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    posted a message on Should I get TF2 on the XBox360 or PC?
    So, I'm in a situation here. The PC version actually gets updates, but my PC isn't that good, so I can't download it OR Steam. On the other hand, I'm getting an XBox360 for my birthday, but not only does that not get updates, I don't really want to wait 4 months, and a new PC will cost 500+ dollars from what I have seen.

    Help here?
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Tell your funny stories about games here.
    Title says it all.

    Spelunky - I snagged a golden idol and dodge the boulder trap. Suddenly, as the boulder crashed, a message came up saying "Die, you vandal!" I didn't know what this meant, and suddenly some crazy ass shopkeeper comes out and shoots me.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Super Mario Sunshine Let's Play!
    Quote from jimbox114 »
    That game used to make me so mad. I ended up getting so mad I actually broke a GAmecube controller after raging and slamming it on the floor.

    Not one of my favorite Mario games. The difficulty was just way to high. I did finally beat the game with the minimum amount of stars but gahh. I even remember Nintendo talking about the next Mario game not being this difficult because so many people got frustrated with the game. They held true to that statement.

    Th only mission I really found too hard was Corona Mountain.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on What game(s) do you want most?


    Game: Super Meat Boy
    Platform(s): XBox360, Steam
    Why: After playing the original flash game, I just need to have this. It has a combination of perfect controls, hard but completely fair level design and fast gameplay.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on They made a minecraft tie on roblox...
    Quote from Zancie »
    Just goes to show the how insecure, and idiotic the little ****s over at roblox are (Damn I'm glad I can use that word!)

    It truly makes me sick that they would make an insult as low as this, but it shows that they can get under our skin, and they know how.

    Trust me, if we tried to even make a intelligent argument to them, they would just go "Nu-uh!" Because they're stubborn 8 year olds, Jesus I'm glad I got off that train wreck a long time ago.


    Nowadays, there are 2 small chain links holding ROBLOX together. The Off-Topic forum and the small amount of good games left. But it won't be long before it's childish community pisses all over that.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on They made a minecraft tie on roblox...
    1. Am I missing something, or am I the only one who notices that Minecraft isn't the only game that uses pixelated hearts as health?

    2. If they ARE implying Minecraft is bad, it's probably a joke. If not, I don't see why they'd say that if Telamon put a huge block of Minecraft TNT in one of his places.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on What is your favorite game?
    Quote from kieran1997 »
    game-civilization 4


    reason- completaly flawless. masterful.

    I,d saw super mario galaxy 2 second, much better than the overated first game :tnt: :Lime: :Black: :Blue: :chestfront: :DORE: :Notch: :SSSS: :SSSS: :gravel:

    First Mario Galaxy?

    That game wasn't overrated. Also, please don't use so many smilies. Please.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on What is your favorite game?
    Quote from HugCreeper »
    Zelda Ocarina of Time.
    Do I have to say why?

    As a matter of fact, please do.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on epic song from epic game!!!!!!!!!
    Quote from boldlygonowhere »
    The fact that someone made an entire god damned thread to link to ****ing Still Alive saddens me more than I can express in words.

    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on epic song from epic game!!!!!!!!!
    I absolutely KNEW this was coming.

    Just a question, how exactly is it "epic?" The song is good, but epic? Come to think of it, everyone uses the word "epic" to describe something awesome. Has the entire internet completely lost grasp on what the word epic actually means?
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Most Underrated Game You Have Ever Played
    Rayman: Raving Rabbids

    Sure, it's really a change from the rest of the series, and they changed an action game into a mini-game based one with SLIGHTLY glitched motion controls, but it's NOT that bad of a game. I think everyone was just disappointed with what the game COULD have been.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Hated Video Games
    Also, Final Fantasy 1 on the NES.

    I don't know why, I just never really liked that game.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Hated Video Games
    How about Sonic Heroes?

    I can't believe I used to like that game. ._.

    Quote from DanteZ »
    Everything CoD past #3. Because after each game the commnuity got more retarded, and the games became more focused on "fragkillkillkillkillfragsgrenadeslolsnipedfragfragfragfragfragohlookperksfragfrag"

    That would be the fanbase, not the game itself.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Your first videogame?
    I believe Sonic the Hedgehog or Super Mario Bros. + Duckhunt.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Every Minecraft Clone
    Quote from Traviskolber »
    Quote from WebsterLin »
    Quote from Traviskolber »
    But how can you clone a clone?

    Quite easily it would seem.

    Indeed, so easy that Minecraft has 2,000,000 purchases.

    I can't believe 2,000,000 bought a clone, and then most of them proceed to moan about other clones, when their game is a clone as well.

    I wish I had 1,000 dollars to give you.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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