Okay for Rotarycraft then, but could you please tell me which one is the API for the Worktable in Rotarycraft? I can only find how to add Grinder and Compactor recipes in it.
Ender IO(Alloy Smelter & Some other machines), Rotarycraft(Worktable, Blast Furnace?)(Not sure if Rotarycraft has an API though) and Mekanism(Various machines and factories) support? (if you have time :P)
Love the Chest Transporter. Multi Page Chest is too overpowered, if this mod is in-game, I would rather use the chest than a ME system... Consider changing the recipe or add a configuration in some way.
I am going to use Nether Ores for Nether. I'll also use MCreator(A non-programming mod maker) to create another dimension where it's very similar to nether, but with more ores. It would probably be only accessable in Late-game.
PS: Coal now produces normal diamond in Industrialcraft 2 for MC1.5.2 and newer.
Hey guys, I'm going to make a mod pack that completely changes what Minecraft survival is. In my mod pack, I may completely disable ore generation in the overworld, and put the chance to mine ores to mid-game or even late-game. This will increase difficulty, of course.
Due to I only have basic knowledge to Java programming, I would use COFH Core to manage ore generation, and ZZZZZ Custom Configs 2 to manage crafting recipes. I'll also use NoMoreRecipeConflict mod to minimum recipe conflicts.
PS: If I put this into a wrong forum, please move it but not delete it I'm not good at English...
**VERY IMPORTANT: I AM GOING TO DO THIS WITHOUT GREGTECH MOD. THIS MAY BE A LOT OF WORK TO DO! Do not ask me to use Gregtech 5 to disable ore generation or something.**
First steps after starting a new world is easy. Punch trees, and make wooden tools. EDIT: Wooden tools are decided to be disabled. The player must make those of the version in Tinkers' Construct. I'll make stone tools require smooth stone, so the way to stone tools may be further away. You then need to make a furnace, I'm going to change the furnace recipe to use a compressed cobble from Extra Ultities in the middle and 4 cobblestones surrounding it, and add 4 flint at the 4 corners, so it requires 13 cobblestones and 4 flint to make. Now, smelt cobblestone into stone and make your stone tools. Now make a Survivalist's Engine(Extra Ultities).(I'll change its recipe to not require any metals, while originally its piston in the recipe needs 1 iron) Power a Rock Crusher to grind [Insert one of the 1.8 stones added in 1.7 by Gany's Surface, or a kind of stone in GeoStrata] , and you'll get stone dust, and a 20% chance for tiny pile of iron dust(IC2). This means you need to grind about 50 of that kind of stone to get a single iron! (Alternatively you may grind another two kinds of stone for copper and tin dusts, craft 4 of these dusts into 2 bronze dusts, and smelt for bronze ingots.)
Now you've got iron. Craft iron tools and armor speed up your production. Don't craft full sets of tools yet! Once you get enough protection, go find Lava. Use Lava and Water in Igneous Extruders(Thermal Expansion)(Or Block Breaker from Minefactory Reloaded to break Obsidian) to build a Nether Portal. Enter the Nether and find some Quartz. Now craft Quartz tools.(I'll disable Nether Quartz tools) Put Quartz and Redstone in Induction Smelter crafting Quartz and Redstone for Certus Quartz. Use Certus Quartz to craft tools. There'll also be Coal and Redstone in the Nether. Compress 64 coal in IC2 Compresser (Obsidian in that recipe will be changed to Compressed Cobble will leave the Obsidian since the player can already get them from Igneous Extruders) for a Diamond. (The chance of gold and diamond given from gravel in Rock Crusher will be increased by a few times)
After getting Diamond, you can now access the Twilight Forest. Although normal ore generations are disabled, Twilight Forest hollow hills will still have ores, allowing for large quantities of Ingots.(You can skip this step, of course!)
Now do some more important things. Craft an ender eye. Find dungeons and mine Moss Stones.(Although there are mods that adds Moss Stone recipes, I'll disable most of them which are cheap) Go into the Cave World! In Cave World, there will be small quantities of ores generating(No Coal), allowing for a chance to make your ore duplication machines working Now you have an almost constant supply of ingots. (Ik it's not enough still, relative to Vanilla)
Build your industry. After a while...
Try to make a Quarry and mine for more cobblestones. Craft them into a Deep Dark Portal(It would require MORE cobblestone than the original amount of about 8500, and 4 unstable ingots unchanged). In Deep Dark, the ore generation would be at about the same rate as in Vanilla Minecraft Overworld, and you will start finding Diamond Ores and Uranium Ores.
**Brainstorming Pauses Here, there will be updates :)**
Changes will make:
Large Changes essential to survival:
-Go through every mods' configs to disable any ore generations(Currently Working On) -(Possibly)Disable some wooden tools' recipes or make them harder to obtainDone -Change stone tools' recipe to require smooth stonesDone using an external mod -Change furnace recipe to make them harderDone
-Change Survivalist's Engine recipe to not require pistonEDIT: and the 2 iron
-Change Leadstone Energy Conduit recipe to not require lead (but stone xD)
-Change Rock Crusher recipe to not require any metals(but furnace and a few cobblestones)
-Create recipe of different types of stones processed in a Rock Crusher for stone dust and metal Tiny Dusts
-In Forestry config, disable the recipe of crafting Bronze directly from Copper and Tin ingots
-(Possibly)Make Igneous Extruder and Block Breaker's cheaper
-Decrease possibility for Coal and Redstone in the Nether
-Disable any other ores except Quartz in the Nether
-Create recipe to craft Nether Quartz and Redstone into Certus Quartz
-Disable Nether Quartz tools of Applied Energistics recipe but save the Certus Quartz ones
-Disable most Moss Stone Recipes
-Make Deep Dark Portal harder
-Special Ore Generation in Caveworld and Deep Dark
Small changes:
-Thaumcraft Infused stones generation in and only in the Twilight Forest
-Make EnderIO Machine Chasis require different metals and are cheaper
-Make Industrialcraft 2 Machines(Importantly Basic Machine Block) cheaper
Ideas about making items on the ground(but not underground) more valuable? I thought about Gravel Ores and think that is a good idea. How can I change the fact that, to advance in Minecraft, the only way is mining?
I changed the crafting recipe of an open source mod(I am using Eclipse), making it compatible with another mod. How do I compile the mod out of the existing source code and make sure it work? Any tutorials or similar things for that?
The Rotarycraft API page is here
While partially support because Mojang should be able to do that.
PS: Coal now produces normal diamond in Industrialcraft 2 for MC1.5.2 and newer.
Due to I only have basic knowledge to Java programming, I would use COFH Core to manage ore generation, and ZZZZZ Custom Configs 2 to manage crafting recipes. I'll also use NoMoreRecipeConflict mod to minimum recipe conflicts.
PS: If I put this into a wrong forum, please move it but not delete it
**VERY IMPORTANT: I AM GOING TO DO THIS WITHOUT GREGTECH MOD. THIS MAY BE A LOT OF WORK TO DO! Do not ask me to use Gregtech 5 to disable ore generation or something.**
First steps after starting a new world is easy. Punch trees, and make wooden tools. EDIT: Wooden tools are decided to be disabled. The player must make those of the version in Tinkers' Construct. I'll make stone tools require smooth stone, so the way to stone tools may be further away. You then need to make a furnace, I'm going to change the furnace recipe to use a compressed cobble from Extra Ultities in the middle and 4 cobblestones surrounding it, and add 4 flint at the 4 corners, so it requires 13 cobblestones and 4 flint to make. Now, smelt cobblestone into stone and make your stone tools. Now make a Survivalist's Engine(Extra Ultities).(I'll change its recipe to not require any metals, while originally its piston in the recipe needs 1 iron) Power a Rock Crusher to grind [Insert one of the 1.8 stones added in 1.7 by Gany's Surface, or a kind of stone in GeoStrata] , and you'll get stone dust, and a 20% chance for tiny pile of iron dust(IC2). This means you need to grind about 50 of that kind of stone to get a single iron! (Alternatively you may grind another two kinds of stone for copper and tin dusts, craft 4 of these dusts into 2 bronze dusts, and smelt for bronze ingots.)
Now you've got iron. Craft iron tools and armor speed up your production. Don't craft full sets of tools yet! Once you get enough protection, go find Lava. Use Lava and Water in Igneous Extruders(Thermal Expansion)(Or Block Breaker from Minefactory Reloaded to break Obsidian) to build a Nether Portal. Enter the Nether and find some Quartz. Now craft Quartz tools.(I'll disable Nether Quartz tools)
Put Quartz and Redstone in Induction Smeltercrafting Quartz and Redstone for Certus Quartz. Use Certus Quartz to craft tools. There'll also be Coal and Redstone in the Nether. Compress 64 coal in IC2 Compresser(Obsidian in that recipe will be changed to Compressed Cobblewill leave the Obsidian since the player can already get them from Igneous Extruders) for a Diamond. (The chance of gold and diamond given from gravel in Rock Crusher will be increased by a few times)After getting Diamond, you can now access the Twilight Forest. Although normal ore generations are disabled, Twilight Forest hollow hills will still have ores, allowing for large quantities of Ingots.(You can skip this step, of course!)
Now do some more important things. Craft an ender eye. Find dungeons and mine Moss Stones.(Although there are mods that adds Moss Stone recipes, I'll disable most of them which are cheap) Go into the Cave World! In Cave World, there will be small quantities of ores generating(No Coal), allowing for a chance to make your ore duplication machines working
Build your industry. After a while...
Try to make a Quarry and mine for more cobblestones. Craft them into a Deep Dark Portal(It would require MORE cobblestone than the original amount of about 8500, and 4 unstable ingots unchanged). In Deep Dark, the ore generation would be at about the same rate as in Vanilla Minecraft Overworld, and you will start finding Diamond Ores and Uranium Ores.
**Brainstorming Pauses Here, there will be updates :)**
Changes will make:
Large Changes essential to survival:
-Go through every mods' configs to disable any ore generations(Currently Working On)
-(Possibly)Disable some wooden tools' recipes or make them harder to obtainDone-Change stone tools' recipe to require smooth stonesDone using an external mod-Change furnace recipe to make them harderDone-Change Survivalist's Engine recipe to not require pistonEDIT: and the 2 iron
-Change Leadstone Energy Conduit recipe to not require lead (but stone xD)
-Change Rock Crusher recipe to not require any metals(but furnace and a few cobblestones)
-Create recipe of different types of stones processed in a Rock Crusher for stone dust and metal Tiny Dusts
-In Forestry config, disable the recipe of crafting Bronze directly from Copper and Tin ingots
-(Possibly)Make Igneous Extruder and Block Breaker's cheaper
-Decrease possibility for Coal and Redstone in the Nether
-Disable any other ores except Quartz in the Nether
-Create recipe to craft Nether Quartz and Redstone into Certus Quartz
-Disable Nether Quartz tools of Applied Energistics recipe but save the Certus Quartz ones
-Disable most Moss Stone Recipes
-Make Deep Dark Portal harder
-Special Ore Generation in Caveworld and Deep Dark
Small changes:
-Thaumcraft Infused stones generation in and only in the Twilight Forest
-Make EnderIO Machine Chasis require different metals and are cheaper
-Make Industrialcraft 2 Machines(Importantly Basic Machine Block) cheaper
Ideas about making items on the ground(but not underground) more valuable? I thought about Gravel Ores and think that is a good idea. How can I change the fact that, to advance in Minecraft, the only way is mining?