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    posted a message on Increase FPS in Modpacks?

    You can just put optifine installer jar in the mods folder, it will work. It almost doubled my fps when I was playing FTB infinity last time. (from ~25 to ~50) Make sure Fast Render is on

    Posted in: Mod Packs
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    posted a message on ✖GunColony✖: 3D Guns + CS:GO Recoil! ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一 You'll be surprised!
    IP: guncolony.com | Website: guncolony.enjin.com | Official Wiki: guncolony.wikia.com

    - Use 50+ 3D modeled guns
    *Most guns exist in real-life with stats balanced the Counter Strike way
    *CS:GO & Custom gun sounds creating an audio battlefield
    *Quite balanced guns. Tier 4 gun would be only about 20% better than a Tier 2.
    *Donator guns aren't the strongest ones. You can get better guns by playing.
    - Participate in different gamemodes
    *Classic Mob-Arena with natural regen and tons of custom armored mobs
    *PVP, team up with others or fight alone.
    *Infected, survive or you become a zombie. Pretty common gamemode, except here it's balanced the COD way, and when a zombie kills a human, they will get a level up.
    - Realistic Recoil Effects
    *Not the CrackShot recoil which propels you back/upwards
    *Guns become less accurate if you fire them too quickly (aka spraying)
    *Guns become less accurate if you move, even less accurate if you jump
    *Most every gun follow recoil like seen in Counter Strike
    *Exception: Standing still in a ladder provides accurate shots like in COD
    - Other Gun Mechanics
    *We use CrackShot... Plus a custom-coded plugin to provide all these.
    *You can switch in and out of burst-fire with some guns, like GLOCK-18
    *Bullets are instant. They leave a particle trail when fired(which fades away after about 0.3 seconds) and instantly hits the obstacle. No more travelling-as-slow-as-arrow bullets.
    For ALL guns, right click to fire, left click to zoom (if the gun has a scope) or switch between singlefire and burstfire (if the gun supports it), press Q or drain all ammo to reload.

    For the Knife, left click to use weak attack(you can spam it as fast as you wish), and right click to perform a strong attack that deals 11 damage outright and 25 if it's a backstab.

    Try firing controlled shots by not holding your right mouse down all the time. You'll get much better accuracy. Strafing is quite nerfed, though.

    Camping is a recommended strategy in most Mob-Arena maps. In fact there aren't as many ranged mobs in this many, but do put ranged mobs on a higher priority.
    > SCREENIES :3
    PVP Combat (Slightly Outdated)
    Slightly outdated scene of the PVP mode.
    Infected mode as a Level 3 zombie. (others will see me as a zombie) The zombie's helmet changes as it levels up.
    Killing a bunch of armed skeletons.
    Screenshot that shows clearly the particles created when firing a gun. These are retextured crit particles, and they aren't perfect, apologize for that.
    Some random spawn world scoreboard and some random OG name guy @ near midnight EDT.

    P.S.: Yup, this post is a relic, well not quite yet, but the server's gone through a lot of things. I put all the June 2015 things in this spoiler for you guys to compare the changes done to our server.
    Banner: Server IP: Make sure you accept the resource pack Description: Mob-Arena is a mini-game where you kill waves of mobs in an arena. The minigame has always been boring with the traditional weapons such as swords and bows. But it's 2015 now! We have guns to blow all these zombies and creepers away!
    Currently needs a few staff, open applications to players that reaches Private I(The 7th) rank. Nothing complex, just play and you'll soon earn the ranks! Gameplay: * With pistols, snipers and some shotguns, Left click to shoot. If zoom is avaliable, right click to zoom. * With rifles, SMGs, machineguns and some shotguns, Right click to shoot. If zoom is avaliable. left click to zoom. * Rifles, Machine Guns, snipers and Shotguns pushes you backwards when shooting. Crouch to nagate this effect and gain extra accuracy. * SMG's do not feature recoil which pushes you backwards. However sneaking still provides extra accuracy. * Waves contain more zombies as time goes on. * Different maps feature different gameplay, in some maps you just have to battle many zombies, in others you have to battle many... skeletons. * Unlock more classes and maps as you /rankup! * Currently feature 17 classes and 4 maps, the number is still growing as we create more 3D guns and arenas! Screenshots: A huge (camping) team in the arena Infection! ^Baby zombie swarm wave in our featured Range arena. ^Server spawn. New additions coming soon.

    Our best record so far, using our currently most expensive Token class and got to the final wave of arena Infection and died... Other arenas are of course a lot easier though.

    GunColony IP: guncolony.com
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Minecraft Authentication Servers Down - What does it mean? [READ IF YOU'RE HAVING ISSUES CONNECTING + SKIN & WEBSITE ISSUES]

    Like I said, expect most of Minecraft to be flaky until the issue is fully resolved. You might be able to play offline with no account, but I am not sure.

    Most of the cracked servers are receiving almost double amount of players than usual... And my server is 0 online. Omg

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on I cant go onto any servers in 1.8.7

    Generally DDoS attacks are hackers hack other computers and use all of them to packet flood the victim server, in this case Mojang.

    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Draconic Evolution[]
    Quote from evil0z»
    i found a bug with dragonic chests, even when they have full energy they still are sucking up 120 RF/t

    also its hard to balance armor cuz if its weaker most ppl wont even bother to get the armor cuz zivicio armor in magic crops is on par with it once its fully setup and enchanted.

    and whole pylon idea, play starcraft and play as protoss ull see what im talking about. what it is, is that how u have it where u place pylons near the energy core within 15 blocks range, make it so the pylons extends that range by an additional 15 blocks around that pylon and make them very expensive to make. its so u can use the energy core to power ur base without having to stack everything right up on the energy ball

    Ender Amethyst armor from Biomes O' Plenty gets a special attribute that it won't break with Unbreaking III. You also don't take direct damage if you wear 2 pieces of that armor and 2 pieces of diamond armor equivalent. So quantum helmet and chestplate(Simply Backpacks chestplate works as well) + 2 pieces of amethyst will do exactly what Draconic does, except slightly weaker Jetpack flight and it is much, much cheaper.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Is there a list of mods that bring 1.8 features to 1.7.10?
    Gany's surface adds a few 1.8 features. You can disable other features in its config file
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on CustomItems - Custom blocks, foods, items, tools, fluids and armor
    Eventually this mod is good to use with ZZZZZ Custom Configs adding recipes for all those items.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on The Mists of RioV II [DISCONTINUED] MERGED WITH THE MISTS OF RIOV I.
    Downloading this mod for the horse armor. 0 out of 140+ mods in my mod pack currently add their own horse armors...
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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