Try uninstalling some mods from cydia. The safe mode message you're getting is probably due to a tweak that's not working properly. Remove one mod at a time, then go I to the game to see if it works, if it doesn't then remove another one. Repeat this until it works and if it doesn't backup your worlds and reinstall the game.
Hmm. Have you tried unpatching the mod? If you already did, then my bad :P. But I though iOS is restricted to modding atm, * I might be wrong though * Maybe that's why you're crashing? But if you reinstalled it, it should be fine. Hmm. I don't have a straight answer because I've never heard or seen anything like this. What we can do now is just keep trying logical methods until one works out.
Also regarding the iFile part. Where did you try pasting the files? Could you give an exact syntax of what it said? That'd be really helpful.
It's not a virus. I haven't played External servers yet, but if someone did have your account and you signed in, it would be logical that you be able to sign in, and the person disconnect. For example, when you saw the person's name. I've seen a doppelgänger of myself once, but that was because I joined on local on my iPad and disconnected and rejoined again. Most likely your account is bugged, and is saying that you're still connected with said server.
That's treebl's mod. It doesn't work anymore so that's why it's crashing when you try to use it. And the mobile terminal technique was used to decrypt your MCPE. Try uninstalling the mod.
Don't get me wrong, some features on PC I like. The bioms, hunger system, nether, xp system, and horses, I like all that, but they are adding too much new stuff. Some of it is taking away from the main game.
Yeah I see that too. I could understand why people are starting to derive away from the game due the recent updates.
He should recorrect the title either way. It's misleading, and it isn't a screen recorder.
Current title: How To Get A Screen Recorder On IOS 7 Without A Jailbreak!
What it should say: How To Record Your Screen On IOS 7!
Understand now?
I understood what you were trying to say all along. But really no one else got "mislead" by the title, but that guy who criticizes everyone. You just realized it wasn't the appropriate term for the tool he was using. Not that much of a deal considering it's basically almost the same thing that produces the same end result. (But judging from your YouTube signature you probably did get mislead since I'm guessing you have your own MCPE series. And if you are, then scratch what I said about you not being tricked by the title.)
Current title is misleading since it isn't a screen recorder. It's a mirror.
The title isn't what it actually is, but it does help out and it still records. If I were looking for a screen recorder and found this, I wouldn't care whether or not if the title was correct or wrong because I can still record regardless. I'm guessing he named it screen recorder was because that's the universal term for recording gameplay in this section.
Also regarding the iFile part. Where did you try pasting the files? Could you give an exact syntax of what it said? That'd be really helpful.