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    posted a message on Digital Diamond: Redstone Computing - Pro Edition
    Quote from mihajedrek

    note that this is a copmuter not a PC it turns to PC when it gets an Operation sistem like we have mac linux and windows so its to complicated for us to do anything with it... STEVE JOBS HELP!!!!!

    LOL why would you ask Steve Jobs with help on an operating system?
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on Will 1.10 have new terrain generation?
    Does anyone know if terrain generation is changing again in 1.10? As it did in 1.8, and 1.9.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Give me one AMAZING reason why Hunger should NOT be toggable
    Having hunger toggleable simply will not work now, so many things would need to change if you toggled hunger off:

    1) Food would not be able to be stackable (this would add a ton of issues if u had stacked food in your inv, and switched hunger off)

    2) Animals spawns would need to be back the way they were prior to 1.8 (how do you implement this on a server where some people use hunger and some don't?)

    3) People not using hunger would have a very unfair advantage in a pvp type setting (insta heal)

    In fact prior to hunger pvp was just a contest of who had more/better food in their inventory :sleep.gif:, now there is actual skill involved.

    For all these reasons hunger simply can't be toggleable, sorry for your lose, life goes on.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Is Minecraft becoming a joke?

    When you reference a thread, please make sure that you have read and understand it yourself.

    Quote from Neodymius »

    Please do not post suggestions for new features in this section. Any discussion about features that are not confirmed or speculated (with evidence) to be included in the Beta 1.9 update will be deleted and the original poster will be warned (and possibly suspended, depending on their total number of warning points).

    This means not to post suggestions for completely new features that haven't been confirmed or speculated yet.
    For instance flying pigs.

    You are in a 1.9 discussion forum, of course you are alowed to suggest improvments for features introduced in 1.9... dur
    In fact Constructive Critism is encouraged here, however complaining and whining simply doesn't belong anywhere.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Is Minecraft becoming a joke?
    Quote from Trenix

    What's constructive to you, positive feedback? Or maybe having an alternative solution for the issues? Well here's the solution. Improve the snow golem into making it look at least like a monster rather than a snowman, and make it not craftable. That, or make it become just a decoration. As for the NPCs, make them look better. Last, make animal breeding have babies rather than eggs.

    If you couldn't see what I was asking for, then you need some help.

    Maybe I need some help then? All I saw was complaining in you're orginal post, not a single suggestion. If you dont like the look of the snow golem, make a texture pack, if you don't like the look of npcs, make a texture pack. And don't complain about features that haven't even been realeased into the game yet, you can't possibly have anything constructive to say about breeding because its not in the game yet :S, stop pre-complaining you whiner.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Is Minecraft becoming a joke?
    Quote from Trenix

    What's funny is that the majority of the complaining in this thread is from the people disagreeing with my post.

    I don't find it funny, I for one am quite sick of you're non-constructive complaints, you are bringing the community down.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Is Minecraft becoming a joke?
    Dude, play a different game every single one of your posts is you complaining, there are other games out there if you hate minecraft so much.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Friend's Server won't load chunks
    Bump, sorry for double post, we still have this issue. It seems my friend is the only one to get it to play correctly, and only if he was playing as localhost. Its been working fine for weeks, this issue came out of nowhere.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Friend's Server won't load chunks
    Hey, my friend has had a server running for a few weeks now, and we've never really had a problem, but today when I tryed to play, chunks do not seem to be loading properly.

    I pinged his ip, and the connection is good, and I am able to play single player without a problem, does anyone know what could be wrong?
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Blaze Rod - What should it be for?
    Animal prod!!, for moving animals without harming them.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Sheep Wool Regrowth
    Does anybody know if sheep wool grows back yet? I'm at work right now, can't test this myself.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Mushroom Timer - An Easy To Make Random Timer
    forgive me for being a noob, but what is a BUD? Do I need a mod to use these?
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Two Way Repeater
    Hi, I was looking at a few schematics for this online, and I was just wondering if anyone knows the most compact design to accomplish this, and also how many ticks does it require to repeat the signal?

    Thanks for any help
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Sheep not growing back wool?
    Hey, I mananged to capture a bunch of sheep in a fence and sheered them, but they do not appear to grow the wool back. The ground inside the pen is covered in long grass.

    Does anyone know how this mechanic works/ how long it takes?

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on 1.8 Animal Keeping
    Quote from Luckstrong

    The cow pen provides just one block of room for the cow to allow the easiest possible milking. A path one block below the base of the pen allows easy milking and minecart breaking. The minecart entrance is the exact same as the chicken coops.

    Don't the cows get stuck in the blocks and suffocate with this setup?
    Posted in: Discussion
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