This mod is awesome~ It gives me a 120%~ FPS boost when using vanilla minecraft with 32 chunks render distance (which is extra laggy without Optifine and works good at 20FPS with Optifine) and a 25%~ boost when using modded minecraft with 130+ mods and 4 chunks render distance(15~ FPS to 20~)
For those who don't know, Nether Ores gives double amount of loot as normal ores, but if not using Silk Touch pickaxe, ores may explode upon mining and Zombie Pigmen would start chasing you.
When the world generates, generates the world to the HIGHEST chunk possible in the generator (World generator don't need to generate the infinite deep stone layer) and record the height of max block. When you build beyong the height, it changes and updates from the server to all the clients in that region. Under that height, no sunlight. Beyond that height, has sunlight.
And, lol, can you make the mod compatible with Tinkers' Construct LOLOLOLOL eg. add a mantal layer under stone layer and use lavva and melted metal in that layer LOL
That will be SOOOOOOO fun, plus the reality world generator in Better World Generation mod!
To make Flan's Mod wheels out of IC2 rubbers and iron plates instead of leathers and iron ingots...
Or to make Flan's Mod rocks from Furniture Mod stone pathes...
Making it impossible to craft Makenism copper armor but IC2 ones...
Change the recipe of Craftable Nether Star mod to prevent duplicating blaze rods...
And much more...
PS: NoMoreRecipeConflict detects recipes that uses same items and you can switch between them btw... So "no more recipe conflict" anymore isn't it...
This mod is awesome~ It gives me a 120%~ FPS boost when using vanilla minecraft with 32 chunks render distance (which is extra laggy without Optifine and works good at 20FPS with Optifine) and a 25%~ boost when using modded minecraft with 130+ mods and 4 chunks render distance(15~ FPS to 20~)
I'm also playing with FastCraft mod.
For those who don't know, Nether Ores gives double amount of loot as normal ores, but if not using Silk Touch pickaxe, ores may explode upon mining and Zombie Pigmen would start chasing you.
EDIT: Does this work well with Forge mod items?
When the world generates, generates the world to the HIGHEST chunk possible in the generator (World generator don't need to generate the infinite deep stone layer) and record the height of max block. When you build beyong the height, it changes and updates from the server to all the clients in that region. Under that height, no sunlight. Beyond that height, has sunlight.
And, lol, can you make the mod compatible with Tinkers' Construct LOLOLOLOL eg. add a mantal layer under stone layer and use lavva and melted metal in that layer LOL
That will be SOOOOOOO fun, plus the reality world generator in Better World Generation mod!