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    posted a message on --
    Save some time and just start shipping out large quantities of "self-control".

    Seriosuly. You want to remove something that, in general useage, exists in single-player only, because you find the fact that other people, in their single-player worlds are doing something -you- think is cheating?


    Really. Why. Why does it bother you so much what other people do in their own worlds. Its not like you can hop on any old server and turn the entire servers difficulty down to peaceful in 3 clicks. Its not like some other random person's difficulty choice is going to force you to play on peaceful or easy.

    Just... Why?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Goodbye Minecraft..
    Quote from Marcus101RR

    It is still survival, I don't know what you have been smoking, but as it stands, still today, it is survival.

    No. No its not.

    Survival in alpha was grit-your-teeth-and-get-ready-to-die. Survival in Beta was hey-you-might-die-but-you-had-fun!.

    Survival in the full version? Enchant your sword and weapon, live among other human-like people, fight off a few zombies, and build monuments to vanity because nothing can kill you

    Now, you wanna know where minecraft took a turn for the worst? The Adventure update. The update that we had anticipated for MONTHS. The update that would add a third mode to minecraft, where you didn't break blocks, you went on an adventure. That never happened, and not many people remember those expectations anymore.

    The Adventure update, to me, ruined the ambiance of minecraft. You wake up, alone, on a single piece of sand (always sand). You get your bearings, you punch a tree, you make a pick, you get stone, you make another pick, you find coal, you set up shop, and then go from there. You had no short cuts, no "cheating". You didn't throw logs in a furnace to make charcoal because you didn't find coal, you sat in a 1X1X2 hole over night hoping nothing decided to kill you for fun. The Adventure update took away that feeling of pure loneliness. Suddenly, there is villages, albeit empty, they still said "Hey kiddo, you aren't alone!", and it sucked.

    But you want to know what really killed the feeling of Minecraft?


    Yes, I'll get flamed. Yes, I'm prepared for it. Honestly though, nothing against the guy, but he ruined it. He looked too long at his net worth from minecraft and suddenly got lazy. Suddenly, he pulled an activision, and pulled all the worst ideas the community had, and left the glorious ideas that the real thinkers had. He started ignoring the community outside of here, communities that used to support the game, but hate it because of him and his ideals.

    But whatever. You guys wont listen. Too many people pollute these forums and spew out hate for older veterans because they miss what minecraft could have been. Too many people joined up during beta, when everything started to slide.

    So come and get me, I've encased myself in adminium, I'll live through your flaming.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on WTF is happening? house constantly getting destroyed
    Quote from Dmf271

    why would a griefer leave the gold?

    Because some people don't seek a shiney reward. Some people don't want the fancy things that gold allows. Some men, just want the lulz.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on 1.8 Sea Level?
    The best you could probably do is build up artificial land and make it look like its suppose to be that way, but I'm willing to bet this isn't just a 50 block long problem.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on How 1.8 has affect my views of Mojang
    Quote from CharlesBroughton

    Let me also point out that lanterns and half the other things from the Halloween update still haven't been done. This is Halloween of LAST YEAR we're talking about.

    Many pieces of the Halloween update were also cancelled, but they were never removed from any 3rd party "lists" because people think he's capable of everything.

    Hate to point this out, but he's already got your money, and doesn't have to give 2 shits about you after that.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Incredible Seed (Survival)


    EDIT: or this?

    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on What would you do if 1.7.4 came out.
    Quote from lolzac1218XD


    "My backspace isn't working..."
    "An error has occured?"
    *smack screen*
    "What do you mean Windows must be shut down? I DIDN'T SAVE MY REPORT!"
    *Homerun swing*
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Can you make a Ghast spawn in the overworld?
    Quote from Dimondium

    Nope. Nether mobs can NEVER spawn in the Overworld without mods.

    This is false. I do believe Notch himself stated that it is a VERY rare occurrence, but it is possible for a ghast to spawn in a 5X5X5 space in the overworld directly next to a portal. It has been sited a few times by people too, and proven that they weren't faking it either.

    So to answer the OP, yes, ghasts can spawn in the overworld, but it is so incredibly rare that it will not happen to you.

    On a side note too, it is possible for the world gen to have a brain fart and create a nether chunk, that can spawn nether mobs. Don't think its happened since Biomes were introduced though.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Minecraft Fortress Creation
    You couldtry a TNT+sand pressure plate minefield trap instead of lava, and just dig a big ditch underneath the outside, and have the entrance areas just floating in it.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Minecraft Fortress Creation
    I found a fairly simple way in. Using your know bugs about water+lava problem, I converted a small section to obsidian and put out some of the netherrack fire, then pillared up with dirt to a spot near the cannons. Unfortunately, there isn't a whole ton of ways to solve that problem though. Regardless, its a good map. Nice job
    Posted in: Maps
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