really minecraft related anymore. I'm pretty sure it corresponds to framerate, and I just get the highest framerate in that game. But it is odd that the pitch changes with looking up and down. Oh well. I don't know how to delete a thread, since this is no longer relevant, I'm sure it will get taken care of. Thanks again.

    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
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    posted a message on Minecraft Related Hardware Issue - Components Making Noise When Performing Certain Actions

    If it is, nothing seems to fix it. I've figured out that the noise is definitely coming from my PSU, and i've moved every component that i can away from it. I've shifted my SSD, unplugged my wireless mouse dongle, etc. Nothing. Additionally, the noise stops if I'm in power saver mode and is completely silent if I turn Vsync on, which is bizarre. It still isn't present even in much more resource intensive games.

    Here's another video that better demonstrates that the pitch and volume of the noise only change when I do something in game. And again, it's definitely coming from my PSU.

    I've had the machine for about two months, and this is the first time I've noticed the noise.

    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
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    posted a message on Minecraft Related Hardware Issue - Components Making Noise When Performing Certain Actions

    So I started noticing something very worrying recently, with regards to a new computer I built. It's a high, whining, buzzing noise that comes out of the back of my machine. By my best guess, the noise seems to come from around my SSD or PSU. Because this problem ONLY occurs in minecraft, my guess is that it has something to do with my SSD, as minecraft is the only game I have installed on it.

    One odd thing to mention is that the noise only happens if I look down in game. It doesn't matter what level I'm on, even if the whole world is above me, the noise will stop if I look up. If I play the game if a very small window the noise decreases, but doesn't go away.

    Example of the noise:

    The video is very quiet, so you may have to turn up the volume. The noise is considerably louder in person, and sometimes gets to the point where I can hear it through my headphones.

    If it's important, my system specs are as follows:

    MSI armor GTX 1070

    Intel Core i5-6600

    GEIL 2x8g gigs

    ADATA SP550

    Toshiba DT01ACA100

    MSI B150M Mortar

    If I notice the issue while playing any other games, I'll add them to the post.

    Thank you for your help.

    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
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    posted a message on New router, new problems - Server hosting issue
    To reiterate: this is not the first time I've set up a server. My server.properties IP is blank and I know what address to give people.

    Here's what happens when you try to connect to my server with the public IP (note, this is with my firewall disabled):

    And here's the server log:

    As you can see, the server never even registers that someone is trying to join. And yes, I checked canyouseeme.org. My port is indeed open.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on New router, new problems - Server hosting issue
    I just forwarded to ports to a different local IP in my network, a Mac this time. Still no luck. This leads me to believe that it's not a problem with the firewall. Are there any settings on a Qwest q1000 router that would interfere with this sort of thing? How about on an Airport Extreme? Are there any extra steps I have to take if I have an Airport Extreme?
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on New router, new problems - Server hosting issue
    I turned windows firewall off, turned AVG firewall off, canceled my free trial of AVG and turned that off, completely uninstalled AVG, but nothing worked.

    I have no idea what to do anymore.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on New router, new problems - Server hosting issue
    I don't think it's a problem with the router because the port is forwarded correctly. What i'm looking for is some explanation as to how the port could be correct and the server not be up. Also, I'd prefer to keep the discussion on the forums in case someone else has the same problem.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on New router, new problems - Server hosting issue
    Still no luck. I created outbound rules for 25565 AND for java, but it wont work. Are there any Century Link or Qwest specific things I need to be doing? Or any steps I might have skipped using Comcast that I would have to do now that I'm not on it?
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on New router, new problems - Server hosting issue
    So after a bit more messing around with my Firewall I finally managed to get my port correctly forwarded, as shown here:

    I set up inbound rules for the port 25565 as well as java (path %ProgramFiles% (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_31\bin\javaw.exe)

    So my port is open, but no one can still connect to my server. Is that the correct path? Is there anything else I need to allow?
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on New router, new problems - Server hosting issue
    I recently switched internet providers from Comcast to Century Link. With this came a new router, on which I tried to forward the same port (25565) I had on the last one. I went through the step-by-step process for forwarding on the new router but I can't connect the server. My new router is an Actiontec Q1000, which is linked to an Airport Extreme. Here is a walk through of the problem:

    I believe I've correctly set up the port, this is what my router's page shows:

    Here's my Ethernet local IP, I think. If I'm using the wrong one, let me know.

    This is what I get when I set up the server, it looks correct to me.

    Finally, this is what I get when I set up the server. The top is connected with localhost and the bottom is connected through my public IP

    I disabled UPnP and NAT-T because I heard about it in a tutorial video, but that didn't do anything. Is there anything else I should disable? I would guess I would need to pass something new through my firewall, but I already passed the port through on my last router. Any suggestions?
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Old Server EXE/JAR availability through Mojang/new launcher?
    Yeah, I checked that out but I'm looking for older stuff, plus it doesn't look like those are provided by Mojang. Does anyone know the reason they don't provide/haven't yet provided old servers?
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Old Server EXE/JAR availability through Mojang/new launcher?
    So, everyone knows that a while ago old Minecraft Clients were made available through the new launcher. That was pretty cool, but all in all it's old news. What I was wondering was if Mojang did something similar with old Servers? I know the latest Minecraft_Server.jar is available on Minecraft.net but I couldn't find an archive for old ones. Is there any way to play multiplier on old alpha or beta versions?
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on [1.8] -Azure Freebuild- || Semi-Creative || Anti-Grief || No Whitelist || Multiworld || Item Spawning || 1.8 Blocks
    Oh boy, a new server! I haven't been into Minecraft much lately, but maybe some good old survival is what I need. Hope to see ya all on it!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Suddenly Unable to Connect to My Server Without Localhost [SOLVED]
    Yeah! It worked! Thank you so much for the help! And, as a double plus, the server log is now working, which was broken when I used the .exe version.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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