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    posted a message on Misa's Realistic Texture Pack - 1.20.1+ UPDATED ELSEWHERE!

    Thanks alot Giam and the community keeping the pack alive.

    Can't live without this pack. Had such a problem in the early years of MC finding a texture pack I liked that I managed to stumble upon this pack. Nothing stuck out for me except Misa and her work.

    Can't think you all enough. I much appreciate it. Especially Misa herself even though she is no longer around.

    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Misa's Realistic Texture Pack - 1.20.1+ UPDATED ELSEWHERE!
    Quote from Giammodified»

    It only happens on the northern face because in the northern hemisphere moss grows thickest on the northern side of things.

    Thanks for the clarification on that. Either way, I don't have any major qualms about it. It's a personal nitpick of mine.

    Do what works, Giam. I'll still use the pack either way. Have been since...what feels like forever.

    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Misa's Realistic Texture Pack - 1.20.1+ UPDATED ELSEWHERE!

    Now would it just be extra mossy on that single side? I like the idea of it but i'd also do it on the southern face as well because of mirroring things.

    Then i'd really like it. It's great idea though.

    Posted in: Resource Packs
  • 0

    posted a message on Capitalism
    Quote from Hiiragi Tsukasa »
    Quote from HellfireCity »
    Anarchist Communism

    Uh.... Was that supposed to be sarcasm or...

    No, i'm serious.

    Capitalism fails.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Hellfire City Presents: Fort Amerson
    Quote from memzak »
    Now all you have to do is set it on fire... :biggrin.gif:

    It is all wood....*thinks* I would love to see a video of you setting it on fire. I would pay to see a structure which I worked my ass off to make be burned.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Hellfire City Presents: Fort Amerson
    Quote from Rotten194 »
    IF SOMEONE IS WILLING TO TAKE SCREENSHOTS, HOST THEM, AND GIVE THEM TO ME. I can't take screenshots of the game on Windows 7. It's complicated.

    Alt+PrntScr, Ctrl+v into Paint, save as a png. Then just host them at tinypic or imageshack or similar.

    Thank you. I took the best screenshot I could.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
  • 8

    posted a message on Famous people who play MC
    What about Hitler?

    He could be playing in our hearts. <3
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on How/where did you come up with your username?
    At random.

    I just thought it up. I have no idea. I just think up unique usernames.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Capitalism
    It must be communism or your life is useless.

    Anarchist Communism is where the party is!
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Famous people who play MC
    No one?

    Notch doesn't count!
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Hellfire City Presents: Fort Amerson
    8+ hours of work, 2000+ Wooden Boxes, 500+ Stone Blocks used, 50+ torches, and one fort.

    Fort Amerson is a fort which has been used to defend from zombies for half a century. This building was first founded as a means of helping fellow survivors in todays world survive. It originally was just a small house which people came to visit. It slowly expanded under military control to help people survive. Here is its features.

    First Floor:
    Main Lounge Area: Features 3 to 4 storage chests, 2 furnaces, and one workbench.
    Small Window Viewing: A small room where you can view the outside in the front of the fort. Good for people keeping an eye out for creepers and the such.

    Second Floor:
    Barrack: It features a partially enclosed area with some viewing areas but enough to hide what someone is doing.
    Entrance To Tower: There is a small door which leads to where the tower is. This means you can go quite a ways up to view most of the world at hand.

    Third Floor:
    Group Viewing Area: This has enough space for quite a bit of people to view the landscape. This means you all can see if hordes of undead are near.

    Fourth Floor(VIP Observation Area):
    This area is a small enough area for you to get a wide view of the area before you while giving you two side views. This is made for a few people at most as it only has one small stairway.

    Tower Features:
    The main tower has 5 stories worth of stairs which allow for the full tower experience. If you miss your step you might fall and lose a good bit of health. So it is best not to run. That's why the Hellfire Authorities request you not bring children to the tower.
    The tower also features quite a bit of high rise viewing from more than 7 stories high. This gives an even better view than any of the lower levels which you may view. It is recommended for higher ranks to view in this area.

    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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