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    posted a message on Ultima VII - City of Britain [COMPLETED] [Version 1]

    Hi Everyone!

    Here is version 1 of my project, the City of Britain. It has taken a while to complete this project legit on my multiplayer survival server, but it was rewarding. Although I did let an operator buddy of mine smooth out my moat with a "sponge" to fix that up. Not without its trials and tribulations, MineCraft updates forced me to do two server world migrations, several chunk errors, and 92 hour work weeks in between! None the less I now feel I have now graduated from MineCraft Nub to MineCraft Builder :)

    I did try to stay as canon to the original Ultima VII City and Castle as possible, that will be why there may be too much Cobblestone in its construction, and why all the buildings are pretty much squares/rectangles. Hey, it was 1992, complicated 3D code was hard to come by! In any case, I did take out a little bit of an artistic license in some places, mainly the Castle as you will see if you do know canon Ultima.

    There are a few things that could probably use a little more work.
    The secret passage ways in the walls of the Castle are not complete. I have two passage ways that open from within the wall near the front of the Castle and the main entrance to the passage ways is in Lord British's chambers. I have not duplicated the number of levers/wall seperations in the Castle walls(it was a silly number of them anyway) because I haven't been able to get the entry/exit points to be flush with the wall. Not perfectly hidden. That may be my problem, bad restoner I bet.
    There are some glass blocks used as windows still here and there, I never got around to converting 100% of them after the glass panes came out.

    This project was featured over at the Ultima Codex! I thank WtF Dragon for adding this to the Inspired Works section, I was very happy to see it there.
    [url=http://inspired.ultimacodex.com/britannia-in-minecraft//]Ultima Codex Inspired Works[/url]

    Start Date: August 11th, 2011
    Finish Date: April 30th, 2012

    Exported Map Pics - Updated: April 30th, 2012

    Project Pictures

    All buildings in U7 City of Britain, not including Paws.
    All structures furnished, match original game as best as possible.
    Includes a "working" redstone Moongate.
    The Britain Moongate takes you to the huge Shrine of Spirituality!
    The Golden Ankh is moored off the coast.
    Has easter eggs like the Kilrathi Space Ship and Hoe of Destruction.

    The Golden Ankh is located near the Shipwright building in the south east.
    The Britain Moongate is located east of town along the gravel path.
    Step on the wooden pressure plate to activate the Moongate.

    Stand in the Moongate and wait for it to activate.

    Heal yourself before using the Moongate!
    Shrine is best viewed on Tiny draw distance, to give it better effect.
    Access to secret passages in Castle walls is in Lord British's chambers.

    Why is there no roofing?

    I have left out roofing in hopes that MC will come out with an isometric camera view option in the future. That would match the orig game quite a bit better in terms of exploration. My guess is though that if they did, it would be similar to the views now where if something is in the way, it would block the view totally. It would be ideal to have a clipping level where you remove blocks from view or turn them transparent for easy player viewing. Don't to walk into a building with the view on and then only see the roof!

    Why do I need to heal up before using the Moongate?

    Well, its a long way down! It drops you quite a ways, you hit water once on your way down which will break the main drop but then another length of falling will cause the damage.

    The City of Britain

    Planet MineCraft Project Link:

    [url=http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/city-of-britain---ultima-vii/]DOWNLOAD NOW1[/url]
    [url=http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/city-of-britain---ultima-vii/]DOWNLOAD HERE[/url]

    Direct Downloads via MediaFire:
    Full World Save:
    [url=http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?r62vc4b3173afov]DOWNLOAD HERE[/url]
    MCEdit Schematic
    [url=http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?vfdl3aff74bv10d]DOWNLOAD HERE[/url]

    The Shrine of Spirituality
    This is a stand alone MCEDIT schematic file export and full world save of the Shrine from the larger City area. You can download and use this without the rest of the City.

    Planet MineCraft Project Link:
    [url=http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/ultima-vii---the-shrine-of-spirituality/]DOWNLOAD HERE[/url]

    Direct Downloads via MediaFire:
    Full World Save:
    [url=http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?b6ktb9dh507pvbg]DOWNLOAD HERE[/url]
    MCEdit Schematic
    [url=http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?81y2a8cwlwj4hr3]DOWNLOAD HERE[/url]

    Ultima VII Player Skins
    Play as some of your favourite Ultima characters! Send me any additional requests.

    Planet MineCraft Skins Link:
    [url=http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/hellonblocks/skins/any/]DOWNLOAD HERE[/url]

    Direct Downloads via MediaFire:
    Lord British
    [url=http://www.mediafire.com/view/?0cbafsct419ep8p]DOWNLOAD HERE[/url]
    The Avatar
    [url=http://www.mediafire.com/view/?r389fyayeynbqtj]DOWNLOAD HERE[/url]
    [url=http://www.mediafire.com/view/?o9i72f9n6rw5bb7]DOWNLOAD HERE[/url]
    [url=http://www.mediafire.com/view/?06a0vdwzk0copcf]DOWNLOAD HERE[/url]
    [url=http://www.mediafire.com/view/?trnt378d3f8x4q8]DOWNLOAD HERE[/url]

    Ultima VII - Artwork File Only
    Planet MineCraft would not allow me to keep these files uploaded as they were not a "Texture Pack. So there they are via MediaFire Direct Download:

    32 bit format Artwork File:
    [url=http://www.mediafire.com/view/?lvz3u580mx9ws12]DOWNLOAD HERE[/url]

    256 bit More Paintings Extreme Artwork File:
    [url=http://www.mediafire.com/view/?dgkcstem0xkcv8j]DOWNLOAD HERE[/url]

    *NOTE* With the 256 bit file, you must rename it from kz(2).png to kz.png prior to insertion. Also for more information on More Paintings Extreme please search this form for the More Paintings thread.

    Texture Pack(s)
    I began with using a modified version of DokuHigh. Changes were made to the skin myself, at this point I am not re-distributing my changes.
    You can find the Doku textures here: [url=http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/513093-32x16x125-dokucraft-the-saga-continues/]http://www.minecraft...saga-continues/[/url]

    Later on I started using Sphax PureBDcraft which you may find here:

    Golden Ankh Hull
    I downloaded Drotth's Ocean Galleon file and imported it into a single player world on my laptop. I then replicated it visually pretty closely as far as the hull is concerned. Kudos to him for creating this also, such a simple yet very nice looking hull design.
    You can find his Galleon here: CLICK HERE

    Follow me on Twitter!

    imgur link to this project's Gallery
    [/url][url=http://imgur.com/a/Hk2Yp]City of Britain @ imgur[/url]

    Early WIP Build Pics
    Land Clear Before & After, 11 days worth!

    Looking out over what will be the mid city area in front of the castle.

    Looking left to front, there is plenty of land to clear out for the left side of the Castle...

    Starting the right side Castle Wall... Too much water, will have to all be grass!

    Looking back to the front of the construction area, needs to be all flat grass. Panic!

    Still yet more earth moving to do.

    All land within the Castle walls has been cleared!

    Basic Castle Outline & Construction

    Construction on front wall.

    Walls and Tower shells completed.

    First attempt at a gatehouse, flags, and cannons.


    Inside tower looking down side walls.

    Castle Interior - Lobby Area

    [The Moonstones ofthe 8 Virtues.

    Moonstone Display.

    The Vortex Cube.

    A Heart, the Sigil of Compassion & City of Britannia, made from lava.

    The Codex of Ultimate Wisdom on a golden altar, focused by the concave and convex lens which raises the Codex from the Ethereal Void.

    Castle Interior - Courtyard

    Entrance to the courtyard, which I have named Codex Park.

    A diorama of the 8 Virtues and symbol of the Codex.

    Castle Interior - Throne Room

    Lord British's Throne Room

    An Ankh, Sigil of Spirituality and emblem of the Avatar.

    Posted in: Screenshots
  • 4

    posted a message on HELLSPAWN - the Nether Spawn pics
    Hi Everyone,

    Just some pics of my MP Server's nether spawn area. I have submitted the map/schematics as a download over in the Maps forum:



    Hellspawn Pictures:

    From MCMap view:

    From Dynmap view on MP Server:

    Posted in: Screenshots
  • 1

    posted a message on Ultima - Shroud of the Avatar - Underworld
    Shroud of the Avatar is an upcoming game and the spiritual successor of the Ultima Series from Richard Garriott. Shroud of the Avatar was successfully crowd funded and is currently in development.

    This is a scene depicting a small part of the Underworld, a vast expanse of underground tunnels and caverns which connect to the surface.

    There are six entrance/exit points, can you find them all?

    You can download and use this map from here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/minecraft-scene-jam---shroud-of-the-avatars-underworld/

    Posted in: Screenshots
  • 1

    posted a message on Ultima - Shroud of the Avatar - Lunar Rift
    Shroud of the Avatar is an upcoming game and the spiritual successor of the Ultima Series from Richard Garriott. Shroud of the Avatar was successfully crowd funded and is currently in development.

    This is a scene depicting a Lunar Rift(new type of moongate for you old Ultima fans).

    You can download and use this map from here: http://www.planetmin...ars-lunar-rift/

    Posted in: Screenshots
  • 2

    posted a message on Ultima VII - Shrine of Spirituality
    Downloads are available also on my profile at Planet MineCraft.

    The former Shrine of Spirituality was my first project upload of any kind, and was created back in v1.2.5 MC before the End even existed. It has now been totally re-designed.

    MineCraft has come a long way since then as have I, the new Shrine of Spirituality features the actual Shrine in the End dimension, which you are teleported to via Command block tricks, where you can have a "conversation" with the Time Lord.

    This is my representation of the Shrine of Spirituality from Ultima VII: The Black Gate - those Ultima fans out there will know what this is. If you've never heard of Ultima before, I urge you to google it and read up as if you are playing any RPG at all; You are actually playing Ultima!

    It is much larger than the in-game U7 shrine. The Shrine in U7 exists in the Ethereal Void, a space like realm which binds everything in the Ultima universe together. Think The Force from Star Wars, only you can actually travel to it as well as interact with it.

    You will spawn near a "Moongate," Simply walk up to the Moongate and stand near the middle in front of it, or jump up to the middle in it and you will be teleported to meet the Time Lord.

    Posted in: Screenshots
  • 2

    posted a message on New Vanilla based *Yolo Swag*SurvivalServer Looking for Staff!
    Maturity you ask for, yet you've got two of the top dreaded words out there mature people hate to see and hear right in your subject line...
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 1

    posted a message on Felucca
    vendor sell bank guards

    Posted in: Screenshots
  • 4

    posted a message on Pocket Edition on Amazon, Possible Player Skulls, & More
    Player heads? Blocks that shoot light up into the air? Decorative fences?

    Come on guys, that is kinda useless stuff. Lets get some additional camera perspectives, new biomes, new interactions between existing game content, *insert 100 more useful things here*
    Posted in: Minecraft News
  • 1

    posted a message on Eilaira
    I think its very nice, love the texture pack too actually might run that up and check it out too!

    I may try an air build one day, but I'll probably just rage quit after to 20th time I fall off the thing lol.
    Posted in: Screenshots
  • 1

    posted a message on Least favourite food :3
    And just why not? Some babies are nice.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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